attack 2

"Gork you are awake" one of the villagers shouted with a happy expression.

Gork nodded to her with a sad smile and said" Yeah sorry for worrying you".

" It is no problem Gork I am just glad you are okay" The villager replied back.

Zelva looked at the situation with some amusement but then she turned serious and said" I will get some water dearie you haven't drinked anything in hours".

" Thank you I appreciate it" Gork replied.

Zelva went to get to some water for Gork while we all looked at him in concern.

" If you don't mind me asking but what happened to you" I said softly.

He looked at me with a sad face and tried to look happy but it didn't work. " Well a wolf attacked me and he got Kork" He said while clenching his fist.

" A wolf?" Senna said with concern.

" It wasn't a normal wolf he was golden" Gork continued but then Zelva came with her cup of water while Gork thanked her and then he drinked the water.

After he was done drinking his cup of water he said " This is what happened..."


" Yo bro lets go hunting" a happy man said. The man looked just like Gork but only difference is that he is bald and Gork has some hair.

" Yeah yeah I am coming Kork" A man replied this man was of course Gork.

Gork has a lazy expression on his face but he still smiled at Kork.

Gork catched up with Kork and asked "what is with all the excitement".

" I am just happy when we hunt and I got a feeling we will find something big today" Kork replied.

" Okay now we will probably find a tiny rabbit" Gork joked.

" No we won't trust my gut it will be big and huge " Kork said in a childish way.

Gork shaked his head he is always the mature one of the two.

Gork and Kork walked inside of the forest. The twins met a few animals but they weren't big enough and it will only cost more energy to catch them.

Two hours later...

" We are in this forest for two whole hours and we still haven't found worthy animals for our hunt" Kork said while he looked around if he could spot something worthy for his hunt.

"Keep complaining and even the so called small animals will disappear and we are in the middle of grassfield with trees surrounding us that are ten meters away from us no wonder we can't find anything because we aren't sneaky enough" I complained.

" Hey maybe the animals in this forest heard about our hunt and are too afraid to show up. That must be it" Kork laughed out loud.

" Yep I am sure these animals understand us and they decided you know what lets leave these two dangerous boys alone" I replied with sarcasm.

" Exactly" While he did an arrogant pose and actually believed it.

I looked at my brother in disbelief and started to wonder if we were actually related.

Just when I wanted to respond to my brother weird antics.

"sshsh" We heard a sound coming from the bushes. We looked around us and see all the bushes moving. We thought the bushes moved maybe because of the wind but we weren't so sure at that point. My brother signaled me to be quiet by putting his hand on his mouth.

We moved slowly to the bush. Kork prepared his knife since he is closer to the bush. When we got closer about 1 meter away from the bush something jumped out of it. I quickly prepared my hunting knife but when I looked a little white rabbit appeared before us. We lowered our weapons and looked dissapointed.

" False alarm I guess you were right with the tiny rabbit" I chuckled at his comment and I closed my eye.

"Aaaawwwwghhh!!" I heard a horrible scream. It was like a plead for help and sadly before me a golden wolf is biting on my brothers leg he tried to get rid of it but it didn't help at all.

Everything was frozen for a second till I reacted .

" Brother!!!" I screamed and charged at the wolf with magic on my legs. The wolf is still on my brother's leg so I kicked it. It somehow worked and the wolf crashed to the tree

While I helped my brother up and we then prepared our knifes. The wolf stood up without a wound on his body. He looked completely fine.

He charged my brother again. I tried to attack the wolf but he wasn't interested when I got in his way he quickly made claw attack at my direction and he hit me. My arm started to bleed but I still rushed to the wolf to protect my brother. This time I tried to hit the wolf with my knife that is charged with magic but the wolf sees my knife and charged his magic with some kind of golden aura. When my knife collided with the wolf something shocking happened.

" Thhhhnnngggg" I could still hear the sound of the collision. My knife broke into two pieces. The upper part of my knife just flew in the air. My brother also tried to fight with his knife but that didn't work the wolf just shrugged it off.

I desperately tried tackle the wolf of my brother but it didn't work he is too powerful with his golden power. I am probably some annoyance to the wolf since he quickly swiped his claws at me. My chest got hit and the claw marks on my chest were huge.

I desperately tried to find a way to get the golden wolf of my brother and I just know one way to do that. I pulled magic in my body I even pulled magic from nature itself. I pulled so much magic in my body that even my body couldn't handle. I could hear my bones breaking and my organs are shaking as I charged the wolf.

" Get of my brother you foul beast!" I screamed at the wolf while I sprinted to my brother's direction.