cold cave

half a month later…

Senna, Reggie and I have been hunting a lot of blue caves in the past half month. Our teamwork even improved further as well as our connection with each other. The villagers accepted us and the kids loved us like we were their siblings. It felt good to be an older sibling maybe this is how my older brothers felt towards me.

They also had always the urge to protect me against every evil that walked in our forest. I promised myself to protect the village kids with my life if I am around. It is sad but I already realised that I can't be always there for them but I can make them strong and the best way to make them strong is to train. Reggie became like the mean/fun uncle of our trio. He always calls the kids brats but the kids know deep down that he likes them. Reggie is just too stubborn to admit it.

This village is like my second family.

Anyway we are preparing for the caves again the sky now had a dark blue tinge to them. It looked unsettling a bad sign maybe but we still will go. We trust our teamwork and our skills.

"Are you ready" Reggie asked me.

"I was born ready Reggie" I said with a grin.

Senna saw that something was on my mind and asked" what is wrong with thy are thy sick?.

I looked at Sanna and she looked concerned.

I just shaked my head and said" Just an odd feeling".

" I don't see any difference from your usual face" Reggie said with a mocking face.

I just chuckled at Reggies comment and said" You are right I must be going crazy and even if something happens we always come out alive ".

This lit up the crew up and then we were preparing to leave…

" Big bros and big sis beat some monster up for us" We heard a child scream at us.

We turned around and the village kids were cheering for us this is amazing. The elders at the village looked at the scenery with a gentle smile.

Reggie , Senna and I starting to smile.

" Don't worry we will get every mean monster in the forest for you guys" I shouted.

" My precious little children thy don't have to worry about us we will protect each other" Senna exclaimed with a bright smile.

" Brats don't worry nothing can hurt your older bro I am the fastest shooter in the whole dark forest" Reggie said while doing a manly pose for the kids.

We looked at each others faces and it was filled with passion and determination.

We all started to leave and before I left I waved at everyone.

The mountain range…

The mountain range got much colder and creepier than before. Some parts of the forest is even frozen with ice. The most strange thing that baffled me is that the trees and the animals adapted the new environment with ease. The Trees got a lot thicker and the animals got faster. This all happened in a month worths of time.

We all are staring at a cave that we found a few days ago. The cave gave us an odd and bad feeling. This cave is completely frozen and is covered in light blue rocks. We already knew that this cave probably held one of the three keys of the mountain range. We wanted to explore but when Reggie and I thought of the previous cave with an key we didn't know what to do.

We nearly lost our lives after all and now Senna is with us who hasn't experienced such a dangerous cave before. That is why Reggie and I were hesistating.

"Are we finally going to explore this cave I know why thy are hesistating. It is because of me right." She said with a bitter smile.

Reggie and I couldn't help to feel sorry for her.

" We are not only afraid that you will get hurt but we are also afraid that we will lose our lives. The previous key encounter didn't help us after all and with the strength increase of the wolves doesn't help us either" Reggie explained our reason.

" I know that but it is still frustrating" She said.

I signed and said" Think about how we feel when something happens to you. We will never forgive ourselves but you got a point we need to stop being overprotective of you since you did save us a lot" I said.

Senna looked at us for a few seconds and then said" Fine I see your point but thy got to remember I am a big girl that can take care of thy self and don't forget that I got the skull to protect me".

Reggie and I looked at each other and then nodded.

" Fine you have won we are going cave hunting I just hope that this doesn't bite my ass later" I said while a bitter smile formed on my face.

We looked at the frozen cave that is leaking a horrible cold aura and we walked in.

We went deeper and deeper into the cave.

We are stunned the cave that was supposed to be made of blue rocks is also made of blue crystals. The floor is covered in a thick layer of ice while magical light blue crystal came out of the floor in some spots.

" Don't touch the blue crystals I got a feeling it wouldn't end well if we do" I said.

" Yeah I already figured out that much" Reggie replied with some sarcasm.

" This cave is gorgeous!" Senna exclaimed.

" Lets just go" I said.

We walked even further in the cave till we saw something absolute stunning…