
In a forest...

Blue arrows appeared out of thin air and the arrows impaled some black wolves.

" Too easy" a man mumbled.

" Did you find a clue about the golden wolf?" another man said.

" No Sy I only fought black wolves".

" Damn it we have been searching it for a few days now and we still haven't found anything about it. It is pretty frustrating and after we went with Gork to look for Kork if he is alive or not... lets just say Reggie I want that wolf gone. I don't feel safe with that wolf walking in the forest especially with the kids around" I explained.

Reggie isn't doing any better remembering what happened with Kork that awful scene still was in his mind.

" Found anything yet I have been searching for two hours for the wolf but still no clue at all" A woman said this woman is of course Senna.

" Don't worry we will find the beast for what he did with Kork" Reggie said.

Senna nodded at Reggie with a sad smile.


Middle in the forest...

" Are you sure this is where you guys went" Reggie said.

" Yes I am certain we went this way" Gork replied.

We walked into a field...

" Wow that battle you guys had with the wolf must have been insane" I said while I stared at the field with amazement. The field looked like a warzone there are broken rocks everywhere and a lot trees are also destroyed.

Gork has a pained expression on his face and said" Yes it was an insane battle not that we could demage it at all but still I tried my best".

We walked to a spot on the field.

The spot has blood on it.

Gork clenched his fists and said " This is the spot where Kork got injured by the damn wolf".

We looked at the spot with blood on it we have a sickly expression.

" Let's go to the place where you last saw Kork " Reggie commented.

We walked through the forest and followed the trail of broken rocks and blood.

We finally arrived at the cliff where Gork got teleported.

Gork looked at the cliff with frustration he tried to search for Kork or his body he even checked beyond the cliff. He hoped that he could see Kork beneath the cliff but sadly he sees nothing.

" Guys?" Senna softly said to us.

We all looked at Senna and she pointed at something with her hand. When we looked at the direction where she pointed at we see another trail of blood but this trail of blood is thicker than the last one. We all looked at each other with a nervous expression especially Gork. We fellowed the trail of blood the longer the trail went on the more uncomfortable we got.

We arrived at an isolated part of the forest but when we looked at what is in front of us we were in shock.

Senna hand started to tremble while she covered her mouth.

Reggie's face looked green.

While Gork's skin got pale and his body is trembling.

Even though I looked normal I was disturbed inside.

Gork slowly walked to the tragedy tears were coming from his eyes like a geyser.

" BRROOOOOOOOTTTTHHHHEEEEERRRR!!!" Gork howled with grief it was one of the most saddest howls I have ever heard.

In front of us layed Kork's body if you still can call it a body. Kork's limbs are separated and his head is even ripped of his torso. You could see multiple wolf bits around his body.

The ground is literally painted with his blood. This is really disgusting.

The worse part of this tragedy wasn't even his body it was his face. You could see his terrified face that is full of agony. One thing is certain on Kork's face is that he died after the wolf was done playing around with him.

" This is absolute horrible" Senna said with a broken face while tears streamed down on her cheeks.

Gork got down to Kork's head and picked his head up and hugged it. He howled loudly to the skies. Gork is probably thinking how unfair the world is and I can't blame the guy if this happened to my parents I would have gone insane I already lost my brothers and no way I let a wolf take my parents away from me.

After this horrible tragedy we decided to pick up Kork's body parts and give Kork a proper grave.

We buried Kork right in the village. Every villager gathered around Kork's grave.

They all thought of Kork's goofy face and his kindness. Kork always made sure that nobody starved to death in the village. A lot of people were crying in front of Kork's grave.

" Kork didn't deserve this fate he is a kind man" one of the female villager said.

I stared at Kork's grave with a sad expression.

Gork looked at the grave of his dead twin brother. His brother who always had a goofy face. That always managed to rile him up like all siblings can do.

" Kork I promise you if I see the golden wolf that killed you I will try to avenge you" I thought with determination.

Flashback end...

Here we are searching for the wolf that killed Kork and sent Gork into depression.

" Another failure with our golden wolf hunt. Hey do you think that the wolf left this area" Reggie commented.

" Maybe we should search tomorrow it is getting late so the kids will be worried about us" I said.

" Sy is right we need to get back to the village" Senna commented.

" Yeah lets g-" before I could finish my sentence I jumped back out of pure instinct.

A golden blur appeared and it landed where I jumped back from.

We looked before us and...

There it was the magnificent golden wolf.