damn wolf

"What an event that was" I mumbled to myself. Where did that wolf even appeared from geez I can not even rest properly. I started looking through the cave and noticed something odd.

There is a dark area in the cave in a corner. The smell is bad in this corner it is almost as if an animal lived here. Wait a minute an animale lived here.

Does that mean the wolf lived here alone but why and why was it even alone I thought they lived in packs. Damn it so many questions and no answers.

" Stupid wolves and their stupid caves" I mumbled but then I looked at a wall there are drawings on them. I see something odd on the drawings.

There are a bunch of pitch black wolves on the drawing. One wolf stood out because he was bigger than the rest of the pack. That wolf must be the alpha. What stood out more that these wolves and even the alpha that the wolves are bowing to something. It is a creature that stood on two legs it has also big claws. The creature looked bulky and has a head of an wolf. Odd it looks just like a... my eyes started to widen.

"It looks like a werewolf " I thought with a shocked expression. Werewolves are extremely rare and dangerous creatures. All I know is that my dad said if you see a werewolf run for your life because they possess very dangerous magic. Werewolves also hate humans to the point they will slaugther a human village without any remorse.

My question is why is there a werewolf on this drawing and why are those damn black wolf species bowing to it. I gritted my teeth in frustration. Damn it I looked around the cave ones more and then I realized that this cave was the wolf's home. I started thinking about the behavior of the black wolves because black wolves are rarely seen outside.

Most wolves are gray in the forest and gray wolves don't have any dark aura. Could It be that black wolves live in caves if that is it then I got my work cut out for me ,because I will be cave hunting.

Anyway enough mystery revealing for today I am damn tired. I walked to my "sleep set up" as you can call it and layed down and closed my eyes as I entered dream land.

Dream land...

" Pheeew that was fun while I stood above a group of dead dark wolves. Then I heard heavy sounds behind me there is a wolf three times bigger than a regular black wolf. He has a scar on his forehead.

"You!" I shouted at him while I pointed my finger at him.

" That was fun you say" I heard a dark heavy voice behind the wolf with a scar. It is like the devil himself was speaking to me. Then it appeared out of the shadows. It was longer and bulkier than the alpha wolf. It is standing on two feet. It has dark purple fur with a manacing grin on his face. His dark purple eyes are emitting bloodlust. The alpha wolf looked like a child standing next to the new wolf.

" What t-the fuck you are a werewolf" I said while I was shaking in fear from the bloodlust.

" Hooo child you have heard from my kind I must say I am impressed" The werewolf exclaimed with an insane grin which made him look more horrible.

I took a deep breath to calm down it worked some how but I was still in panic mode inside.

The werewolf looked amused when he looked at my situation and said" So you find it funny to slaugther wolves eh". I said nothing and just glared at the two wolves before me.

The werewolf started chuckling and said" Maybe you need to get slaugthered and there might be remorse in your next life!"

Before I could respond to the crazy wolf he is already before me and his big claws descended on me. All I could see was red afterwards.

"Heuuuheehuuuee!" I started hyperventilating as I woke up from my terrible nightmare. "What was that damn dream I just felt so weak. Was that dream a warning from what is coming" I thought while my fist balled up and I gritted my teeth.

" Fuck werewolves I might not be strong enough now, but I will become stronger so that no wolf can harm me or my family ever again" I thought with a new goal in life.

I looked around the cave again It was still glowing in all colours from the shrooms.

" What a fantastic way to start the day stupid nightmare" I mumbled with a tired expression on my face. I stood up and did some stretches "Alright let start the day with a fresh start" I shouted in the cave.