attack 3

" Get of my brother you foul beast!" I screamed as I charged at the wolf.

I didn't expect much I just hoped that I could push the wolf away from my brother. I tackled the wolf with all my strength and a miracle happened. The wolf didn't expect my final attack or the strength of my last attack because he flew away and crashed on a rock. The rock got blown into pieces.

I quickly pull my brother up and we ran for our life hoping that the wolf didn't follow us. I couldn't confirm if the wolf was alive or not after my attack but I didn't want to leave it up to fate if the wolf did survive.

We went to the forest with our injuries hoping that the wolf wouldn't find us. I prayed and prayed to any deity I know but it wasn't meant to be.

" Aaaauuuwwwww!" I heard a crying wolf I turned my head around and see the golden wolf again behind us. It is looking at my brother again and it had no injuries. I don't know why he kept attacking my brother maybe he hates bald people.

We both are desperate to survive but our situation is really dire. A wolf that is invincible to us isn't really a good enemy to have.

A big rock is before us. The brothers looked at each other and nodded. The golden wolf ran to them and just as the wolf nearly hit us with his double claw attack we pushed each other in the opposite direction ,and the wolf hit the massive rock with his golden clawed attack.

The massive rock got completely destroyed. If we both got hit with that attack we would have died instantly. We ran through the destroyed path the wolf made for us. We wanted to reach the village as soon as possible. The wolf wasn't tired at all and continued to chase us like a mad dog. My brother and I used different rocks and Trees to dodge the wolf's attacks. We hoped that we would find some kind of weakness from the wolf as the chase went on but we could not find anything at all. I started to lose hope of our survival.

I am depressed because there is a big chance that I will die tonight and that is not a good feeling. What even made us more helpless after running into the forest is that we reached a dead end while a massive golden wolf chased us. We stared at the cliff with despair, the cliff is about three hundred meters deep. There is nothing to catch us only a bunch of spiky trees if we jumped.

We stared at each other we probably knew at that point that we will not survive. The wolf got closer and closer to us. The wolf started to growl angry at my brother again I don't know why he is obsessed with my brother.

My brother got closer to me as we prepared our last stance together.

" So this is it huh?" I asked in a normal voice.

" Yeah so let's give him hell!' kork replied.

Kork fully activated his magical aura.

I also gathered all the magic I could get even if its tiny compared to my previously attack. I believe that every little bit helps even if I still haven't injured the wolf at all this is also matter of pride.

The wolf got ready to attack us we also got ready to attack the wolf but then Kork turned his magical energy to me.

" Kork what are you doing!?" I said with a shocked face.

" Sorry Gorky one of us need to survive and it is going to be you" He said with a goofy smile.

" What are you on about" Before I could complain.

" Farewell brother" He said with a gentle voice.

A massive yellow light is released and everything was gone.

I am on a whole different place now.

I could hear even noises of people!?

" Oh god Kork could still be out there with the wolf I need to get help quickly but I am so tired" I thought.

I started to walk to the noises in a hurry.

When I could see the light of the village.

I heard people running to me.

" Oh god Gork is that you" I heard a woman say.

" Golden wolf Kork death help..." I said.

Gork then fainted.

Flashback end...

" Did that really happened" a village woman said while tears are coming out of her eyes.

" Yes sadly it is true" Gork replied with a sad smile.

" Gork your brother is a hero he protected you. I am sure if he doesn't survive he will be in a better place while he watches over you. I can understand how you feel my older brothers also sacrificed their lives while protecting me" I said with a sad smile.

" Thank you Sy that means a lot to me. I just hope to find something of him even if its his body then I can atleast hope to bury him. Kork needs a proper funeral" Gork said with determination.

" Your brother is a hero Gork. I am sure if we tell the kids about your story they will Idolize him" a random village woman said.

gork nodded at the woman and gave her a smile. The woman blushed when she saw Gork smiling at her.

" Okay enough talking with the patiënt he has suffered enough for today." Senna said.

" Yes mam!" I said while doing a pose to her everyone chuckled at my antics even Zelva was giggling.

We all left the room and my face turned serious. I went to Senna and Reggie they both also looked very serious.

" That golden wolf must be the new type of wolf that appeared when we cleared the ice cave." Reggie said.

" Do thy really think so?" Senna asked.

" I think Reggie is right this is like the same circumstances when we cleared the cave with the red skull" I said.

"I just hope that everything going to be alright" Senna said and then she signed.

" Me too" I said while Reggie agreed with me.