

" Come here wolves!" a man taunted them. The man is surrounded by big black wolves.

The wolves started to growl at the man with an angry expression.

" Damn it has been a few days since I started to explore caves in the dark forest and I was right the black wolves do live in these caves. How troublesome is that well at least this time it is a pack of fifteen black wolves." The man thought the man is of course Syre.

I started to look at the wolves and just sprinted at them.

" Just get this shit over with" I thought and I attacked with my sword that is clad in dark red magic and I cut 5 black wolves in an instant. Blood of course started spraying everywhere from their bodies. Now only 10 wolves remained while 5 layed dead in the room.



The wolves starting howling for their comrades.

" Just shut your fucking mouth your cries starting to really annoy me. Everytime it is the same with you wolves" I shouted with frustration. I have been raiding caves for days now and they keep crying and where dafuq is their damn alpha.

"Damn it calm down Syre you know that you are getting closer" I encouraged myself. The wolves also turned their crying some what down after my shouting.

" Huh atleast these pricks are considerate." I thought wit an astonished face and with some amusement. The wolves finally snapped back to reality and started growling at me.

" Ah here are the bastards with no manners that I know" I thought.

The wolves started to run at me. I pulled up my sword with no magic attached to it this time around. The wolves started to attack me but each time I dodged I would quickly strike with my sword and behead a wolf.

a minute later...

10 new dead wolves joined this cave.

That was quite the workout I must say especially if I don't use magic ,but hey what can I say I can't use magic all the time or else I would keep counting on it, and then when I run out on magic I am screwed. I sniffed the room and it smelled horrible I guess a cave where fifteen ugly wolves lived would not smell nice at all. Now there also are fifteen corpses in this cave that will taint the awful smell and make it even more horrible.

Okay enough complaining about the horrible smell now it is time to do what I am good at and that is exploring. I started to move from the corpses and like my previous caves this cave is also shrouded with glowing shrooms.

"Still beautiful as ever." I thought with a smile on my face while I look at the shrooms. A few minutes later exploring the caves I finally found the stone drawings again. What is with these caves and their drawings. Each time I explore a cave I see these drawings. Still no new information about them but it is still creepy as fuck.

Then I noticed something about this drawing. The wolves that bowed to the werewolf are now bigger and the werewolf had dark purple fur it looked like the werewolf from my dreams.

The wolves in the drawings looked like they were in some kind of berserk state. When I touched the drawings I felt bloodlust and then it happened. I transported in the room with the wolves.

" Dafuq is happening" I exclaimed I took a step back and fell on a wolf but when I collided with the wolf I fell through his body. I stood up jumped off the wolf while I freaked out.

The wolfs are bowing to something and when I looked at the direction they are bowing to... I see a giant throne with a giant purple werewolf on it.

It was the same werewolf from my damn dream again. The most scary part is that the werewolf was staring right at me and when I looked back at him everything went dark.

I couldn't see the throne anymore not the bowing wolves I could only see the purple werewolf.

" So you have finally appeared" It said with a voice that sounded like the devil.

Things started to flicker in my mind before I could respond to the purple wolf. I see dark purple letters flicker in my mind till it formed the words all-calamity. The word has an evil feeling to it. Then everything went blank and I fell through the darkness.

" Wait all-calamity what the hell does that mean!" I screamed. Then I appeared in the cave again. I am sweating buckets because of the werewolf I saw. I have so many questions and none were answered again.

" All-calamity what does that mean" I whispered to myself.