After grieving for Reggie our fallen brother.
Senna and I discussed what we are going to do next and we decided that senna needs to stay here to guard Reggie's body while I will continue the quest. Reggie is our brother after all and he deserves a proper burial in the village. Senna didn't like the plan at all leaving me alone if something happens in the cave but she know she can't do anything to the golden werewolves and will only be in my way if she fellows me. Senna than decided to help me out with one last trick that she had on her sleeve. Senna used her nature magic to devour the corpses of the golden wolves and give their magic energy to me and it worked I feel even better than when I entered this cave. Senna's magic keeps impressing me more and more.
Anyway I walked to the floating glowing golden ball slowly. When I got closer to it started to shine while I started to float and golden aura surrounded me. It is a magnificent sight. When I arrived before the glowing golden ball it shined even more brighter and it slowly opened up. I see a werewolf skull with a golden gem engraved on its forehead. The skull slowly floated in my hand. I could feel its power rushing through me it felt great. I slowly floated down on the ground but then the unthinkable happened. The three skulls that were beside me started to float in the air. I took the skulls from Reggie and Senna because Senna said that I need the skulls more. The skulls formed some kind of triangle and are circling around each other. It looked odd but the skulls started to move to a wall of the cave.
The wall turned into a light of rainbows. When the bright light faded away a massive door appeared on the wall. The door has a giant head of a golden werewolf engraved on it.
I looked at Senna and nodded saying that I will be going.
Senna nodded back at me with concern and then said" Please be safe Syre I already lost my brother figure today and I don't want to lose the love of my life today".
" Don't worry Senna I will be returning to you and Senna I love you and I always will" I said with a gentle expression.
Senna smiled at me after hearing that.
I slowly walk to the door. The door opened up for me and a massive hall appeared before me. I see the three skulls still floating in a circle in the hall the skulls were telling me to follow them.
I started to follow the skulls.
At the side of the hall there are massive statues of golden werewolves. The hall is quite impressive I must say.
When I started to walk through the hall it felt like forever.
I started to think about my life and I started to think about my journey.
How I got here to this point in my life.
I looked back at my journey it all started with a wolf that has a scar on him. He killed my precious older brothers so I wanted to kill him for revenge even if I said to my parents that I wanted to find peace for my brothers I lied to myself. I just wanted revenge but now it is different I want to compleet this quest and get on with my life. I thought of my parents that are probably waiting for me to return. It is nearly been a year that I have left and I have changed so much and my parents are probably freaking out since they haven't heard of me for nearly a year.
I need to return to them as quickly as possible. I started to think about Reggie when I met him in the forest and saved him. I started to think about Senna the love of my life, The village that is so kind to me and Reggie, little Hana who is like a cute little sister to me. I finally thought about what Reggie said to me about Senna and me that we need to start a family. I like that a family it would be nice to have one. A picture appeared in my mindscape of Senna and me holding children that has crimson red hair and glowing emerald eyes. These children are mine and Senna's children. I want to have them I finally have something to look forward at in my life and I am not going to give it up.
I walked through the the massive hall following the three skulls.
We arrived at another gate this time it wasn't a golden colored werewolf head but it is purple colored. It looked like the same head of the werewolf of my dreams.
" This gives me a sinister feeling which I don't like at all".
The gate opened up and letters started to appear.
I looked stunned at the message the wolf knows who I am huh we will see about that and the part that I will end up like my friend seriously pissed me off. Alright bastard you think I am afraid of you. I don't care if you are that wolf of my dreams. I Will defeat I made a promise to myself and to her that I will return.
Determination shone through my eyes as I looked back at the visions of the purple werewolf and the messages he gave me. It is quite funny that I noticed something about this message. I could see the desperation of this message like the wolf doesn't want me here at all or somebody else for that matter.
I walked through the door and I see four massive statues.
A huge golden , red and blue werewolf statues all surrounding a huge purple werewolf statue.
The three statues that surrounded the purple one had a formation of a triangle.
This looked like some type of evil ritual.
The three skulls floated to the purple statue. When I walked into the triangle formation. glowing lines formed around the three werewolf statues that surrounded the purple one. The lines formed a huge triangle. When You look at the room from above you can clearly see a huge glowing triangle. I walked further inside the formation and I see a set of stairs beneath the purple werewolf statue and when you look up the stairs there is a coffin. The three skulls are floating above the coffin.
" A grave" I thought but I got distracted because when I looked behind the coffin there is a massive throne and I recognized the massive throne it is the same throne where the purple werewolf sat on. The only thing that is missing in the room are the werewolves that bowed to the purple werewolf.
The coffin started to glow and I thought " Oh no this can't be good. I see purple runes forming on the coffin and I got my sword ready for battle. The coffin opened and my eyes were in disbelief.
" You you what are you doing here!" I looked at the thing that came out of the coffin.
" Ah a human appeared in my room and what is this a human that smells familiar" A dark voice said out loud.
I looked at the thing " You bastard you can talk how you didn't talk at that time!?" I said with disbelief.
The dark voice chuckled and said" Boy I am not like other wolves and you said I didn't talk at that time. ah I see it now you looked exactly like those two boys I devoured in the forest. You must be that little child that was terrified of me. You have grown I must have slept for like 10 years or something like that" The dark voice chuckled.
That is right in front of me is the murderer of my two beloved brothers. I looked at the wolf with a scar on his forehead. I showed a calm voice some anger is inside of me but I didn't let it control me. I made a promise after all to my dark self.
Scarred wolf Could feel my aura coming out of me.
" You are a strong human I never met a human so young and so strong if you fight me right now I would be squashed like a bug. You must be angry at me and hate my guts for doing that to your brothers am I right?"
I shake my head and said" I am angry but not at you but at myself for being weak. I blamed myself a lot for that incident I only wanted to hunt you down so that my brothers can rest in peace knowing that their murderer has been erased. One year ago I would have wanted revenge but not now" I replied honestly.
" I am surprised with you child you don't want to kill me for hatred even if I can sense a little hatred from you but everyone has a little hatred in them so that is normal. I didn't kill your brothers out of amusement child but because I was hungry. I like to sleep for one hundreds years and get some nutriënts and your brothers and you were the first human I saw at that time. You brothers are just unlucky that they met me and besides child you need to accept that life isn't fair. I mean my life isn't fair I am born from a powerful purple werewolf but because of a stupid mutation I am born weak. Look at me child I have a body of a lowly black wolf that isn't even a werewolf. The only thing I got from my father is my brains the rest of my life is a curse. I was supposed to rule my kind but the world fucked me over. Luckily my father had a plan for me to life a fullfilling life he is the best father you could get. He even sacrificed his own life to fullfill mine. Father even could see the future but still went with everything to gave me a proper life" The black wolf spoke with anger and longing.
I pitied the wolf a bit but my mission still hasn't change if I let this wolf go even if he is weak with his intelligence he can still be troublesome to deal with.
The wolf looked at me and said" It seems that nothing can change your mind from killing me then I will atleast continue my story of what my brilliant father did for me. My father was one of the most powerful werewolves alive he was an werewolf elder. Nothing could hurt him but he had one major weakness me. He wanted me to become strong and grow up but that went down since how I have been born. My father than came with a plan that cost his own life as I told you earlier. His put his magical life energy into three skulls".
My eyes narrowed. The wolf saw my reaction and looked to the skulls floating above him" Yes that is right those skulls are right above me. These skulls each had a power that they inherited from my father. The skull with the red gem has my father's defense , the skull with the blue gem has my father's speed and the skull with the gold gem has my father's strength. The problem is when my father made these skull they were too weak they needed to be filled up with magic for hundreds of hundreds years. My father then made puppets to protect the skulls. Those puppets gave their life up for the sole purpose to protect my father's treasures and me. They could even feel emotions my father is a genius for creating them. His golden puppets were the most astonishing of all his puppets they could grief and feel like normal humans.