cold fight 3

The blue werewolf has frozen his wound.

" A smart one eh or did you do it on instinct?" I muttered to myself. The wolves didn't care about my muttering and decided to attack me together because if one isn't enough than two shall do it. Atleast I hope that the werewolves are thinking like that because if they don't I honestly give them too much credit.

The wolves sprinted at me again but this time they focused their aura magic on their feet while the wolf with the wound also applied it on his wound he doesn't want the wound to get opened again obviously.

I took my stance and focused my aura on my feet since I don't have time to apply my magic aura all over my body. I got ready with my super strike and jumped to the two werewolves direction. We both went on the offense this time.

Reggie pov...

The tip that Sy gave me helped me a lot since I tried new tactics to worn the wolf out. I looked at the werewolf's body language. If I can hit him somewhere with my arrows. The wolf sadly is still too fast for my arrows but he did get more sluggish I noticed.

" Come on then you big fluffy furball" I taunted him. I didn't really get any reaction from his facial expression but he did come at me. I got ready with my stance and shot with my arrows at where I could see him I also shot him where he could arrive so basically I tried to predict his movements.

Everytime when he arrived near me I started dodging him it nearly felt like a routine when fighting this wolf.

Then I saw something that I needed badly.

The wolf's stamina might be getting low or this could be pure luck because the wolf slipped on the ice.

Ironic an Ice werewolf that slips on the ice I even didn't slip on the ice and I am not from around here. Anyway I took the chance and rapidly started to fire my arrow magic where the wolf slipped. The wolf tried to dodge my arrows with desperation.

After a lot of arrows and dodging. The wolf and I got tired with constantly realising our magic and we stopped for a second. I desperately was trying to search for a wound on the wolf.

Just when I am losing hope I see the wolf hiding one part of his leg. Blood is leaking from a hole that was created by my arrow magic. I finally managed to hit the damn werewolf. Finally after like ten minutes of fighting I managed the injure the damn thing.

My grin turned into a frown when the werewolf's cold aura started to leak. The aura specifically went to the wound and had frozen it.

"You got to be kidding me after all my hard work this happened" I thought in my head depressed.

At that moment I knew that this battle going to be a long long battle.

Senna pov...

The battle with my wolf is going like an endless cycle I suppose.

The werewolf kept hitting the red shield from the skull while I tried to trap it with my wood magic. I started to think I should keep this going till Reggie and Sy are done with their wolves. I looked at myself and I am really frustrated.

" Are thy really going to hide behind Reggie's and Sy's back again. Waiting like a helpless girl that can't do anything herself. Thy are the priestess of Azura for goodness sake and thy can't do anything herself what a joke I have become" I thought to myself.

After looking at the werewolf a few seconds with despair.

I gritted my teeth and balled my hands up.

" No I can't let it end like this I am Senna the priestess of Azura herself I will do this! I can do this!" I thought.

I looked at the wolf that id looking at me with a furious expression. For a normal child the wotlfs face would be traumatic but for Senna it is a face of shame a mark that showed her how useless she is. She wanted to just destroy the face of the werewolf and show everyone that she wasn't some weak healer girl.

" I can't hide behind Reggie and Sy forever" I thought with determination.

" Begone foul wolf in the name of goddess Azura herself thy shall be judged" I shouted.

Senna put her arms before her as she formed two fist with them. Her arms changed to Wood and then massive spiky pillars of wood came out of her arms. The spiky pillars are coming for the wolf. The big werewolf obviously see the pillars coming for him and tried to dodge them. The wolf dodged and dodged till he is huffing and puffing heavily. The endless dodging is showing some backlash on the wolf. Senna wasn't handling her situation any better than the wolf. She is also getting tired of releasing endless amount of magic.

Senna is also panting heavily but she kept going hoping to injure the wolf in some way. She didn't ask for much just one small injury to prove her worth so she kept spamming her magic.

The wolf is getting tired of the constant spiky pillars standing in its way and maybe because of the anger that it could not injure Senna ,because of the red shield he lost focus on the pillars. That is where the wolf went wrong now because he didn't concentrate properly a spiky wooden pillar managed to shave him. The wolf is now bleeding a lot at the side he got shaved.

" I did it I managed to injure the wolf!" Senna said while looking at the injury with a stunned expression.