ya , my parents didn't know that I was going out from house and didn't close the door again ..
hm.... let me think , I was running , and I don't know where I am going.
I didn't even know where did I rushing to . hm... how about go to the recycling bin ?
but .. wait a minute , did I go so far away ?
nah , I won't .
hm.. I am thinking widely and I started to stop running .
hm... hm.... hm...
by a moment , I almost completely sad about my memories .
why!! I actually just put beside the bed . how did I thought to run so far ..
actually not very far , my speed is weak .
ya , I forgive myself and started to memorize the second paragraph .
hm.. my memory came out with the little boy and doll .
ya , I thought the post man of the lettet was them .
wait a minute , I had been stunned . quite ugly of my face when my eyes was being numbness.
f*** ( fish )
continue back to the journey for house .
wow , how poor are here . doesnt any network and no cars , no tall buildings , only one vehicle , thats bicycle .
nah , just going back to the house ..
finally , I could saw my parents came out from the house .
they still alive .. ya ..something goods happened .
hm... firstly , I miss my parents much than the letter. the letter doesn't help me anything but lets me felt afraid .
second , I would be scolded by my dad , oh no I mean mom . I didn't get any permission to go out . quick , fill my ears with cerumen .
walking extremely slow through the tunnel to hell . oh no , I'm dying now ..
hm... my mom didn't saw me but keep on observing somewhere .
I don't know what did he , oh no I mean she looking at .
hm... it just the well that I just past through . nothing special and does not attracted me .
hm... it seems old , how old is the well ? let me think , the unit suppose be millions .
" sfuxuwvdv jjzbw " someone shocked and shouted with something new words that can't even check in dictionary . she is shock looking on me .
hm... before that , I was tricky forming my face to ugly . haha , that's why .
" hello Dad , oh , I mean good morning Mom . "
revised my sentences with few cracking .
" you hits me strongly " she hugging her heart that almost burst .
" mom did you already had dinner ?" still teasing my mom with few unbelievable question . and I'm ready to be slain .
" hey , look there " her finger pointing the well .
hm.. again .. noting happened.
" hm... it looks old "
" no .. actually yes , but I'm not talking about this . look carefully.."
few green leaves was dropping into the well . still glowing brightly.
"the leaves .." coming out with few words .
" ya .. " her sound started going down and dew soft .
no , it doesn't like that . but it still had something happened ..
green thing coming out from well . I mean a hand hanging on the well .. ya , confirmed green . actually dark green , a very very dark green .. and , few second later , the hand still hanging there , nothing happen now .
" did you see that ?" someone beside me continues talking .
"of course. oh my .."
"ya , then ..... did you saw me !! " an extremely rough sound begins to fright me .
by crossing the sound .. I actually using my eyes and look at her ..
ya , forgive me that I had disturbed the crying baby . I mean the crying baby was me ..
what the **** did I saw , by travelling a feelings that called frightened and scared .
after a super extreme titanium level of shouting skills . I finally could realized I'm still on the way to house ..
wait , why I still here ?? not supposed to be eaten by my changed mom ?
oh ya , I still in stunned ..
fortunately , I still alive and it just a dream ..and..
what ?! my sleeping power was already over master degrees ?? wow I can sleeping on the road .
and .. I remember , my mom , oh no I mean that monster wants to trap me . I mean I'm already trapped .
not only the green thing coming out from the well . but also my mom wants to become a momster to eat me . although , she always wants to eat me when I teasing her . but now he , oh no I mean she , already become a horrible-looking and fierce . nah , but her original face also doesn't looks great .
I finally could suffered and escape from that and stop being stunned .
I had no place to go now.. I still numbskulls going back to house , ya , such a numbskull that I still going to the horrible place .
ya, I saw a person standing there , infront of the house .
that person was quite long curling hair , and a bit fat , oh no , I mean that he or she can't running with speed . hm... wearing a blouse that nothing designed. ya , that moment I just conclude that she was a fat witch that can't even drive with the magic broom .
oh no , I'm sorry that .. she was my mom ...
wait.... my mom ?
observing her actions.. hey , her left hand was taken a piece of white thing , I thought was a piece of paper . ya , and nothing dangerous. if I said my mom was dangerous .. she would be hitting me through heaven to hell and from hell to hell hell .
walking through her ..
" Marco , come here . " my mom started shouting my name .
ya , don't be afraid that Marco was my shortest name .. and my whole name was Marco Agrippa Jeremy Of Majestic Bastabark Without StarBucks Plus Bobby Nothingham American Of Legend . done, ya , my name was long .