
"The battle is finally over" I thought. We collected the three wolves and burned them.

" May they rest in peace" I said out loud.

Reggie looked at me and said" Syre you have changed. when I first met you , you always talk about wolves with anger and hatred and now you are giving them a proper good bye to the next world".

" I realized something more important than revenge, my family. I am fighting for my family. The love of my family keeps me going in life. Don't get me wrong I still want to kill the wolf that has killed my brothers but not out of hatred. I want to kill that wolf so that my brothers can move on their next life with a peaceful mind. I realized how silly my anger for all the wolves are. When I looked back at it I am still an immature child that has lots of things to learn."

" I think this your new way of life is good for you. I don't know how to describe it but it gives you a positief vibe" Reggie said with a smile.

" Thanks" I said while giving Reggie a smile that is worthy of a saint.

" Well anyway how about we camp here for tonight it is getting late outside and I really don't want to explore another battle with dangerous wolves that are on drugs" I said trying to lighten the mood up a bit.

" You never going to forget that comment that I have made are you?" Reggie said with a deadpanned look.

" Nope" I teased him with saying p of nope longer than usual.

Reggie just shaked his head at my comment.

After our silly conversation we started to set up camp in this cave. It is a lot more homey than outside and it felt warmer.

We set up a campfire just like usual.

" Man what a day" Reggie said out loud.

" Yep I will probably never forget what happened today".

" Can I ask you a question Syre?"

" Sure go ahead".

" What was that state that you were in, your wounds kept healing at an insane rate".

" To answer your question Reggie I don't know. It was the first time it happened to me after the wolf hit me. I just felt so angry and the rage inside me overflowed. My vision turned red and the next thing I know I was attacking the wolves like a madman".

" I thought It looked kind of cool although it was a bit scary" Reggie said.

I nodded at Reggie's comment and said " Lets call it rampage mode since I literally went on a rampage when I was in my new state".

" Now that sounds cool" Reggie said with an amused face.

I just shrugged at Reggie's comment but you could see a tiny smile on my face.

" I need also a new technique and it needs to be cool like yours" Reggie complained.

" What about the trick you did with that wolf. It looked pretty cool to me" I said to Reggie.

" No that wasn't a trick it was just me spamming my arrows like a madman while I ran straight to my enemy" He said with a straight look.

" Oh well I am sure you will get an awesome technique in the future" I encouraged him.

" Speaking of wolves what were these blue wolves anyway they were just so fast. I couldn't even react to them" Reggie asked me.

" I don't know Reggie but whatever those wolves were I think it has to do something with those keys and whatever mystery lies in the caves."

Reggie nodded and asked in a scared voice" Do you think we can handle this mysterious quest the message did say we will get the most horrible death possible".

I was silence for a few seconds before I answered and said" I don't know Reggie but if they get stronger than that just means that we need to get stronger than them".

Reggie got also silent for a few seconds and said" You are right we need to get stronger we nearly died today and if we defeat them at their strongest than that will just prove our strength even more so".

I smiled at Reggie's response.

I thought of the soft whisper I heard on the battle.

" Mother thank you even if I am far away you still saved my life today" I thought with a happy expression on my face.

The cave went silent after a while and we went to sleep.

The next morning

This time I woke up earlier than Reggie. He will probably be complaining about that later since he is so smug about it that he woke up first yesterday.

I just sat down on the ground thinking about the mystery of life and started to meditate with a peaceful expression.

I realized something when I am meditating that I can connect with my magic much better now than yesterday! I felt much closer to nature than ever before. Everything felt so warm and cozy that I couldn't help to smile. Meditation always reminded me the time I spent with my mom. Sorry dad I love you but your training was just a lot of torture so not many nice memories.

Anyway I could feel the magic surrounding me. I was like a child that got embraced by his mother. Mom said magic is sentient so I decided to treat magic like my second mother. I don't know if that helps but I do feel a lot closer to magic now. I always have a picture in my head when I meditate it is a picture of my cottage in the cold winter.

I always liked to have a warm blanket with me in the winter and as a child my mother liked to read stories to me in the winter ,while she embraced me with a warm blanket full of motherly love.

A tear of joy escaped my face when I thought of that beautiful memory in the winter. That is how a mother should be I always thought.