beginning of the end

I looked at the golden werewolf in front of me.

He looked at me with disbelief and I could see a tiny bit of fear on his face. I am not going to lie that did satisfied me this must be from my darker self. It feels odd but I also feel complete.

The other two werewolves are frozen they also tried to study me.

"Okay you big bad wolves let's get round 2 started shall we" I said with a cocky voice(damn it darker self).

I released my horrible blood red aura once more this time it filled the whole cave dome up. The three savage werewolves protected them self with their own aura so that they will not be suppressed. The floor started to crack. I could see to floor slowly breaking the air. The ground is also making cracking sound like it is on the verge of breaking down. The savage wolf did not like this scenario at all but he had to defeat me after all that is the purpose of his life.

Before the wolf got ready to battle the dangerous man in front of him, it remembered something. The wolf thought of a purple werewolf that he considered his dad the purple werewolf is also his creator after all. A small black werewolf with a scar on his forehead is walking behind the purple werewolf. He remembered that the purple wolf said that the black werewolf is born weak and that he needs protection and that is why he created us.

We all accepted the request from our father happily and treated the small scarred black wolf as our little brother.

" I need to protect my little brother with my life for father!" The golden werewolf thought.

The Werewolf increased his golden aura. Golden lightning is running through his body and looked at the man with fury.

" Ah you finally taking me seriously good" Syre said with a smile of excitement.

Syre pov..

I looked at the wolf with excitement it is time to test myself and more importantly to protect my friends and family.

The sad part of this situation neither wolf of man know that they try to protect their family members.

Both man and wolf looked at each other with an intense look.

They both were watching each other for any openings they could exploit. Their aura seemed to calm down. Their magical aura were getting lesser and lesser till no aura could be felt in the cave but a second later gold and red aura exploded in the cave the golden pillars got destroyed.

Red and golden lightning are clashing with each other. It is like two living storms are fighting each other.

The men and wolf dashed at each other with one thing on their mind and that is to kill their opponent. A red and golden blur are moving at each other with an insane speed it looked like the air broke down debrisses are flying everywhere.

" I will end it with one move" I thought.

The golden wolf has a similar thought to the man.

We both rushed at each other to end this fight for good.

"Blood quake" I screamed to the wolf while on the wolf's hand turned into a golden spear that is shining with golden light.

My sword and his spear collided with each other.

"Booooommm!" a massive explosion came from the collision.

The floor trembled from the collision.

A huge dust of debrisses formed from the collision it is truly a battle between two monsters.

When the dust cleared only one figure stood up while one is on the floor looking dead.

The figure that was standing wasn't looking good either he puked blood on the floor.

The figure that is standing is the man.

Yes it is Syre that have won this battle.

The golden werewolf looks horrible his bones looked Twisted and broken some bones sticked even out of its body.

When you looked at the battle from the side you would think what the hell even happened to the golden wolf and why are his bones like that!

the golden werewolf pov...

That human is sure interesting I never met such powerful human before and he seems young as well.

We both started to prepare our final attacks and I could not help to respect the human. I could see the determination on his face while he faced me he is truly an interesting human to study.

I got my golden king spear ready and poured all my magic through it and then I rushed to the human.

" Blood quake" The human screamed with determination to life.

When Our attacks collided a massive explosion came out of the attack I managed to extend my attack. My golden king spear managed to injure the left side of the human's belly. While the attack of the human sent multiple shockwaves or quakes as you can call it through me. They quakes literally ripped all my bones apart and twisted my body.

" So this is how my life ends" I thought while I kept seeing the final collision in my head.

" This might not so be bad atleast I died for my purpose".

Golden wolf pov end...

That is how the golden wolf died to the attack.

The golden wolf died for his purpose and he died with satisfaction.

Back to Syre pov...

I looked at the wound that the wolf gave me to my left side of my belly. My magic healed my wound up only a thin scar is left behind. The golden aura must have influenced my healing powers.

I see the other two golden werewolves rushing to their fallen comrade.

When they approached the corpse they howled with despair for their comrade. I looked a little bit sad but I knew I had to do it.

The two wolves looked angry at me and I know what they want.

" If you want revenge for your comrade then come at me with everything you got" I said while I pointed my sword at them.

Like they could hear me they released their massive aura at me with everything they got.

I looked at them with a serious expression.

I held my sword with my right hand while I gather my blood red magic with my other hand.

On my left hand appeared a crimson red sword. It looked gorgeous for a sword but if you look past the sword you could feel a bloodthirsty aura coming from the sword. That wasn't the most weirded part from the sword a little bit above the handle of the sword right in the middle of the sword appeared a crimson eye with a slit in it. it looked like an eye of a beast. The sword looked manacing and gorgeous at the same time something you would not expect at all from a sword.

" Come on then I don't have all day I said to the two savage golden werewolves.

The werewolves sprinted at me with an angry growl while I sprinted to them with my two swords.

" Here comes the final collision between me and these golden werewolves" I thought.

The two Goldies formed their golden spear.

I got my twin swords ready when I got near them.

" Twin blood quake" I yelled.

Both my two swords hit the two savage werewolves they also tried to extend their attack like their fallen comrade but this time I was ready for that and managed to dodge it.

The Two werewolves have fallen like their comrade. Satisfied knowing that they gave their lives up for their purpose.

I looked tired at the golden wolves and then a golden ball appeared in the middle of the broken cave. I knew it is one of the golden Keys but I had to wait I need to look for Reggie and Senna.

When I arrived to Senna.

" Sy thy did it" she said while she looked at me with pride.

I quickly rushed to her body to check if she is fine.

" It is okay I healed myself with my magic and the werewolf stopped trying to kill me when thy released that awesome blood magic" She said.

She is right there is nothing wrong I signed in reliëf.

" We need to quickly go to Reggie he also got beaten up by a werewolf horribly" I said with concern and I picked Senna up in bridal style.

I rushed to Reggie but what I see is something horrible.

I see blood everywhere...

" SY ... Senna you have finally arrived" He said with a broken voice.

" Reggie hold on we going to heal you right up Bud" I said with despair. Senna and I arrived to Reggie I used my blood magic while Senna used her healing magic but our magic wasn't working!.

Reggie just looked at us with a smile.

" It is alright Syre, Senna I know I am dying I already accepted my fate" He said with a sad smile.

" Don't say that idiot " While I looked at my best friend tears started to stream down my face.

" Yeah that is right thy are strong thy can't die" She said while she cried.

We both didn't want to admit that Reggie is dying.

" So you finally admitted that I am strong Senna but even the strong die one day and you both probably already noticed that my body is shutting down. I already accepted it and my adventure with you guys is the most amazing thing that happened in my life" Reggie said with a gentle voice.

" But what about proving to your master and the city that you are strong enough to vent for yourself" I cried out loud.

" That was a lie Syre my master already died and when he died I didn't had any purpose in life until I met you and decided to do this amazing adventure. I am sorry I lied to you I just wanted friends my master was the only person that took care of me and nobody in the village wanted me" He explained.

" It is alright I forgive you for lying to me just don't die " I cried out.

He nodded to me and then looked to both of us" You guys need to promise me that after this adventure is over that you two will get married and have kids together. I know how happy you guys are together and that you love each other. Also say to the village that I love them dearly they were like a family to me."

" We promise Reggie" we both cried out loud.

" Thank you... for everything" Reggie whispered with a gentle voice while he closed his eyes with a gentle smile.

Senna started sob out loud while tears kept streaming down my face. I lost my third brother even if he wasn't my blood he will always be my brother.

I thought at the time we met each other I saved him from wolves and he was so excited when he met me.

He will always be apart of us.

Thank you Reggie for everything.

" Goodbye Reggie my brother" I whispered softly while I thought of his Goofy smile.