golden cave 3

An intense staring contest is happening between a man and two golden werewolves

"Sy" a female voice shouted in the distance.

Syre jumped back from the two golden wolves to keep some distance if they decided to attack.

" Senna are you already done with your wolf!" I shouted back.

" No I managed to distract it with my magic. The wolf will probably be coming here soon. I could not damage it so I thought we need to team up so that I can support you guys with my healing magic".

" That sounds good Senna I can use your help with distracting them" I shouted while I approved of her plan.

The wolves started to run at me again with anger written on their dogfaces.

I got ready with my sword and looked at the wolf that was running in front of the other wolf.

I quickly use super strike on the wolf at front and struck his face. The red lightning blast that came out of my sword is a lot stronger than my previous lightning blast. The front wolf got fried alive and got blown away till it hit the wall of the cave. The other that was behind me and the one that I struck tried to attack me but trees blocked his attack .

"Nice Senna!" I looked at Senna. Senna was panting hard she must have rushed to me.

The second wolf is trying to beat down the trees that Senna has created.

Than a blue light appeared next to us out of nowhere.

A man appeared from the blue light that man is of course Reggie.

" Hey guys a furious werewolf is probably coming to us" He said with a happy voice.

" So thy have the same idea as me huh?" Senna said with some amusement.

" Yep this wolf has total advantage over me so please help me out" Reggie confirmed.

" I smiled a little when I see my two friends while one is also my lover. It is good to know even in a situation like this my friends can still joke around even if we are facing a death battle.

The cloud cleared up where I struck the wolf.

The wolf is healing up his face. The wounds did disappear except for his eyes. The golden wolf still has my sword wound on his eyes even if it looks like a burn my strike did fried his eyes so that makes sense.

Now we have to deal with three werewolves and one blind werewolf.

The wolf that is fighting with Senna's magic finally managed to free himself and instead of going after us he sprinted to his fellow wolf.

Another howl came from the direction where Reggie appeared.

We looked at the newly arrived Werewolf the wolf sprinted to his pack.

"aaaaaaauuuuhhhhh!" A wolf cried out and then a fourth wolf appeared besides the other wolves.

"The whole werewolf pack is together but we are also back together" I thought in my head.

" We need a plan to take out those wolf the only advantage I see is the blind werewolf that I have blinded but still I can't drop my guard around the wolf a cornered animal is the most dangerous animal".

The four Werewolves came at us this time more like a group then as if they are separated.

" They learned from their previous attack that they should not fight us alone".

" Reggie and Senna we need to fight together" I said with a strict voice .

" Roger cap" Reggie said out loud.

" Already on it " Senna said while her hands glowed green.

The four werewolves were jumping over each other try to catch our attention.

" They look like those cute dogs that try to impress their master but instead of cute dogs they are big beasts that try to rip us apart" Reggie thought in his head.

Senna is already using her tree magic to attack the wolves while Reggie is spamming his overcharged arrows. I stood between my Friends with my hands on my sword.

"I am going to use it." I thought.

Both my teammates nodded at me.

I looked intense at the wolf and out of nowhere blood red aura burst out of me.

The blood aura is so intense that you could hear the floor and air crack. The blood aura is like a raging volcano.

" RED...COMETH!!!" I roared out loud.

I flew through the air in one dark red straight line to the wolves.

To reaction of my horrible magical aura the four werewolves also used their golden aura to their limits. The floor on the cave got crushed where the wolves are standing. The werewolves prepared for my attack.

The blind werewolf looked confused he doesn't know what is going on since it can't not see like his other siblings but he could feel a dangerous aura approaching them. This made him feel uncomfortable.

Unlucky for the blind wolf that he is my target but maybe he can be considered lucky since I am going to end his miserable life. The blind werewolf would only be a distraction for the battle anyways.

I appeared like a cometh above the blind werewolf and smashed my sword on the blind werewolf's neck.

" red cometh strike!" I yelled and a heavy red aura came from the sword crushing the wolves neck.

The neck of the wolf broke down before it got cut off.

The ground where the blind werewolf stood on is completely crushed by the magical aura's.

I looked at the blind wolf and muttered" rest in peace."

The other werewolves have seen what happened to their comrade and are furious.

I quickly went to my friends.

Senna rushed to me to heal me faster.

We all still looked at the golden Werewolves with a stunned look because the werewolves are moving around their dead comrade.

The three wolves started to howl for their comrade.

Golden aura started to gather around them. The aura was so intense that it looked like a golden storm with golden lightning running through the storm.

" I hate to admit it but this scene is beautiful".

Reggie, Senna and I looked stunned at the golden storm.

The storm slowly dissappeared and three figures were standing there. The corpse of the blind wolf completely disappeared.

When I looked at the three werewolves they have changed.

Their hair got more spikier and wilder. The wolves looked more human I could see their muscles popping on their golden arms. Their jaws looked more manacing and their eyes were glowing more.

" W-what just happened to them" Reggie said in disbelief.

" I don't know but it can't be good" I said while looking at them with an intense stare.

" I got a bad feeling Sy, Reggie" Senna said with concern.

" Don't worry we are going make out and if not atleast we will die together" I said with a gentle voice.

The savage werewolves looked at us and then they released their aura. Their aura now had golden lightning streaming through them.

The wolves then sprinted at us.

Their speed got a lot faster but lucky for us they still are not as fast as the white werewolves.

"We used our techniques together again.

Senna used her trees again but the savage werewolves went straight through them he dodged her thorns with ease. Reggie shot his overcharged Arrow but the werewolves tanked them like it is nothing.

" Red cometh" I shouted while I charged after the three werewolves but when I got close to them their golden aura flared up and suppressed me.

My speed slowed down and the savage werewolf in the middle punched me straight on the face.

" It p-punched me!" I thought while I was sent flying to my friends.

"Sy!" Senna screamed as she catches me.

After she caught me I tried to stand up but then I started to cough blood.

Senna tried to reach out to me.

" Don't protect yourself!" I said but it was too late the savage werewolves appeared before us. The werewolf tried to punch Senna but a red shield shattered but she got blasted by a golden shockwave.

" Aaaah!" Senna screamed.

" Senna no!" I shouted but a werewolf pinned me on the ground with his leg.

Reggie is fighting his werewolf with his arrows but it didn't work luckily for Reggie he managed to move with extreme speed through the air but that is were his luck ended. The werewolf managed to predict and a golden shockwave is sent through the air and hit Reggie mid air. Reggie fell on the floor after that without moving a muscle.

" R-reggie no please" I said while I saw everything.

The other savage werewolf is walking to Senna slowly.

" What is it going to do to her stay away from her" I thought with despair.

" Are you really going to let her die" A dark voice said in my head.

" who is this!?" I thought.

" I am you" it said.

I appeared at a dark room with a person he looked just like me only his eyes were darker and he gave me a dark vibe.

" You are me?" I said.

" Well atleast I am part of you I am your darkness"My dark self replied.

" Your my darkness why are you then separated from me" I said.

" Because you idiot you made me seperate from you. It all started when you flipped out with those red werewolves and used my power but when you thought you were not yourself anymore you changed and managed seperate your hatred" He exclaimed with anger.

" And now look where it brought you. You are dying while those filthy savages will kill Senna and Reggie because you thought you don't need me anymore" He shouted at me.

I looked at him calmly and said with a gentle voice" I am sorry but I don't regret it because hatred will only stand in my way but that doesn't mean I don't accept your still me even if you are my dark side".

" But what about Reggie and Senna they will die" He said with fury.

" I know so please help me I will accept you back since you are a part of me but I will not use foolish hatred to control me I will use my powers to make my family happy and to make amends with my brothers" I explained to myself.

" That is unreasonable!"

" Yes I know that is unreasonable but you should know this since you are me" I said with a straight face.

" Very well you unreasonable git but I will warn you I am not easy to tame".

" Of course I know that because you are me" I said.

My dark self shaked his head and said" Fine but don't cry later because I warned you."

" I know and thank you my dark self".

My dark self and me started to fuse it was like dark and light combined together and it made grey.

After the fusion I felt whole again.

A golden werewolf is standing on a man with its foot on his chest.

"Kill him"

"kill him for her!" The man shouted while the golden werewolf looked confused.

Blood red aura magic burst out of the man.

The ground underneath the man got wrecked everything felt heavier. The golden werewolf felt suppressed by the magic of this man.

All the other savage golden werewolves were looking at the man with disbelief.

The man grabbed the foot that is pinning him down on the ground and removed it with ease .

The man then stood up.

The werewolf is stunned when he sees the face of the man.

Because the man didn't had any hatred at all he just has a calm face. Only his eyes got a black-red color on them that is the only change the wolf could feel about the man. The savage werewolf knew that it is wrong because the magical aura this man is releasing changed completely. It felt like his aura wanted blood and massacre everything around it but this man is calm which is the opposite of his aura it didn't make any sense at all!