10: !؟Trying?!

The next day, Mew was at Gulf's door again

"What do you want?"

"I come in peace" Mew joked but Gulf didn't laugh "I came to meet you and the kids"

"Good, I just remembered that I have work, you can babysit them" Gulf said as he dressed up. The kids usually go to nursery but since Mew had no idea about it, Gulf tested Mew's ability to take care of the kids....

"Make sure they eat food made in home, Sun and Moon are allergic to shrimps and Rainbow hates seafood and red meat......." Gulf gave his instruction as he left for work

Prove to me me that you can take care of them alone like I did.... Gulf though as he drove away

Gulf was not worried in the least because he had cameras installed in his house through which he monitored the kids and now Mew.

Gulf was observing the interaction

Sun was crying and hearing him Moon started crying

"Why are you crying, my baby" Mew said as he lifted Sun and consoled him and then put him down and lifted Moon and consoled him but then Sun started crying again.....this went on for hours

"How about daddy make food for you all?" Mew said to the kids as he strapped them in the baby chairs

"Food, food.....yay" the boys squealed whilst Rainbow was still not close to him

"What does my princess want to eat?" Mew said to Rainbow and Rainbow got angry, she hated when someone called her princess....Gulf was laughing as he watched the interaction, get out of this mess if you can now......

"I am not a princess" she retorted to Mew

"I am sorry" Mew was on his knees in front of her chair like as if gravity had pulled him down....there you go my daughter....."What would you like to eat?" Mew tried again

"Sun egg and strawberry milk" she almost ordered

"Nooooo, you can't eat me" Sun started crying and now Mew had to console him again.....

It was almost 1:00pm when Mew finally made the breakfast and fed to the kids, why was such an easy task so difficult....how did Gulf manage it alone, Mew was already exhausted.

"Let's get you changed" Mew said as he took the kids to their room to get them changed

"I will change my own clothes" Rainbow said

"Sure" Mew didn't want to force her if she was not comfortable....he needed to find a way to get closer to his daughter, so far he had failed miserably

Sun and Moon were relatively easier. Sun was a out going personality, Moon was silent but deadly and Rainbow was head-strong, breaking the wall was not easy

It was 4:00 pm, time for the kids nap and Sun and Moon dozed off easily on to Mew's lap whilst Rainbow was on her defenses. Rainbow was not ready to be lulled to sleep by a stranger, she had not accepted him as a dad yet....

"Rainbow, are you not going to sleep" Mew tried

She stayed silent and shook her head but then she came as sat next Mew, still keeping her distance

"Who are you to mom?" her question took Mew by shock

"I am your father, Rainbow" she shook her head

"Who are you to mom?" she repeated making Mew understand that she was not to be taken lightly

"Soulmate" Mew knew she was too young to even understand the word

"Do you love mom?"

"I do"

"Then where were you all these years?" Mew couldn't believe that a 5 year old was questioning him

"Dad made mistakes before, so he has come back to ask for mom for his mistakes" Mew confessed

"Mistakes?" She questioned

"You are too young to understand"

"Are you the one who hurt mom?"

"I did" Mew was thinking about emotional harm but....

"Did you hurt mom's hands?" she asked correcting her earlier question. This girl knew more than Gulf and Mew though she knew.....


"Did you?" she repeated with authority in her voice

"I did"

"I hate you" she finalized her sentences as she felt droopy.

"I............" Before Mew could continue, sleep had taken over Rainbow. She was like Gulf in the sleeping aspect, sleeping where ever she felt like. Mew slowly picked her up and laid her in her bedroom... getting back Gulf was not easy and now he had to find ways to get Rainbow as well

Gulf had watched the interaction on the camera and started sobbing, when Win came and patted his back. They said nothing as they understood each other very well.

Around 5:00 pm, Gulf returned home and couldn't believe the mess it was

"This is not how I left my house in the morning" he muttered

"I tried cleaning, but I couldn't" Mew said as he scratched his head. Where was the well dressed Mew you ask? He was long gone. His jacket and tie were God knows where...his shirt was out of his pants and his first 2 buttons were popped off "who knew taking care of the kids was that difficult.." Mew almost whined

"6 years...." Was all Gulf said and Mew shut his mouth, he couldn't comment

"Go wash your face, I'll make some dinner" Gulf said as he headed to the kitchen

"Are you finally....."

"No, I am doing this as a thanks for taking care of my kids, Mew"

"Our kids, Gulf...Our?" Mew corrected but Gulf ignored as he just lifted one eyebrow questioning him "I'll go wash my face" Mew headed to the bathroom

The food was ready, the kids were strapped in and the chaos at the dinner table began but a skillful Gulf had everything under control.......this was the difference that Mew saw between himself and his mate.....

After dinner, Mew stayed with the kids and entertained whilst Rainbow didn't leave her mom at all

The kids went to bed early and it was only Mew and Gulf remaining

"Why are you not going home?" Gulf questioned

"Gulf, can I stay the night?"

"No, go home..... I gave you enough time with the kids"

"I want to spend time with you Gulf now" Mew cut Gulf's sentence

"I don't want to Mew, give me my space" Gulf was not getting any off this, he was not giving Mew any leeway this fast "the door is that way" Gulf pointed and Mew reluctantly left the house, but he would be back the next day, he promised

Mew was visiting the Kanawut house everyday, but Rainbow was not opening up to him at all

"Mommy, let's go on a picnic, I wanna see Papa Tay's baby" Rainbow said one day when Mew was visiting them

"Why not?" That was nice idea to even catch up with his friends

"Rainbow, I am your dad, not Tay" Mew tried correcting her but she paid no heed to him



"Papa Tay, here" Rainbow said as he waved her hand to the family that was coming

"Hey, my lovely Rainbow" Tay said as he picked her and placed a peck on her cheek as she giggled

Mew on the other hand was getting angry at Tay, if they were not in public, he would have killed Tay, for now he only glared at him

"What is wrong with him?" Tay whispered to Gulf

"I don't know, ask him, he is your friend" Gulf whispered back

"Team, how are you feeling now?" Gulf diverted his attention to Team who had given birth to a baby girl

"I am fine, why didn't you tell me that it hurts so much" Gulf only laughed in response

"What did you name her?" Gulf said as he took the baby in his hands and cuddled her

"Cloud" Team said and Tay nodded his head in admiration

Rainbow, Sun and Moon sat in a U-shape around Gulf as he held Cloud...

"Mommy, I want her here" Sun said as he tapped his lap

"Sure, sure" Gulf laughed as he gave Cloud to Team and put Sun in his lap and then got Cloud back

"She is pretty..." Sun smiled at Cloud

"I know..right.....she is my pride and joy..." Tay blabbered on and on, he was a sucker for his daughter

"Where are the others?" Gulf had to ask when Rainbow started running towards no where

"Papa Bright......" she said as she dashed into Bright and he lifted her "Rainbow" he spun her around as Win laughed and put her down and then her eyes diverted to someone else

"Daddy...." Rainbow screamed and Mew immediately looked up, was she finally calling him daddy. The word that he had dreamed of.....but boy was he wrong... where was Rainbow running off to

"Daddy Man" she hugged him

"Look at my cute daughter" Man snuggled against her cheeks "Isn't she the cutest?" He laughed with her and Mew was boiling now...who the hell was this Man guy...he had seen him somewhere before.....the Vachirawit's, that's where he had seen him at.....but why did she call him daddy

"Gulf" Bright said as he side pecked Gulf followed by Win and Man

"We are just waiting for the dorks, now" Team said

Mew just couldn't find a way to join them at all he felt like an outsider....honestly, he was an outsider

All the boys have arrived except Champ. Gulf called him but there was no response but they decided to give him some time as he might have been busy and he finally arrived but not alone. This time even Mew's eyes almost left their socket

"Why are you to together" Gulf said as he wiggled his eyebrows

"We are ....." Champ was red like a beetroot

"Mates" Mild laughed like crazy "yeah, we are mates"

Now that everyone was here, they sat in a circle, Mew to Gulf's right and Man to Gulf's left and so on, whilst the kids were placed in the center so that they could be confined

The kids played as the adults gossiped about normal like, mainly they were pestering Mild and Champ and getting answers about, how, when and where and why...

"Mine...." New said as he hugged Moon

"Noo" Mew almost screamed as he saw New hugging Moon, how dare the Vachirawit brat touch his flesh and blood

"They are kids, Mew, behave"

"Keep your son to yourself" Mew almost growled at Bright, but he couldn't care anymore

"You want them to end like us...." The moment the words left Gulf's mouth the whole group went silent

"Calm down, Gulf" Man said as he patted Gulf's back only to have his hand pushed away by Mew

"Don't touch my mate" Mew growled

Man just shook his head and diverted the conversation to something more useful

The kids and adults minus Mew had a fun evening and then they headed home. Mew followed Gulf to his house

"Gulf, who the hell in Man" Mew didn't like his interaction with Man at all

"Why do you care?"

"I am trying to court you back, why don't you understand?"

"Did I ask you who Puifai was when you were with her.... Did I tell you to stop being with her when I was trying to court you?"

"Gulf, I can't let go of you, even if I tired, I can't let you go........ I am sorry, I am trying....please"

"Do what you want, Mew... I don't to hear excuses....I'll do what I want"

"Gulf....." Gulf shut the door on his face

Weeks went by and Mew tried his best in taking care of the kids and Gulf. Gifts, flowers, sweets, he personally bought them to Gulf be it in his office or at his home...

Rainbow was warming up to him but still didn't call him daddy

"My angels, mommy has work and will be late, play with.....daddy" Gulf said with hesitation as he kissed the kids and turned to leave

"What about me?" Mew inquired


"Where is my goodbye kiss?"

"In my ass" Gulf said as he left his house

"Who wants to go the play house in the mall" Mew asked the kids and all of them jumped like crazy

Mew dressed the kids, packed their bags and headed off to the mall so that the kids could enjoy....

Hours and hours later the kids were exhausted so Mew decide that he would get the kids lunch from the mall, he knew Gulf would not like the kids eating from outside but he could make an exception........

"Mommy" Sun almost shouted at the someone and Mew turned. Was he imagining Gulf being there, wasn't he at work, but his kids also saw him. He was smiling and he was hugging someone. Sun got down from his chair and almost ran to Gulf when Mew stopped him and held him up in a cuddle

Mew turned more to get a full view of who that person was, Man, Gulf was with Man, they were hugging and laughing.....why? Was all hope lost? Can he not get his mate back at all.....

The kids ate and then Mew cleaned up after them, he had slowly picked up parenting skills from Gulf. He headed to his car, confronting Gulf was not a good idea right now, he might have an anger burst and hurt Gulf and the kids, he could talk today at home. He strapped the kids in the car and headed home. By the time he had realized where he was, he saw his doors. Snap!!! Rather than going to Gulf's house he had bought the kids here...but there was no harm, they were his kids as well. Mew parked the car and as he was opening the back door he got the call...

"Mew, where are my kids" Gulf sounded like he was having a panic attack "I left you with them...."

"They are with me" Mew's voice was stoic

"Where did you take them to..." Gulf said as he took a deep breath

"Sorry, I bought them to my house"

"Send me the address ASAP" Gulf said as he shut the phone and waited for the message

The moment he received the message, he sped to Mew's house

Mew on the other hand lifted the kids and took them to their bedroom...yes, their bedroom. Once he had knew he had 3 kids, he refurnished his whole house, he had the interior designer assigned to change his whole into a kid friendly zone and also design the three room for the kids......see, he was trying

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