
"Raaaaaawwwwrr" I screamed at the wolves with a look that was filled with bloodlust. Raging dark red aura is coming out of me. I only see red and the three wolves have definitely my full attention now.

My pupils were blood red while my sclera is pitch black. I stood up while my wounds started to heal at a rapid rate. You could observe with your eyes that my back wound is slowly healing up.

The wolves started to growl at me as they stared at me with confusing looks. They clearly didn't expect me to stand up after the damage I received. I gritted my teeth and sprinted straight to the wolves while I have a mad grin plastered on my face.

I didn't even have a sword with me I just wanted to punch a wolf to death. The three wolves split up in three different direction. One wolf went left, one right and the last wolf went straight at me.

The wolf that went straight for me was still too fast for me but I could see his movement better now. What is even better I could feel him. Even if I went insane in battle I always have a clear mind to fight at my fullest.

I will win or lose and if I lose I will die it is as simple as that. The wolf opened his big jaw and attacked me with it. I closed my eyes felt my aura and enhanced my other senses.

If I can't see him I will just smell him or hear him. I smell a foul stench rushing at me. I also could hear a bloodthirsty sound approaching me. With my eyes closed I could feel that the wolf was trying to bite my head off. I then reacted with pure instinct and slammed his chin with my fist and he is sent into the air. With one amazing haymaker.


The wolf landed tens of meters away from me.

Reggie has his mouth open when he looked at me. Even the two wolves froze for a second . They looked at their comrade that was sent flying through the air.

Big amount of dust came from the crash landing and when the dust cleared up you see a miserable wolf looking at me with anger. He lowered his head with pain and weird noises started coming out of him.




The wolf bark sounded more like puppy barks. It sounded like a cry for help. The two wolves rushed at their comrades and looked concerned at the beaten wolf. It is almost cute till I realized that they are bloodthirsty wolves even if one of them was licking the fur of the beaten wolf I will still kill them all.

I don't even know how many people these wolves have hurt but it stops here. They looked at me with a furious expression. I first start to chuckle and then I starting laughing hard at the wolves. This unnerved them even more. Reggie also looked stunned at me.

" I am coming for you little wolves!!!" I shouted. These wolves weren't little at all but I was so drunk with power and bloodlust that I didn't care at all what I am doing or shouting.

I sprinted like a maniac at the wolves. The three wolves attacked me at the same time. They bit me , they wounded me with their claws and even tackled me. I kept punching the wolves with delight. I would have died a long time ago if it wasn't for my insane state.

The wounds the wolves kept inflicting on me healed up. The wolves were getting tired not that I blame them who would want to fight a mad man that keeps healing himself. I can describe this battle with one word insanity.

Reggie is also a huge help in this situation he kept shooting blue arrows at the wolves so that they don't gang up on me too much.

When I looked at the wolves I see three mutts that were beaten up pretty badly but they did got my respect well that is the first time for me that I respect a freaking wolf.

The wolves were staring at me and Reggie they have a wary look when they looked at me now.

" Reggie I don't have much time left on this state. I healed up too much wounds" I sad while I am panting hard.

" Understood Sy but we will still win if you don't we will die trying" Reggie said with passion.

" You are right Reggie we will die trying till the end" I said smiling.

My time in my Insane state went up my raging blood red aura turned just into blood aura.

The wolves see my raging magical aura disappear and took on a more confidant position. They still were cautious I guess they don't want to receive an another beat down. I wouldn't want one either because I definitely will die then.

Reggie pov

What the hell happened!? Syre has gotten hurt really bad on his back and then the next second he started to scream with a lot of rage.

When I looked at Syre he literally looked like a raging beast from hell.

His raging aura in this case didn't help at all with his beast like behaviour. What is this madness.

After Syre was done screaming like a monster he dashed at the wolf like a madman and then I witnessed one of the most horrible battles of my life. I saw blood oozing everywhere from Both sides it was insane.

The battle reminded me of demons fighting each other. Anyway I decided to help Syre up even with his amazing healing factor this battle can be a bit too much for him it is three vs one after all. I thought of a brilliant plan to separate the wolves from ganging up on Syre. I might not able to hit them but to separate them should be possible.

Reggie pov ended

battle continue...