cruel part 2





Little brother get back!

Yeah little bro we got this!

I reached my hand to them but I could not


Everything went dark and I fell into to the abyss. I was falling deeper and deeper into to the void while the light slowly fades away from my sight till I reached the eternal darkness.

It was so silent that it scared me. I started to close my eyes to sleep for eternity.

"Wake up Syre" a voice whispered to me. The voice felt so warm and kind. The voice reminded me of my own mother. She would always calm me down if I had a nightmare about my brothers. Wait my brothers, wolves, revenge and my parents. What was I even doing. I then saw the dark forest and the whole adventure I had. The first meeting with Reggie and the dangerous hunt of the mysterious cave keys.

I see I remember everything now.

flashback end...




I started to breath in and out.

I stared at three dark blue wolves with a focused expression.

" Never again" I whispered to myself and I remembered my mom and dad crying at my brothers funeral.

"I will live on!" I shouted.

" Sy are you alright you started to freak out like you couldn't breath anymore. I nearly had a heart attack!" Reggie shouted.

" I am fine I just remembered what is most important to me and that is to live on " I said with determination.

The wolves weren't happy with our conversation so they were barking at us with anger until they had enough with waiting around and sprinted at us.

" Live on for your parents Sy" I whispered to myself. I closed my eyes and started to focus on what surrounded me. I focused on my breathing and then I moved with pure instinct with my sword this time. I heard the movements from the wolves also this time. I could see them or more like I could feel them. I feel every inch of their body moving. Everything was so clear to me now it felt amazing.

The movements of the wolves were so clear I could feel where the wolves are sprinting to. The wolves started to attack me but this time I kept dodging and dodging like it is the most natural thing to do.

Reggie face is in shock and he is wondering in his head "what the hell happened to Sy. "

I had a smile on me when I dodged the wolves . It wasn't a cocky smile or something like that it was a peaceful smile. It felt like I figured the mystery of a puzzle out. Everything looked so different now. The wolves are getting more angrier because they could not hit me.

They could not feel my magical aura at all.

When I saw the wolves getting frustrated I decided to attack.

Reggie as usual backed me up with his blue arrows. I pulled my sword up ready for an attack. I moved my body on pure instinct while I filled my sword with my red magical aura.

I could feel the wolves coming to my direction and I just went straight to them and swiped my sword at them. Blood oozed through the air but this time it wasn't human blood it was the blood of a wolf.

The wolf that I had hit was blown away with a huge scar on his torso that kept leaking blood. The wolf is laying there on the ground not moving a single muscle. The wolf has just died from too much blood loss. The comrades of the wolf looked at his body with shock.

Reggie is stunned he couldn't believe it finally one of those damn wolves has died. He looked at me and then grinned and he has a new determined look. I opened my eyes and looked at the dead wolf not with shock but with a peaceful expression.

" May you rest in piece wolf" I whispered and then looked at the other two wolves with the same peaceful expression.

Reggie appeared next to me and said" Sy let me handle one wolf I need to do this" He said. I wanted to refuse because it will be too dangerous but when I saw his determined look I just nodded at him.

A little smile formed on my face and walked to one wolf in a peaceful manner like I was walking to a friend. Reggie started to attack his wolf instantly without a warning of course. The wolf kept dodging his arrows but Reggie kept throwing more and more arrows.

It is getting more difficult for the wolf to move but it is also getting harder for Reggie to increase his arrows. Reggie is already exhausted for throwing too many arrows before. This battle will be won by who has the strongest will. The increase of arrows went up a notch and also the speed of the arrows.

" Damn I need to keep going I will hit that wolf" Reggie thought.

Reggie then decided to do something dangerous. Reggie started to run at the wolf so that the wolf have less time to react to his arrows. This strategy was new for Reggie since he is a long range fighter but Reggie didn't care he need to win.

Reggie kept shooting his magical arrows to the point were his fingers starting to bleed. The strategy that Reggie is using was effective the wolf has an extremely difficult time to dodge Reggie's arrows.

Eventually it got too much for the wolf and he slipped. Multiple arrows went through the wolf and his body was full of holes. The wolf was finally dead.

Reggie was panting he was really tired after this major fight. He looked at my direction and he sees the third wolf dead on my feet while I was smiling at him.