
There it was a magnificent golden beast is before us and damn it is big.

The beast stared at us with a furious expression. I swear I could see golden sparks coming from his eyes. The wolf is definitely pissed at us for somekind of reason but then again it is a wolf they are always pissed off at everything unless you are a wolf.

Reggie and Senna are also staring at the wolf with disbelief. I guess they also weren't expecting a forest wolf of this size. Most of the time forest wolves are smaller than the wolves in the cave. I don't know why that is but maybe because of the environment the cave wolves live in makes them stronger and bigger.

"Enough admiring the golden forest wolf " I thought to myself it is time to get busy.

I prepared my stance to face the wolf. When Reggie and Senna saw me they also got ready for this fight.

The wolf growled at us when he sees us not running away and then it sprinted at us.

" Get ready to defend yourself" I shouted at Reggie and Senna.

The golden wolf sprinted at us with a slow pace. It is much slower than the white werewolves but we already expected that and what we heard from Gork is that the wolf's strength is insane and that he can tank magical attacks like it is nothing at all. which makes the wolf extremely dangerous even if he doesn't have the required speed to hit us but if we make one mistake it will probably be over for us.

Golden aura started to come out of the golden beast the aura felt heavy it felt like it is suppressing us. This ability of suppression could be dangerous to us. Damn it this ability made this wolf a lot more dangerous now the question is can the wolf increase this suppression.

I draw my sword and I am getting ready to use my super strike.

Senna used her tree magic with ease and trees started to appear beneath the golden wolf. The wolf managed to dodge the trees and its branches that tried to impale it. The wolf is surprised it clearly did not expect the trees maybe that is why when a barrage of blue arrows went flying to the golden wolf it hit the wolf straight on. A thick mist appeared from the clash with the arrows.

" Did we get him" Reggie shouted.

The cloud of smoke cleared up in front of us is the golden wolf the wolf just stood there. The wolf has no injuries at all ,he started growling obviously not amused of our attack.

" No you did not get him" I replied.

" Obviously we did not get him from what Gork said this wolf could be considered invincible" I thought to myself.

The wolf released more of his golden suppression.

" Shit so he can increase his suppressed abilities. The more I get to know this wolf the more dangerous he becomes.

The golden wolf went after me.

I protected myself with my sword while the wolf swiped his claw at me. I could not dodge this time since the wolf used his ability.

A golden explosion came out of the wolf claw.

" Booommm!!!"

I was sent flying straight to a tree.

" Sy" my friends shouted in unison.

" Damn that hurt" I said while I slowly got up.

My friends are distracting the wolf with their magic while they looked at me with concern. I realized that this wolf has a massive advantage on me since I am close combat fighter. Reggie and Senna still could use their magic at a great distance while I need to get close to the wolf to pull off my best attacks.

"I got a feeling that these golden wolves going to be a nightmare to me.

" Reggie, Senna this wolf is going to be a nightmare for me since he has quite a big advantage in close combat!" I shouted.

" Yeah we already figured that out what are we going to do my and Senna's attack aren't working at all on the wolf" Reggie replied.

" This might sound stupid but I need to get close to the wolf since both your attacks aren't working I need to try atleast so I want you to distract the wolf as much as possible"I explained.

" Roger that Sy even I don't like thy plan we got nothing better" Senna said with some concern.

" You really are stupid first you announce that the wolf has a massive advantage over you but you still want to fight it in close combat but whatever I am in" Reggie answered.

" Sorry Reggie ,Senna but we don't have a choice on this matter" I said with a sad look.

" Let's begin with this madness" I shouted.

Senna looked at the wolf with a solemn

expression and moved both her hands on the ground.

Huge amounts green natural magic leaked out of Senna she pumped her natural magic into the ground.

The ground beneath the golden wolf started to shake. The wolf also looked surprised at the ground. Before the wolf knew it a massive tree roots came out of the ground. The tree roots attacked the golden wolf. The wolf dodged the roots with a furious face.

Reggie got his magic ready while the wolf is dodging the roots.

Reggie opened his eyes....

And in an instance Reggie spammed his arrow magic like a mad man.

Reggie released blue arrows and super fast orange arrows.

The wolf same like last time didn't see the arrows coming but unlike last time massive tree roots managed to hit the golden wolf.

The wolf is sent flying.