training with mom

So did the training go alright" a woman asked.

" Yeah it is going great" a man replied.

"So where is he?"

" Oh he is still training"

"He is still training"The woman looked at him with an odd expression.

"Yep the boy should return by... now"

The door of the cottage was slammed open by a handsome man that was over 6 feet.

The man was breathing very hard while he wore his dark armor that looked extremely heavy.

"H-how is that old man I have run for three hours straight around the house" He said with an insane grin.

"Boy that is nothing I can run the whole day!" The father replied with also an insane grin.

The mother of the group looked at the two like if they were lunatics and just signed.

" Okay that is enough you two"

"yes ma'm" both of them replied with cheek.

"Okay dear are you done with your training exercise with our son?"

" Yep today I will let the brat go even if this was just a warm up but since it is his first day he can quit early" The old man said with an annoying dazzling smile.

" Screw that old man I can do this the whole day" I said with a determined expression.

" Enough Syre don't worry about missing on training because you will be training with me" Mom showed me a sadistic grin while she said that.

A cold shiver when through my spine because mom can be quite scary. Even my father looked at me with pity.

" Really what training will I be doing with you mom?" I asked with a nervous smile on my face.

" Oh just some meditating and magic releasing to improve your magic" She replied and she has an innocent smile on her face.

"Oh that sounds not so bad" I said with a smile on my face.

My father mumbled "How naive". Unfortunetely for me I did not hear him.



My mom has hit me on the head.

" I said concentrate better or else you will get bad side effects while you meditate on your magic" she said with an stern face.

We were outside the house on a small hill. We could see the sun rise from here. Apparantly it is more beneficial to meditate with nature since magic is connected with nature.

"I know I know but you keep hitting on my head how can I concentrate. I swear this training is worse than dad's training" I replied with frustration.

"Yes because you keep releasing too much magic it will be out of control if I don't hit you.I don't want to fight my own child while he is on a beserk state. Also if you learn to meditate properly you will notice that you recover your stamina and health better.

" I know but it is still so frustrating" I replied.

"Don't worry you will manage since this will also help you to stay calm and not panic the more you meditate" Mom explained.

I signed and started to meditate again.

I started to breath in and out slowly while in a lotus pose. I felt my magic it is warm like warm blood was running over your body but my magic has also a feel of darkness to it. I like to believe that my magic is unique. Anyway I slowly started to expand my magic while I was still in control. Magic is weird it is like a person but it is everywhere. I like to believe that magic is sentient mom also believes that magic is sentient. After a while I started to open my eyes and it was night time. I could see the gorgeous stars in the sky. What is more surprising is that my fatique is gone from my dad's training. I never felt better before!

"So you finally experienced the wonderful art of meditation" My mom spoke softly. When I looked at my mom she had a gentle smile on her face.

"I feel great why did you not teach me meditation before?" I asked with a confused face.

" You think it is easy to do magical meditation as a little kid. You would have lost concentration instantly as a kid just like a few hours ago I had to beat it in you so you could focus" she explained.

"Yeah you are right mom as always" I signed

" Damn straight I am right" she said while she held her head high.

"Now what we are going to do now" I asked.

" Oh we are going to return since it is late your dad is already done withdinner probably.

"Alrighty Lets go then I am starving" I said while I heard my stomach grumble.

" Yeah yeah have patience" Mother said with a tired face.

We walked together back to our cottage.