
Bright golden light is shining in the middle of the room. Reggie looked at me and said" I knew it, a dangerous cave like this needs to have a treasure".

" I still can't believe this yeah I get it dangerous cave with dangerous monsters has to have a treasure but it is so typical that it isn't even funny anymore" I said with a straight face.

" Stop complaining and accept it Sy!"

We looked at the golden light it is still shining bright but not as bright as before but I can see somekind of golden object lying in the middle of the light. Reggie and I looked at each other and nodded. We started to walk to the so called treasure.

The golden lights is losing more of its brightness as we got closer to the treasure. When we arrived by the treasure the light disappeared. What we see shocked us because the golden object is a skull with a red gem fused on its forehead.

" What for fucking treasure is this!" Reggie complained.

"What else did you expect?" I asked.

" I don't know money,gold or an extremely powerful object to take over the world maybe!" Reggie explained.

I smiled bitterly at Reggie and said " Yes we can find such a powerful object in an abandoned cave and maybe it is a powerful object we don't know what this skull does. If it isn't a powerful object we can still sell it I mean it looks atleast expensive".

" Do you really think that!" Reggie beamed with excitement.

" You really love power and money don't you" I asked.

" Of course if you have atleast one of them you can do nearly anything" Reggie explained with a proud smile. I just had a deadpanned look and said" Let us find out what this skull does shall we".

Reggie just nodded and then I went to the skull and picked it up. It felt a lot lighter then I thought. Just when I wanted to pass the skull to Reggie I see red symbols coming from skull it was covering the skull.

The empty eye sockets started to glow red it was extremely creepy. The red gem on its forehead also started to glow. I wanted to drop the skull but for some reason I could not drop it.

" What the fuck the skull is cursed drop it!" Reggie shouted.

" I can't for some reason the skull is stuck to my hand" I said as I waved it with my hand.

" Oh noo we are going to get cursed" Reggie started to panic with fear written on his face.

" Oh fuck oh fuck what I am going to do" I thought. Then the skull started to shine in bright golden light again till it lit up the cave. We closed our eyes since the light is blinding us. When the golden light disappeared I still have the golden skull in my hand but the skull seems to return to normal.

I looked at Reggie he had his mouth open and then said" A message!"

When I looked before me I see golden letters appear before me in the air.


I looked shocked at the message that is in front of me and all I can think about is "Damn wolves".

" Well that doesn't sound bad at all" Reggie added with sarcasm.

As if the golden message heard Reggie they instantly exploded in an golden mist and went to the sealing. The golden mist turned purple and formed a big head of a werewolf that is stuck on the sealing. The werewolf head is clad in purple and has an evil grin to his face

The head of the wolf looked exactly like the werewolf in my dreams. I gritted my teeth and I stared at the werewolf head with anger.

" Evil message my ass you think I am afraid of you YOU BASTARD" I thought.

" Syre why are you staring at the werewolf head with anger" Reggie asked with concern.

" Sorry just some bad memories came up" I said to Reggie with a bitter expression.

" It is alright Sy everyone has bad memories they don't want to think about" Reggie replied with also a bitter look.

We calmed down after that. Then I looked at the cursed skull in my hand again but then I noticed something golden lines were forming on the ground. Reggie also noticed the golden letters. Some lines went through others lines , one other line stopped midway the room and new lines kept on forming extremely fast. It is like the lines were trying to show me something. I started to watch the lines with more attention this time and then it hit me what it is forming.

" I know what it is!" I beamed with excitement.

" What is it?" Reggie asked with a curious expression.

" Don't you see it the lines are clearly some kind of map the lines are forming the mountain range I explained as three colors started to form. The colors are red ,blue and gold. The colors formed into three beads each for their own color. The beads are connected to each other in a form of a triangle. The beads are spreadt through out the whole mountain range. After the beads were formed the map of the mountain range got clearer. We obviously are at the cave of the red bead since we see some resemblance of the cave on the map.

"Wow this is freaking amazing" Reggie exclaimed with excitement.

Not that I blame him since it really is amazing and beautiful at the same time.

"What does this map mean?" Reggie asked.

" Well we obviously are in the cave of the red bead and there are two other caves with beads on them" I explained.

"Does that mean we are gonna..."

" Cave hunting".