village part2

" So let me get this straight your village is filled with druggies" Reggie said.

" No no only some people are addicted to fluvla so not all the people are druggies here" Senna defended.

" I can't believe I am finally out of the city and I still meet druggies at a place that is known for being isolated" Reggie muttered in disbelief.

" I just rolled my eyes " Druggies what the hell is that and from I can tell from Reggie's behaviour it can't be a good thing". I cleared my throat and said" Enough about druggies let's just go".

Both nodded at my comment.

We then arrived at a massive white temple. It is decorated with drawings of various people that I don't know.

" Welcome to ma home young warriors " Senna said in a pose.

" What is this place" I asked Senna.

" This is a temple of the goddess of love and nature Azura!" Senna exclaimed with an expression of joy.

" You live in a temple" I asked her.

" That is right Syre this is my precious home. I lived here since I was a small child and got chosen as priestess. A priestess has to live in their temple we even get our own room to sleep in" .

" Well that sounds unique" Reggie said.

" Well come on in young warriors let me show you our temple" Senna said with excitement.

We were amazed at what we see the temple is filled with massive statues of a beautiful lady. That lady must be Azura.

The statues are in different colors it is gorgeous.

" So what do thy guys think of this place " Senna asked with curiosity.

" I think it is beautiful I never been in a temple or in a city and this is one of the most coolest places I have been on" I said while admiring the place.

" Don't get your hopes up if you go to the city tempels they aren't even on the same League of this place" Reggie added.

" Thank you guys I try to clean this place everyday" Senna said with a happy expression.

" I am wondering if you have built these statues by yourself" Reggie said.

" No I didn't sadly I am not that talented in making statues. These statues is the work of 4000 years of hardwork from the village" Senna said.

Senna went to the big statue in the middle of the temple and said" Dear goddess of Azura I hope thy can help us in this chaotic time where the cruel wolves have appeared in the mountains. I truly hope that every good person survives this tribulation".

When we heard Senna pray we looked at each other in shock.

" Senna you said something about cruel wolves?" I said with concern.

" That is right some time ago the wolves in the forest changed they were much more ruthless than before luckily no one in the village died only a bit injured.

I signed in reliëf when I heard that.

" Listen Senna we might know what is going on with the wolves" I said.

" Really we tried to figure this out since their change" Sanna said.

" First we need to find a place to sit down this might take a while" I insisted.

We decided to make a cozy campfire outside before we explain the situation of the wolves.

"Can thy now tell me what is going on with the wolves".

I nodded and said" It all started when I explored caves in the mountain range. I noticed that magical wolves lived in the caves and I was on quest to avenge my brothers.

My brothers were killed by a horrible wolf with a scar on his forehead". Senna looked at me with sympathy and I just shaked my head and told her I am alright.

" Anyway I kept exploring in the meantime I met Reggie and we decided to explore the caves together. We stumbled on a cave with four artificial werewolves. Short version of the story is that we defeated the wolves got a creepy key out of it and an ominous message about the wolves.

Here comes the important part the next day we noticed that the environment has changed and we also found out that the wolves has changed the hard way." I said with a strained smile and fished out the golden skull out of my bag.

I showed her the skull and Senna looked stunned at the information she received and the skull she is looking at.

" It must be fate!" Senna shouted out loud.

" I am sorry what" I said to Sanna in confusing.

" The goddess said that someday somebody will come to destroy the tainted creatures underground this forest. The goddess is refering that these tainted creatures are the wolves underground. One of you guys must the person the goddess is talking about" Sanna exclaimed with excitement.

"When was this prophecy made Senna" I asked her.

" Few thousands years ago" She answered.

" That is impossible we weren't even born then how can I be even part of this prophecy thing" I exclaimed.

" You don't have to be born to have prophecy made on thy you silly man. This also happened on tons of Heroes in the past. They also didn't believe in the prophecy but they still fullfilled it, so it doesn't matter if you don't believe in it the prophecy will happen and there is nothing we can do about it." Sanna explained with a serious face.

I nodded at Senna and said" I still feel uncomfortable about this whole propercy thing. It sounds rather dangerous as if it is saying that my life will be hell" I said with a bitter smile.

Reggie was in disbelief at this wolf prophecy and the taint the prophecy spoke about.

"Wait a minute a true Prophecy are you serious this is some dangerous stuff back in de city we take prophecies very serious" Reggie said.

" I am serious" Senna said.

" If its true then it is probably Sy that will be removing the taint" Reggie exclaimed.

" What why me!?" I said out loud.

" Well you got a history with wolves and your quest to go after scarface it is clear to me you probably are the one the propercy is talking about" Reggie said.

" Even if I am the person the prophecy is talking about doesn't mean I have to like it".

" Syre in live we need to do things sometimes that we don't like and then move on with it. I always say just go with the flow" Senna explained.