
"Pheeew that was some exercise" a man said. The man has a lean build with a lot of muscle on him as expected for someone who lives in a forest. The man is handsome but also looked manly. He is just wearing black pants and boots while he is doing his sword exercise. The man is over 6 feet tall. This man is of course our young Syre ,he is now 17 years old.

"I better go home now or mom is going to be pissed when I arrive late again".

When I started to see the cottage again I thought" I can not believe that it has been a year since I started my training. It was hell but I got a lot stronger. Big brothers just wait I will avenge you guys from that wolf".

I opened the door.

" Syre you are just in time since dinner is ready" Mom said with joy.

" That is great mom what is on the menu" I asked with curiosity.

" Oh just your standard fire chicken and the deer that your father recently caught".

A fire chicken is just a chicken that is 3 times as big as a regular chicken but they also have fire magic inside them. So a fire chicken can literally breath fire and because of their fire magic they taste great.

" Sounds delicious mom I can't wait" I said with a hungry expression.

My dad also came back from his room.

" Hhmmm what is that smell it is delicious" he said.

" Oh nothing dear just your standard fire chicken and that nice deer you caught"

" Good good" my father said with drool on his face.

" You are drooling old man is food the only thing you can think about if so that is really sad" I said with a smirk.

" What is that boy I don't only think about food" He snapped back.

" Oh yeah like what".

He has an perverted smile on his face and then said" I think about your mom a lot.

" Eew old man too much information" I said with a deadpanned look.

My mom was blushing when she heard our conversation.

" That is just human nature and when are you going to get a girl huh" my dad proclaimed.

" Dad we live in a dangerous forest no sane girl will walk here. The only humans I have seen are you and mom. How do you expect me to get a girl" I said with a straight face.

My father didn't have an answer for that. He looked at my mother and she nodded back.

" Yeah you are right son sorry about that and since you never met somebody before let just get your test over with ,so that you can meet some cute girls in your life. Training is great and all but what is life if you can not enjoy it" dad said.

"Wait so this means I finally can avenge Leo and Romeo!" I said with an excited expression on my face.

" Yes son but you will have to pass the test that your father has set up. If you don't pass it do not even think about going after that wolf" My mother said with a stern glare.

" Yes MAM I will do you proud" I said with a salute.

" Do not worry honey I saw Syre train this whole year and he kept pushing over his limit. Also from what you told me you are also proud of Syre's results of your training" Dad calmly spoke.

" I know but I just hate that damn wolf it already took two sons away I don't want to lose my third and last child" mom said with a sad face. My dad also nodded with a sad face.

" Don't worry mom I will promise you I will return safely to you and might find a pretty girl to give you a grandchild. So that you can finally admit to yourself that you are an old granny" I said cheekily.

" Oh hush you I swear it if ever get grey hair young man it will be from you" My mom brighten up a bit after that.

" That are what sons are for" I said.

Dad looked at his family and had a smile on his face and then said" Okay that is enough fooling around now let us eat this delicious meal shall we".

We all stared at the food and then we started to feast on it.

" I guess I improved somewhat with my cooking" Mom said satisfied.


" It is awesome mom I will definitely learn how to cook fire chicken properly now" I said with a happy expression.

My mom has a small tear of joy and thought " This is mine happy little family".

The atmosphere in the cottage started to warm up...