
"So you guys live in the forest right?" I asked Senna.

" That is right warriors thy ancestor has been on this holy grounds for four thousands years" Senna explained to us.

" That is cool we have been living in this forest for a few months and we danced with lady death a few times already" Reggie said with a straight face.

I just looked at Reggie with an amused face.

Senna was stunned with Reggie's comment but then she replied with" Lady death is that a goddess thy believe in our tribe has their own gods. the gods are the nature itself." Senna explained.

" I do not necessarily believe in gods or lady death but I do believe there has to be a god that created all of this." Reggie answered.

" I also think there has to be a god I guess I always thought magic created everything and since magic is a sentient being maybe magic is a goddess" I explained.

" Interesting thy think magic is sentient I have never thought of magic like that".

" My mother always thought me magic is sentient and I do believe so it is mother magic that takes care of me if I am in a life and death situation. Sometimes I can feel the emotions of magic itself or my magic you can say. Magic can be warm ,cold , happy and sad so I do think magic is sentient" I said.

" Interesting I didn't think about this god or goddess stuff back in the city ,but I do know that there are a lot of cults that believe in gods and they dedicate their whole lives to their god. The people even have made tempels and other things for their gods like an alter.

Sadly from what I have heard there are even dark gods and the people that follow dark gods are horrible sinners. They believe that they are justified to do their crimes since their gods says it is alright to do it." Reggie explained while his expression got darker when he mentioned the darker religion.

" Wait people actually believe in these evil gods and they think they are justified!?" I exclaimed.

I was stunned at the concept of dark or evil gods and the audacity of their followers.

" Yes they do I heard terrible things that their followers did to other cities. I never met a dark cultist before but I heard one rumor that shocked me it literally sent shivers to my spine when I think if it happened to my city!" Reggie exclaimed.

" Well what happened to the city" I said while losing my patience.

" It was a city that is populated with over one hundred thousand people and one day a massive group of dark cultists appeared in the city.

The cultists starting slaugthering people in the city they claimed it was necessary sacrifice to their beloved god.

These cultists slaugthered over 100000 people for their god. The city now is totally abandoned and nobody wants to live in it. I wouldn't either if I knew that more than 100000 people got butchered" Reggie explained with a fearful look.

Senna and I went pale and then I said" What they butchered a whole city what the fuck. Is there nobody that can stop them".

" I am afraid not the city was isolated and when the news got around it was already too late. Even if a lot of people were angry they were too afraid of the cult and who want to get in trouble for a bunch of dead people." Reggie said with frustration.

" That is truly horrible I am now glad that I live in the dark forest. I always wondered how the big city looked like but when I hear about this dark cult... a village in tha dark forest is enough for me" Senna said.

" The city isn't that bad and massacres of a city are rare ,but it still is disturbing so I understand you if you don't want to go to the city" Reggie said with a sad look.

" My lady we are near the village" One of Senna guards said.

When we kept walking we see a lot of huts up a head. Some bigger buildings are build of rocks. It looked like a nice warming village. I even see a group of little children running around playing with each other.

I smiled at the scene. We went into the village and the children surrounded us while the adults looked at us with a weird expression.

" Why are thy White are thy sick?" a little girl asked me.

" Don't worry I am not sick this just my natural skin color" I said with a gentle smile.

" Really!" The tribes girl eyes is in disbelief.

" Yep!" I said while popping the p.

" We have to go children I have to show thy guests our village" Senna said.

" Yes lady Sanna " all the children exclaimed at the same time.

We went up ahead and I said" The children really admire you".

" Of course lady Senna is the priestess of the village" a guard said.

" A priestess huh why didn't you say anything about that" I said to Senna.

" I might have forgot to mention it to you" Senna said while she smiled.

A tribe man walks to us and starting screaming at us" You guys are all ants hahahahahh" he pointed to us and the guards that were a head bigger than him. The man than ran away.

" What was that?" I asked while Reggie and I were in shock.

" Sorry about that that Guy is probably high from fluvla" Sanna said with an emberassed face.

" Fluvla what is that?" I asked.

" Our tribe made some kind of medicine to make people relax but the after effects that they will get is that they will be high obviously" Senna said while she pointed at a direction.

We see a group of teenagers dancing like a bunch of maniacs and some were sitting on the ground staring at the sky in a confusing manner.