
the next morning

I opened my eyes while the sun was shining bright. I started to rub my eyes.

" Damn it is morning already" I whispered.

When I looked at the opposite side of the campfire I see Regulas sleeping peacefully like there was no problem in the world at all.

When I started to look around the forest I realized we were careless we could have been attacked. I guess lady luck is on our side for today.

"Whoouueeh!" Regulas moaned out loud and he also started to wake up and rubbed his eyes. Regulas looked at me and said " good morning".

"Morning seems like you had a nice nap" I said with a deadpanned look.

" Yeah I have not slept this well since I arrived in this cursed forest" he said with a grin.

I just looked at him and nodded.

" So what are we going to do now" Regulas said while he looked at me.

I grinned at him and said" Now we are going to clean up and start moving to the mountain range so we can battle some wolves".

" Awesome I am ready for a real challenge" he said with sparkling eyes.

When we cleaned out campfire up we started to move at the mountains.

" When we arrive at the mountains range we are going to explore caves because I think dark wolves lives in the caves of the mountain range. At least whenever I explore the caves I ended up fighting dark wolves everytime." I explained to Regulas.

" Truly that is fascinating that explains why it is so difficult to find magical beasts in this forest" Regulas said.

" While that maybe true but you have to consider that magical beasts don't like to show themselves to humans so we can not say that they all are living in these caves I have only seen those hateful dark wolves in the caves" I pointed out.

Regulas just nodded at my explanation.

When we finally arrived at the cave zone of the mountain range we started to look at the caves.

When I see a few caves that I already marked I said to regulas" Reggie look if you see caves that are marked with an x nearby them, that means that I already explored them".

" Okay and wait did you just called me Reggie."

" Yeah since you are my first friend that I have made I thought It would be nice to use a nickname you can for instance call me Sy" I said with joy.

" I will take you on that offer Sy" Reggie said while he grinned at me.

After we explored the mountain range more and more we finally found a big cave. The cave had an evil dark vibe to it.

" Wow this cave looks so evil I never thought a cave can look evil." Regulas said while he looked at the jagged up cave.

" You are telling me I never felt like this before when I look at a cave" I said . We looked at each other and a grin formed on our faces and we walked in the evil cave.

" Well this cave is definitely more grim than the last caves that I have explored. I mean the glowing shrooms are a darker color than usual and the cave itself has a dark purple color to it this just screams evil villian lair." I said with some amusement.

Reggie nodded in agreement and said" This is the first time I went in a cave since the city don't have such large caves and even if it is my first time in a cave I can tell this cave is full of despair".

" You seem kinda happy when you are in a cave full of despair as you called it".

" Of course I am happy this cave screams of adventure and danger!" He said with excitement.

I just had a deadpanned look and just shaked my head.

when we went further down the cave we arrived at an massive room. What amazed me in this room are the massive werewolf statues that stood up.

The room it self is dark red in color. The wolf statues is also dark red in color while their eyes looked like they are made of gold. Furthermore on the walls are wolves drawings only this time it is decorated with gold and red symbols. It is definitely some kind of ancient language or maybe a language that is only spoken by wolves. Do wolves even have their own language I wondered.

" Wow this place is amazing there has to be a secret treasure here somewhere I just can feel it" Reggie shouted with amazement.

" At least someone is having fun on this adventure" I muttered.

I then looked at the werewolf statues and it creeped me out for some reason these werewolf statues did not look like the werewolf from my dreams since he looked a lot bigger and stronger but these statues had an odd feeling to them.

" Hey Reggie do you feel something odd with these statues they just do not feel right."

Reggie looked at the statues and said " I know what you mean these statues are giving me a creepy feeling" Reggie said while he got closer to the statues.

When Reggie got closer to the statues the entrance of the cave closed in on us.

" Fuck!" I shouted.

Then we heard a crack from the four statues and we turned around...

" And Fuck again!"