skull effect

We are in shock from what we saw. The skull had protected me from the snake.

Reggie realized that the snake was still alive and he shot it with his blue arrow while I am staring at the skull.

"What was that?" Reggie asked me.

" I don't know I was just chilling but when I sensed danger and I couldn't react properly the skull just went ham. I guess we finally know what the skull does" I answered.

" That red thing was some kind of amazing shield or maybe it is a super shield that can protect you from every attack" Reggie said.

" I doubt it no artifact can protect me from every attack what if it was a mental attack I doubt the shield could still protect me but the skull can still be life saving" I explained.

Reggie is a bit dissapointed with my explanation but moved quickly on.

" Lets go to the mountain range we are on a break long enough" I said and then we went on the direction of the mountain range.

On the way of the mountain range we continued our talk about the skull and what it actually is.

" So do you think the other keys have the same power or do you think they have a different kind of power?" Reggie asked.

" I don't know Reggie but the map showed us the other keys have a different color to them, so maybe they also have different powers but I would not be suprised if they got a similar power to our key" I answered.

" Hmmm interesting but this whole key thing and cave hunting is really exciting don't you think?" Reggie asked with a happy expression on his face.

I just chuckled at Reggie question. Reggie's mood for some reason amused me and when Reggie sees my reaction he pouted.

Regulas pov

Traveling with Syre is really excited compared to the city life. People in the city are always looking down on me. Even my master is too overprotective over me he always say that I am not ready yet. I will prove my master wrong when he hears about my adventure with Syre maybe he would have stop treating me as a baby.

Speaking of Syre I really am glad that I have met him not only did he save my life when we first met he also is an awesome traveling companion.

We already had a real life death experience together where we had each other backs. I can already trust Syre with my life. He is definitely worthy to be my brother in arms.

I just hope that Syre will react well if he sees the true me "the runaway little kid" to prove to his master that he isn't a baby anymore some people say I am spoiled and I get that but who wants to be treated as a child at the age of 18 for goodness sake. I just hope I can't finish this amazing quest with Syre.

Regulas pov end

We moved to the mountain range again. I am never getting tired infact I am just getting more excited. After that whole golden skull fiasco I know there is more to this mountain range than when you looked from the outside.

Even if that vision of that distasteful purple wolf did scare me a bit. I might be arrogant sometimes but I am not a fool I know that purple wolf is extremely dangerous. If I fight that purple werewolf there is a high chance that I will die. Luckily I got Reggie that covers my back. Now that I think about it Reggie and I are a perfect duo since I like close combat much better than fighting from a distance.

Not that I can't fight from a distance but I just find it extremely annoying so just give me a sword and I will slay every creature that stands in my way. Reggie is the complete opposite of me he likes to fight from a distance with his blue arrow magic and that is also the reason why we are the perfect duo, because our enemies needs to worry about close combat attacks and attacks from a longer distance.

I do appraciate Reggie a lot even if I don't show it often I believe with Reggie we do have a chance to stop the purple werewolf or atleast we can runaway from it.

We have finally arrived at the mountain range the place still looks as gloomy before with its gloomy trees. We arrived at an different area of the mountain range that we haven't explored yet ,if my memory is right we are at the blue zone of the mountain range that is what was written on the map anyway.

The blue zone of the mountain range has more of a cold feeling to it than the red zone. The trees has a dark blue theme to them even the grass has a dark blue theme to them. Yep this zone is definitely more creepy than the red zone.

" Syre do you also feel uncomfortable in this zone it just looks so sad and creepy" Reggie said.

" So I am not the only that feels that way. It is strange tho I explored the mountain range for some time and I got the feeling I was here before but it wasn't this creepy. It must have been my imagination" I said with a confused expression.

Reggie didn't buy it at all and said" D-do you think the environment has changed because we have stolen one of the keys?".

" Don't be ridiculous how can a single key change the whole environment" I said with a confused face.

We tried to convince each other that it wasn't possible but deep down our hearts we know it was true.