cold is coming

A massive blue crystal dome is before our eyes. The floor is also made of pure ice. The ice has a light color to it you could even see your own reflection on it. What is even more weird in this cold ice room was that there are four massive statues of werewolves. It is the same as the red cave. Only this time the statues weren't red but has a more of blue icy color to them. It looked like the statues are really made of ice.

I looked at the statues and signed "Here we go again" I thought.

" Sy this is the same as last time right!?" Reggie exclaimed.

I looked at Reggie and said" Yeah it is so stay on your toes".

" Same as last time?" Senna said with a puzzled look.

" Yep this is one of the key caves we told you about. Just like this key cave, the key cave before us also has living statues of werewolves." I explained.

" Wait the statues are living are thy sure" Sanna shouted.

" Yep so when we walk in be careful I already can tell that this fight is not going to be easy" I replied. Senna nodded at my comment.

I looked at Senna and Reggie for the last time before we entered the ice dome.

Just like last time the entrance to the cave closed down. The entrance is now covered in light blue crystal. Cold light is also now illuminating the cave. Funny I never knew that light can be cold I guess we find something new everyday. If the place didn't look like a final battle arena before you. Now it looks like the center of an evil lair where the most dangerous beast live in it.

" definitely looks like a Final battle Arena" I muttered.




Weird noises came out of the statues I already could see cracks vorming from the statues. I could not help to be a little worried last time when this happened I went insane and attacked the weird red werewolves with my bare hands.

" It is happening Senna and Reggie stay alert we are going to face some mean wolves" I said trying to sound cool but it didn't help at all since we know what the risk is.

" Baaaaam"

The ice statues exploded.

A massive cloud that is looks light blue in color appeared in the center of the dome before us.

I could feel my nerves in this situation. No sound came out of us. It looked like the world was still for one second but that second felt like forever for us.

The blue mist started to clear up.

Four figures appeared from the cloud.

The figures were big they stood at the height of 4 meters long. Their fur is as white as snow but I couldn't help to notice a little tinge of lightblue covering their body. Their claws are big and sharp. It even looks like that the wolves can cut a steel wall open with only their claws.

The wolves were looking rather angry. Angry here is an understatement they were looking furious.

Just looking at their cold blue eyes I know they only want to tear our heads off our body. Their teeth were gnashing hungrily and with impatience. They see us as one thing and one thing only ,we are just pray to them. They were not like a living wolf where we could spot emotions from them. These werewolves were killing machines they only existed to kill. I am convinced that I need to slaugther such abomination that only know how to kill.

The menacing werewolves are staring at us with a heavy bloodlust emitting from them it is truly astonishing.

The ice dome is filled with their bloodlust. Then a heavy amount of blue dark aura filled the dome.

"aaauuuuuuwwwww!' the wolves started to howl out loud. I looked at the wolves and they vanished.

" What they are gone … No they aren't gone just fast" I thought

As if I could see the wolf I pulled my sword and blocked the wolfs attack with pure instinct. I got pulled back 2 meters because of the impact that I received with the collision of the attack.

" Damn such strength and speed I knew this fight going to be hell well more like a cold hell this time and man the floor is slippery stupid ice" I thought.

I looked at the werewolf in front of me He looked at me like I am a piece of meat. I could even see his tongue sticking out while he is breathing out loud.

" Yep this is definitely a cold hell I am now 100% sure".

Reggies pov…

"What the fuck just happened I was looking at the wolves for a few seconds and the next second they freaking dissappear out of thin air… but I luckily realized what the wolves did and out of reflax I realised my arrow magic and jumped away.

Just as I expected a wolf stood where I was. Pheeew I am lucky for Syre and my training or else my head would be rolling on the ground.

"Man those werewolves are mean bastards" I muttered to myself.

Senna pov

This cave wasn't as gorgeous anymore as I thought It was. The wolves probably played a huge part on my opinion of this cave. What are those wolves anyway I only sense bloodlust from them. It is like they are made for killing people. Such beeing goes against the domain of my beloved goddess Azura. Such beeings never can accept the beauty of love or nature.

Then something unthinkable happened the wolves appeared from out of my sight.

" What just happened" I thought with confusion. Before I realized the power of the skull turned on.

" Taaaannngg" Right in front of me a werewolf tried to strike me down but luckily the red shield of the skull protected me.

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I see the wolf that tried to strike me down.

"This cave really is different from the other caves" I thought.