
After the whole cave situation we decided to camp outside again but this time on a save location near a small hill.

" Man that cave was crazy " Regulas exclaimed.

" Yeah welcome to cave hunting business been doing this since my journey but even then the caves I have raided were not as crazy as the cave we raided today, it is really one insane cave I can tell you that much" I explained.

" So what do you think the skull can do" Reggie asked.

" I don't know but the golden message said it was one of the three keys so it has to be quite important maybe if we collect all the tree keys we will find some awesome treasure".

" That would be cool but what were those statues anyway first I thought that it were real werewolves since they could bleed but after all the horror stories my master said about werewolves these werewolves seems a bit too weak."

" I think those werewolves are artificial they are created by someone or something's magic I believe that also explains why their corpses turned into ashes." I concluded.

"That makes sense I guess"

Moving on I grabbed the white skull out of my bag and looked at it again. The skull and the message just makes me so uncomfortable.

It didn't help that the head of the werewolf of my dreams appeared again before me. Collect three different keys huh when did my quest got so complex. I just wanted revenge on one wolf and now some divine werewolf is after my hide it is just so messed up. Well I can't complain now I chose my path and even if that path is filled with blood and pain I will do it. I have decided I will slay even that purple werewolf if he gets in my way.

I heard some snoring and when I looked at Reggie direction I see him sleeping peacefully. It must be nice to sleep like that after the death of my brothers I had no time to relax. I just wanted to train and get my revenge.

I looked at the sky and it was gorgeous thousands of stars are shining very bright in the sky. I thought of my mother when I looked at the sky we would often go star watching after a session of meditation.

" Mom I miss you" I softly whispered to myself.

I slowly went to sleep thinking of the cottage me and my family lives in.

The next morning I woke up and the sun is shining brightly in my face again. I rubbed my eyes again and I yawned feeling a bit tired in the morning as you usual do.

" Morning sleepy head this time I Reggie have woken up first!" He said while he did a ridiculous pose.

" Yes congrats on your major achievement this is truly astonishing" I clearly said with sarcasm.

He just ignored my sarcasm and said" I know a lot of people need to follow my example".

After we had our meal and no it isn't wolves meat I can't stand wolf's meat it taste disgusting I mean really disgusting I nearly threw up. Maybe it is just dark wolves that taste horrible but I know one thing I will not try any wolf soon. We caught a regular deer for our meal and it is fantastic. After our nice dinner we started to clear our camp.

" Are we going to do some more cave hunting?" Reggie asked me.

" Well that is the plan. We need to find the other keys and figure out this whole wolf mystery thing" I said.

Reggie Just nodded at me.

This whole wolf situation just didn't make sense I got a bad feeling about the wolves of this forest. I get it they are pack animals but when they attacked my brothers their pack was huge a lot bigger than your usual wolf pack.

Could It be something or someone is controlling them and that wolf with the scar that probably have killed my brothers has an extremely weird aura on him it felt like despair. It was like a calamity is just about to happen. I might have been just a little kid when my brothers were killed but I still clearly know what happened.

The dark wolves are just acting so weird it concerns me. I need to stop thinking about depressed stuff it doesn't do me any good and then I just signed.

I looked at Reggie he is still cleaning up camp.

When we are finally done cleaning up our camp. We started to move at a different area of the mountain range. Trying to find one of three grand caves as I called them.

Everything was going peacefully till we arrived in front of a group of dangerous snakes. These snakes were big each are about 8 meters in length. The snakes are showing their teeth and from what I can tell is that they definitely possess poison.

Fantastic I just was playing around with the skull trying to figure out if it possessed a power of some kind. These snakes are different from the snake I killed in the forest their skin are a lot smoother and they are a lighther shade of green.

"Don't worry Sy I got this" Reggie declared and he shot multiple blue arrows. When I see the results I realized one thing my first snake had in commen with these snakes before us they Both are extremely weak . The snakes didn't even stand a chance their death corpses layed before me. I swear I could still hear their arrogant hisses.

" Watch out!" Reggie shouted at me. A snake that apparantly was left behind is behind me and it is attacking me. Before I could react properly the Snake got too close and I

just hoped for the best and something did happen A random glowing red shield was protecting me from the snake.

The golden skull in my hand was glowing red and I guess it did possess a power I did not know about.