training with an old man

"Morning mom"

"Morning dear are you ready for your training"

" Mom I was born ready" I replied with excitement.

"Good because your dad is already waiting for you in the garden".

"What already but I didn't have breakfast yet"

"Well too bad I told you your training will be hell now get going" mom said.

I went to the garden where my father was waiting. I see him standing there with his sword. The sword is a long sword that a knight would use. It is decorated with beautiful golden symbols. I always wondered what my dad's past is, but when I ask him he always replied that it wasn't important. Now that I think about it my mom is also not a normal person. I just wonder where my dad and mom come from.

" So you have finally arrived took you long enough!"dad shouted.

" Eh yeah sorry I did not realise that my training would start so early. You could have warned me" I replied with a tired face.

My father put his hand on his face with an annoyed expression.

"So what are we going to do" I asked

"Well I need to know how good you are with a sword".

"Alright old man just be careful I do not want you to break your back" I said cheekily while I smirked.

" Haa do not worry boy you are hundred years to early to face me" my dad grinned.

"Okay don't complain when I beat you old man" I unsheated my sword.

"Now come boy I have waited long enough" Dad said while he equiped his sword and magic started to burst out of his sword. The sword was clad with purple colored magic.

I also started channeling my magic through my sword and dark red magic is coming out of my sword.

We stared at each other observing our battle stand and magic. It took us about 5 seconds before we jumped at each other. We both swung our swords at each other. You could hear a metallic sound when the swords collided with each other. Out of the swords came more purple and dark red magic. It looked even about a second but then the purple aura started to grow and overpower the red aura.

I was knocked out vijf meters back because of the clash.

"Damnit that hurt" I thought while I was in pain.

" What is wrong boy I thought you were going to beat me!" my father said with a sinister grin.

" Just you wait old man I am not done yet" I dashed to my father and yelled "blood strike".

A thicker blood red aura came out of my sword it looked like blood. When I attacked my father with that move a thick red Line came out of my sword that looked like real blood. My father responded with his own attack when his purple aura clashed with my technique and nullified it.

"Not bad boy but you still have not hurt me" my father mocked me.

I gritted my teeth and started to attack him again.

A hour later...

"Pheeeeww what a spar that was son you got some stamina I tell ya. I am sweating so hard" he said with a wide grin.

"Stop lying i don't see any sweat on you... monster" I mumbled the last part.

" What was that boy I don't hear you!"

" Whatever just continue with the damn training I promise you I will kick your ass later old man".

" That is the spirit now you can run for your little life".

" Excuse me what" I said with a shocked face.

" You heard me you are going to run over your limits. I mean your stamina is good but not good enough this exercise will help you with your stamina. Now be a good son and run a lot of lapses around the house".

"great you could have explained that better" I mumbled and I was getting ready for my so called running exercise.

I got ready to run...

"Wait!!!" the old man shouted.

"What is wrong old man!" I shouted with an annoyed face.

"I forgot to add the last thing" He said with a goofy grin and ran to a big tree and pulled something behind it. I was shocked when he came back because he returned with a dark metal armor that looked extremely heavy.

"You did not think that it would be this easy did ya. Now equip this armor and run" Dad said with a sadistic grin.

I took the armor and thought" Holy shit this armor is heavy". After struggling for a few minutes I managed to equip the armor.

" This is nothing old man I can run for days" I said with a strained smile on my poor face. I started to do the exercise with the armor. My father has a smile on his face while he went back to our cottage.