wolf wolf wolf wolf

The four statues started to crack down.

" And fuck again!".

After the lovely statues heard me curse they exploded and stone pieces flew everywhere.

There are four big red werewolves in the room now but these werewolves didn't feel alive at all what is going on here.

"Eh Reggie I think we are going to fight in a battle that is most likely going to be horrible" I said with a dreadful voice.

" You are telling me that this is going to be hell. Well I can see that since there are four werewolves before us" he replied with sarcasm.

The four wolves started to growl at us when they saw us looking straight at them and their growl didn't sound nice at all. It sounded like a satanic voice that died.

"Reggie get behind me since you are an archer you can support me from behind" I said with a loud voice. Reggie just nodded at me and moved behind me quickly while watching the wolves.

The werewolves were doing their usual thing: observing us and growling at us like we killed their mothers.

" Typical wolves" I thought and signed.

" Okay let's go you mutts!" I shouted at them as I prepared my sword while Reggie prepared his magic. The wolves looked angry at me as I shouted the word mutts at them and they started to sprint at us. I prepared my usual attack to the first wolf that will attack me and I yelled bloodstrike at the wolf. I striked the wolf down while Reggie attacked the others with blue magical arrows. The wolves are thrown back and are full of holes but then something odd happened all the wounds of the wolves healed up till they were normal again.

" What the fuck this is new I guess when you are a werewolf you will have some kind of super regeneration. Then again I don't know they don't look like your average werewolf." I shouted with some frustration.

" I do not think that our regular attacks will work on these freaks we need to up our game" Reggie added.

" Yeah time to get serious" I said while I took a stance with my sword.

The wolves starting running at us again this time with a lot more anger on their faces.

They pulled their claws out and attacked me since I am at the front.

When the first two wolves got to me I dodged their claws but the second werewolf nearly got me. With the third werewolf I slided underneath his legs. The three werewolves that I dodged got attacked by Reggie but this time the blue arrows were bigger and brigther than before.

This attack of Reggie has given me time to attack the last wolf alone since the other wolves need time to recover from their injuries. I started focusing on the fourth wolf as he jumped at me. He started to attack me with his claws but I kept dodging from left and right. When I finally see an opening I took a stand with my sword and looked the wolf right in his eyes.

" blood sprint!"

My body is covered in bloodred aura and I got to the wolf in an instant. The red wolf tried to react but I was just too quick for him.

blood strike

blood strike

blood strike

blood strike

blood strike

I repeated my sword move over and over again. When I looked at the wolf he is completely shredded. Blood was oozing out everywhere from the wolf but he was still standing there alive.

I tightned my sword and sprinted to the wolf again. When I appeared before the wolf I yelled " blood bash". A heavy dark red aura appeared on my sword. The color of my aura looked malicious if a normal person stared at my aura right they would have felt sick.

More and more dark red aura appeared on my sword until it was heavy enough for me. When I felt the right amount of red aura I swiped my sword to the torso of the red werewolf. When my sword was in contact with its torso a heavy dark red aura exploded from my sword and blew the werewolf away. The wolf was a few meters away from me on the ground. It looks like the wolf has stopped breathing. Then something strange happened to its body it turned to ashes.

" Well that is new" I thought again.

When I turned around staring at the other three wolves I said " One down just three to go" l had a cheeky grin when I said that.

Reggie smiled at me and said " That was awesome".

I nodded at Reggie and said " Lets finish this fight Reggie". He nodded and I got serious again when I saw the werewolf fully healed. I quickly went to Reggie and stood next to him and whispered my plan to him. When Reggie heard my plan he nodded to me. I then looked at the insane wolves and stood ready with my sword again.

" Now" I shouted and I used my blood sprint again to get to the wolves.

" Barrage of big blue arrows" Reggie shouted. Big blue arrows are raining down on the wolves. The wolves are clearly getting sick of the raining arrows but they were not fast enough to dodge the arrows and they just howled with an angry expression on their face.

Blood gashed from their wounds again the arrows were just super effective against the trio. I charged my sword a lot longer this time and when I appeared before the trio I used blood bash again but this time on a bigger scale. The heavy aura hit the trio right on their chest and the aura exploded three times bigger then before.

The cave was shaking sligthy when I used my bigger blood blash. The trio were also lying down and their body turned into ashes.

" Definitely not your normal wolves" I thought.

I was really tired after the fight and Reggie doesn't look any better.

Just when I wanted to rest a bit a golden light appeared in the middle of the room.