cold fight 2

After warning everyone about the weaknesses of the ice werewolves I looked at my two werewolves. They were still panting hard but they looked better than a few seconds ago. "Their stamina recovery is quite impressive" I thought.

The werewolves looked at me with a wary face and a second later they sprinted at me again.

This time I am prepared for their assault and their speed. I gripped my sword tight and focused on their movement I could see them better now must have been because they are tired.

They were still fast as ever but this time I could predict their movement a little better. I focused on the room before me and sensed all the life aura around me. I could feel everyone's aura in the room. I could feel the two werewolves before me with their dark blue cold aura around them.

Their aura is really uncomfortable a sane person would not want to spent anytime with these wolves because if they do the sane person would turn from sane to insane. When I scanned further in the domain I could feel Reggie's aura.

Reggie's aura has a cyan colored aura. His aura flowed very fast as expected from an archer he needs to release his aura constantly because of his arrow magic. Reggie's aura just has this hyper feeling to it.

I then looked at Senna's aura her aura is beautiful. I knew magical aura's are some kind of life energy. Aura does come from a living beings after all. Even if these evil werewolf were created from a living being but anyway Senna's aura felt just so alive and so warm that it is astonishing. When you look at her aura you would be reminded of a warm forest that is full with plants and Trees. I also felt a lot of love coming from Senna's aura as expected of the priestess of Azura. The more I thought of Senna's aura the more I thought of my family.

"Love huh you have different kinds love of a mother ,love from a lover of even brotherly love" I thought and started to think about my journey and the hardships I faced so far.

My aura started to spike up and I have a serious expression written on my face while I looked at the upcoming werewolves.

I could feel their movement , their aura and even their heart rate. I could see everything.

I closed my eyes while the world went in slow motion for me. Everything just felt clear to me and without even realizing I started to move and drew my sword. I went on the offense for the first time with these bloody speedy werewolves.

I moved at them like it is a natural thing to do. It was like a normal walk in the forest but this time it is an extremely fast walk to the forest. I pushed my feet on the slippery ice with a good amount of strength. I dashed to the wolves with great speed it nearly looked like I was flying in the air if you didn't look properly. I drew my sword while red light sparked from it. It looked like red lightning was coming of my sword.

"Super strike" I shouted and lots of blood colored lightning is coming out of my sword. This is a new move I invented with my magic. It is like an upgraded version of blood strike but difference obviously is that super strike took the aspect of lightning while bloodstrike took the aspect of water. I invented super strike to slay speedsters. Super strike is like lightning super fast and I hope fast enough to slay speedsters.

The two werewolves couldn't even react properly when they see my new move and before they could even move one of the werewolf got struck by my sword.

Red lightning went through the wolf's body. The werewolf looked like he was in pain which is kinda funny since he is a summon I wouldn't thought they could feel pain since all they can think of how to kill me. The super strike did not only electrocute him it also sent the werewolf flying because of the backlash of my strike ,so the wolf crashed on a Ice pillar. A white icy mist appeared around the werewolf because of the collision with the pillar.

" Well that is a lot of demage" I shouted with some excitement but still with a calm face.

I couldn't see the amount of demage I caused the werewolf because of the white fog but the other werewolves that saw his friend flying weren't so happy with me. Which made sense I would also not be happy if I see Reggie or Senna get hurt.

The wolf started growling at me extremely loud. I never heard a wolf growling at me with such anger then again this is a werewolf we are talking about maybe that is why it was growling so loud. The purple werewolf might even growl more harder than the werewolf before me I am not looking forward to that. The white werewolf started to walk around me slowly while he looked at me as if I was a lesser being.

Why do wolves walk around you before they attack are they trying to search an opening or something ,everytime I fight a wolf they walk around you like you are some piece of fucking meat.

The white fog started to clear up where I sent the other wolf flying. I hoped that the other wolf is death so I can focus on this werewolf but of course my luck would not allow that. When I looked at the white fog I see a werewolf standing. I looked at the cut where I struck the werewolf. I am stunned the cut is still there but it is completely frozen so that blood will stop leaking from it. The werewolf also has raging red eyes. It is in a berserk state but luckily he also looked worn out.

I stared at the two werewolves and I knew the battle is just beginning.