9: Justice...

No one other than Bright knew as to why Gulf was working in the Vachirawit corporation. There was only one reason, catch the culprit who framed him and hurt his babies. Bright was actually in on this because of two reasons, one being that they needed to catch the mole that framed Vachirawit corporation and second to make the relation between the Suppasit and the Vachirawit syndicate better, the middle man needs to be caught and taught a lesson...

After Gulf had graduated with Master's he was head on recruited by the Vachirawit Corp. and he took the opportunity, as they say, strike while the iron is hot.....

He had spent months trying to link the pieces and they were coming together. His biggest surprise was when he found out the Puifai was behind all this. How could she, he had better plans for her....

"Bright, all the evidence has been gather" Gulf said to him after months of investigation

"Let's talk about this, Gulf" Bright led Gulf to the room and they discussed, and Gulf slowly put down the pieces together

"You take care of your syndicate, while I go and drive some sense into the Suppasits" Gulf said as he got up

"Will you be fine, alone" Bright was concerned, he knew if Gulf got angry even Mew wouldn't be able to survive this ordeal....

"I will be, I have three superpowers behind me, if I don't do this now, I'll never be able to face it alone"

"Best of luck to both of us"

Gulf reached the reception area of the Suppasit corp and told the receptionist that he would like to see Mew, to which they declined, this had happened before but the circumstances were different now

Gulf called Mild and he came downstairs to receive Gulf

"What brings you here?"

"Is Mew's schedule crowded"

"I can make time for you" Mild said checking the schedule. Even if Mew was busy Mild would make some time because Gulf has himself walked to the corporation, it either meant that he was ready to get Mew back or he had come to drive some sense into their stupid boss's head.

"Then, lets do that" Gulf said as he and Mild went up to Mew's office

Knock, knock

"Come in" Mew said

"I have a guest for you" Mild said

"He can wait" Mew said followed by a female voice

"Yeah, he can wait, my hubby and I are going for lunch"

What a perfect day for Gulf, even Puifai was here, this was one shot one kill for Gulf

"Hi" Gulf said entering the room

Mew stopped in his tracks, he turned to Puifai "Lunch can wait" and she was clearly fuming....he initially thought he was dreaming, Gulf had walked to him...his Gulf was here

"What can I help you with?" Was this the same Mew the almost killed him, Gulf laughed internally

"I need to discuss something with you, wouldn't take more than 30 minutes...then you can go on your lunch date....if you want to" Gulf couldn't hide his excitement

"Sure" Mew said "leave us be" He turned to Puifai

"No, no, this is no secret, I don't want your fiancée to feel bad or left out" Gulf didn't want Puifai to leave, he wanted her there....

"Sure" Mew said as his phone rang "Excuse me" he left momentarily

"Finally, Mew is mine" she started

"Congratulations" Gulf responded, not bothered, Mew can belong to the dogs for all he cared.... but why did it hurt?

"And he gave me this huge diamond ring as engagement" she showed off her ring

"Beautiful" let's see how long it remains on your finger, Gulf thought

"He told me, he loved me the most and would never leave me" she was blabbering nonsense at this point

"Oh and I am pregnant" she just went on and on

"Congratulation" wait till he knows who's child it is, Gulf was having fun at this point.... the more she spoke the more deeper she was digging her grave....

The door opened and Mew came back in

"Let's meet in the meeting room C, call for Tar and Mild as well" Gulf almost ordered as he headed off to the meeting room, the layout was familiar to Gulf like the back of his hand, he could reach there whilst sleeping....this was once a place he worked at.....his soulmates company or was it?

Now that everyone was there Gulf started

"I investigated the incidence 6 years ago" Gulf began

"Are you seriously wasting our time for this " Puifai said

"I want to clear my name, if your husband has given me the choice why should I now" Gulf emphasized the your noun.

"Whose husband?" Mew was getting confused "Gulf...."

"We can talk about that later" Gulf stopped Mew and then continued "This is the complete footage of what happened that night" Gulf played the whole 30 minute video and Mew's eye were increasing in size, minute by minute

"The picture of me giving Bright the papers was days before the proposal even went missing, look at the time stamp" Gulf couldn't believe Mew had missed such an easy mark

"The investigator confessed to working with the culprits, here is the recording" Gulf played the 15 minutes confession of the investigator who was payed to falsify the information.

Gulf could see that Puifai was sweating bullets

"You believe in evidence don't you Mew?, is this enough to prove me innocent" Gulf asked

"It's more than enough" Mew had no words, how blind and dumb was he 6 years ago when he was presented by the evidence, betrayal overcame his sense of justice and he charged like a bull.....

"There, the meeting is over" Gulf said as he got up and Puifai relaxed

"Wait, what is the other file?" Mew asked

"I originally only intended to clear my name, but now I feel like I should reveal the culprit as well" Gulf started

"Who is it?" Mew said

Gulf looked at Mild and then back to Mew, this was signal Gulf gave to Mild to lock the door

"It is Mild" Mew couldn't believe it

"No way, it is not me" Mild denied

"I never said it was Mild, I will not point fingers, I'll let the evidence speak" Gulf said opening the envelope "This is the part 2 of the recording, do you want to listen?"

"Stop stalling and play it Gulf?" Mew was getting irritated

"Fine" Gulf played and everyone was shocked "....... Puifai....."

"Don't put the blame on me, you must have threatened the investigator" Puifai said drenched in sweat

"I said I will let the evidence speak" Gulf picked up the phone and called Bright

"Is it done?, Has he confessed... I'll put you on speaker"

Gulf switched his phone to speaker mode and placed it in the middle

"I swear, she payed me 10 times the amount to get the deed done, she said she wanted him out of her man's life and she would do anything for it.... I am begging you, don't kill me.... Puifai, you bitch, you put me in trouble and now you are enjoying a comfortable life at my expense...." Gulf took the phone and closed it

"That was the man who played a major role in proving me wrong, he was the one who sold your file to the underdogs and blame the Vachirwaits. The Vachirawits would never do underhanded methods like this........."

As Gulf continued, Mew had had enough. He lifted his hand to stop Gulf. He was at lost for words, he was blinded with rage when he hurt his Gulf, yes, now is when he realized, he had hurt Gulf, his Gulf, he torture him, he could never atone for those mistakes even if he died, not on this not in any other.

"Mild, take her" Mew ordered "Break a few bones..."

"Mew, it was not me, I swear, I am your fiancee" Puifai was crying as she was dragged

"On that note, I'll at least send you home alive, we are done as of today" Mew felt hurt, not because of Puifai but what he had done to Gulf....

"Mew, I am pregnant with your child" Puifai was bought to a halt by Mild "look, this is our child" she gave Mew the picture...

"Oh, I forgot to mention, the man who was begging for his life is the actual father of the child, I already did the DNA test" Gulf said as he presented the final evidence to Mew

"Nooo, Mew, don't do this" Puifai screamed as she was dragged away

"Gulf" Mew advanced towards Gulf

"I have work, we can talk later if I find time" Gulf left the building and headed to the Vachirawits

"Bright, I did it, its done" Gulf smiled "Thanks" as Win presented him with cold water

"I will keep him alive, and use his as a leverage for alliance with Suppasit" Bright said

"Yeah, that is a very good idea"

Days later the Suppasits and the Vachirawits formed alliance between them and the syndicates rejoiced.....

Knock, Knock

"It is 7 in the morning let me sleep" Gulf screamed as his front door was banged like crazy "what do you want" a sleepy Gulf opened the door and the person confronting him made him wide awake

Without a second thought Gulf slammed the door only to be stopped by Mew.

"Let's talk, give me 30 minutes only, please" Mew begged


"I gave you 30 minutes of my time earlier" Mew reasoned, trying to bargain his time....

"Fine, but I am not be serving you anything"

"Fine by me" Mew said as he entered Gulf's fully furnished 4 bedroom apartment. As he looked around, he felt jealous....jealous that Gulf didn't depend on him...little did he know how much it took Gulf to reach this position....

"Gulf" Mew started

"Go on, I am listening" Gulf said as he rested his head on the sofa

"I am sorry,...."

"That is not going to bring back anything"

"I regret what has happened..."

"I don't care" Gulf interrupted Mew every sentence he spoke of

"Can you please let me talk" Mew pleaded

Gulf was silent, he laid on the sofa with an arm covering his face and then Mew continued

"I was stubborn, I always thought that I had control over everything, I was foolish and hot-headed. I hated destiny, it tore my parents apart, none of them wanted me. I always swore that if I ever meet my fated one, I will stay away from them... I will fight destiny, I will prove it wrong, but I was proved wrong, after I met you I controlled my urge, stayed away from you, treated you like a brother..............."

Mew's voice was getting distant minute by minute, Gulf just dozed off to sleep

"I love you" Mew ended his sentence and paused as he looked at Gulf, there was no reaction. Gulf would always taunt Mew when he said that, did Gulf actually accept him

"Gulf, I love you........." Mew paused as he heard light snore. You had to be kidding me, I am pouring my heart out and you are sleeping, Mew was upset but at the same time happy because Gulf was comfortable around him. Mew got up form the chair and borrowed a blank and placed on to a sleeping Gulf, he will deal with Gulf later....at least things have eased to a certain degree....or did they?

"Don't touch mommy" Mew immediately did a 180 to see a cute baby walking towards him whilst rubbing her eyes

"Rainbow" Mew said, eye filled with love as he placed a finger on his lips, indicating silence and he carried the girl back to the room she came from

"Play with daddy.." Mew said

"But mommy said not to talk to strangers" Rainbow was mature for her age

"I am your real daddy" Mew said hugging his daughter...the connection was too real...Mew knew he had missed more than what he knew.....

Then he heard crying from the adjacent room and he dashed with Rainbow in his hand.

"There, there, sleep my little Sun and Moon" Mew put them back to sleep as it was too early to be awake

Hours later the kids were awake and Mew knew that they were hungry. Being unskilled at cooking, his valid option was to take the kids out for breakfast. He dressed the kids or more like Rainbow helped him dress her siblings and off they went.... After the kids had their fill they played in the park and then Mew bought lunch for Gulf and the kids and headed home.

They silently opened the door as the kids tiptoed to their room, making sure not to wake their tired mommy up.

Mew and the kids were in Rainbow's room when Rainbow started

"Are you really our dad?"

"I am"

"You are lying" Sun said

"He is telling the truth" Moon was a very perceptive kid "He smells the same as us"

"I know but ....." Rainbow said and then Sun and Moon hugged Mew, making Mew fall backwards to the ground

"Daddy, daddy, daddy" The kids went around in circle all whilst Rainbow was calculating her options..if he was their dad, where was he before, why did he appear now

"Are you a ghost then?" Rainbow questioned

"Rainbow, I am not" Mew said as he extended his arm but Rainbow didn't hug him, she stood her guard......

Their screams woke Gulf up as he scrambled to look for the time. He had slept past the hours of waking up and now could hear the kids scream......was someone hurting them...Mew.....he ran like his life depended on it

"Rainbow, Sun, Moon are you alright" Gulf rushed to the room, but the sight in front of him was one to behold

"Daddy, daddy, daddy" The kids chanted like gnomes dancing around a tree

"Who is your daddy?" Gulf questioned, making everyone still in their place....why were they even calling him daddy

"He is " The kids pointed at Mew

"No he is ..." Gulf was stopped by Mew

"Let's talk in the other room" Mew said dragging Gulf outside

"I gave you time to talk but you wasted it" Gulf said as he escaped Mew's hold

"I was pouring my heart to you and you ... you slept off"

"I was tired" Gulf reasoned, taking care of three kids was not easy

"Gulf, I want to be in your life, I want to be in our kids life, I know I made mistakes and I don't expect you to forgive me but I will ask for your forgiveness every day for the rest of our lives, please forgive me" Mew was kneeling in front of Gulf

"Do you know how hard it is to give birth without your mate, do you know how hard it is to carry three kids and have your mate reject you, threaten to kill you, do you how hurt I was when you were not there by my sides when I needed you the most, do you......." Gulf was sobbing, he was hurt, he was venting, he had the right to vent......

"I am sorry, there are no words to describe what you are feeling, but I will always be with you from now on, you can hit me, kick me, skin me alive, do what ever you want but please don't hate me, don't reject me, I love you" Mew said as he locked lips with Gulf, Gulf didn't reject him.

Gulf was missing this all his life, when he needed it, he didn't have it but now was different.....

"Mew, its going to take more than a kiss to get me back into your life" Gulf knew that Mew had started trying but he needed assurance not only for himself but also for the three souls that he was protecting

"I know and I'll try" Mew said as he tried kissing him again but was stopped

"I am tired, I am going to sleep, you take care of the kids....and don't dare come in my room, I have yet to accept you...but I can't keep the kids father away from them" Gulf said as he headed to his room and broke down crying......

Mew knew that Gulf was crying but he also knew that Gulf won't want him see him weak so he stayed with the kids...one step at a time. He was going to make things right no matter what..now that he had his chance he better do it right......now or never....

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