end of the end

I looked at Scarface as he is explaining what happened in his life.

" So your father made these amazing sentient puppets impressive and you are going to use the skulls of your father to get power" I said to to scarhead.

" I am not going to just use them I am going to fuse them with me" Scarhead said with a grin.

" Wait wha-" Before I could finish my sentence I see the three skulls spinning around each other extremely fast. Yellow,red and blue lightning came out of the skulls while they spinned around each other.

A tri colored tornado formed around scarhead.

" Aaaaaaaawoooooooo" I heard the most desperate howl from the tornado.

The tornado spinned and spinned till the tornado turned a darker purple color while you could see violet lightning coming from the tornado.

I got an extremely bad feeling from this.

The purple tornado burst open and a tall strong figure stood before me. A werewolf with purple fur appeared before me. The werewolf has the most darkest claws I have ever seen. His fur looked extremely spiky just like the golden savages. His eyes were violet in color it is hypnotizing. The only thing that remained from the wolf's former self in the scar on his forehead.

" So what is with the new look scarhead" I said.

The wolf released a dark chuckle and said" This is my father's power I have become my father's ultimate masterpiece and with this form I will destroy you and will lead wolfkind to a new era just like my father wanted boy!"

" I see you want to lead wolfkind to a new era sorry that sounds like a nightmare for humans so I can't let you through" I said with a serious face.

" It doesn't matter what you think you will not able to stop me. I should thank you without you and your friends I would not be resurrected so early".

I pointed my sword at him and said " Come on then you big bad wolf".

Massive amounts of blood red magical aura gathered around me.

The purple werewolf did something similar to me and a huge purple aura came suddenly out of his body.

The purple aura looked so horrid it is like its filled with despair. You could even hear people scream in despair.

We both stare at each other then I released my red lightning. Red lightning is streaming through my body like somekind of armor.

I sprinted at the wolf with extreme speed.

When I arrived before the purple wolf I thought it was over for him. I was wrong just when I tried to struck the wolf with my sword The wolf moved awah and sent a punch to my gut.

This sent me flying till I hit the chest of the golden werewolf statue. The chest of the golden werewolf got completely destroyed.

I stood in the broken chest of the wolf and I started to cough blood.

" Damn it I started to cough a lot of blood these days .Thank god for my magic of else I would be dead for losing too much blood and that is not the way I want to die I can tell you".

" See it is all futile now, you are not my match anymore just give up. You should be proud of yourself that you got so far already. If you give up now the less your death will hurt" The wolf chuckled darkly.

" If I give up now than everything will be for nothing. I promised them ,I promised to my lover and my parents that I will return safely to them and I am not planning to go back to my word so come and get me asshole" I declared.

" You amuse me human most people Will be in despair when they face somebody out of their league but you got even more fired up. Alright I Will show you true despair human just don't regret it" Scarhead proclaimed.

" Don't you worry I will be prepared for you now" I said while I gathered my magic a blood red tornado with lightning streaming through it formed around me and my sword.

" Blood... storm!!" I yelled while while I fly to the wolf. I got my sword ready and swiped with it from a distance. " Blood storm cut!!!".

From the sword attack came a massive red storm.

The purple werewolf did not expect an attack from that level and he got hit.


" Hahahaha this is my blood ,you amuse me boy" A voice came out of the dust. It was the purple werewolf of course this time with a bruised cheek that leaked blood.

"This is only the beginning" I declared.

" Don't get arrogant boy" I haven't used my full power yet. The wolf said as he released his purple aura violet lightning is destroying the room while the thin air broke completely. The ground the wolf stood on got destroyed completely. The wolf appeared in front of me and punched me but this time I could take his attacks. this fight became a full close combat fight. The wolf used his claws and fist while I used my sword and fist. After our confrontation we looked at each other while we took a deep breath.

" Damn I still don't got the hang of father's body but dang it feels good" The wolf grinned.

" This fight is so troublesome " I muttered to myself but a grin formed on my face.

Both men and beast were thinking that this fight is going to be their toughest and greatest fight ever.

Both fighthers have wounds on their body from them previous confrontation.

They both turned their magical aura up a notch .

The ground started to shake up debrises are flying everywhere in the room.

The purple wolf started to change he got bigger and stronger his teeth got sharper. The purple wolf literally turned berserk.

" Boy I am amazed that you managed to push me this far this is my maximum power. I Will end this right here and right now!!" The wolf manipulated his own body. Four different aura's are flowing through his body. I could see blue,red,gold and purple magical auras coming out of him. On his forehead appeared three gems it were the gems of the three skulls. The golden gem is above the others. They formed a triangle together.

The wolf appeared before me and at pure instinct I attacked him just like the blue wolves. I hit him on the chest but the red aura protected the wolf. While the wolf struck me with his golden and purple aura which sent me flying through the golden statue this time.

" Yep he is definitely stronger this time and I think one of my ribs broke" I thought to myself.

" I surpassed you boy now give up ,everything you will do from now on will be useless anyway. I am now perfect ly fused with my father's power. I feel just too perfect" He chuckled darkly.

" N-no I will never give up I promised them" I cried out.

" Your funeral" He finished and then he appeared before with his blue power. The wolf grabbed my leg and spammed to the ground and after that he tossed me at the other side of the room. I crashed on the wall I layed down on the wall broken while dust covered me.

" You are so weak right now weren't you going protect Senna and our family huh!? that is going to be difficult for a dead Guy" I could hear the anger from my darker self.

" You are right I am weak but I will protect them and I will survive even if my opponent is on a whole different league them me right now" I said to my darker self.

" Sorry you have to see this" I muttered to my darker self.

I thought of Senna and me with our kids while my parents stood happily besides me.

" I will survive my life will not end here!!!" I screamed at the wolf.

" Haaaaaeeeaaa" I shouted out loud my blood red aura turned light red. My magical aura started to shine brightly my hair even turned light red which. light shining red lightning comes out of me. My sword also shined brightly. My light red aura has also gotten longer. I held my sword with two hands.

" Blood star form!" I shouted and dissapeared and appeared before the wolf like a bolt of light. I hit the wolf straight on his chest with my sword before the wolf could react properly. My light attack went straight through the red shield that covered his body. The wolf got sent flying by my attack through the purple statue.

When the dust cleared up from my attack. I could see the wolf coughing blood while he tried to heal up his injury.

" Enough playing around let's end this fight and use everything we got!" The wolf howled out loud.

" Fine by me!" I replied back while we gathered all our magic for our last attack.

This time we didn't use our claws ,fist,sword or even legs no we gathered our magic at our palms. Ball of redlight formed on my palms. The ball got bigger and bigger above my head till it was enormous.

It lit up the entire cave.

Scarhead did the same only his ball is dark purple. The ball felt like darkness itself while my ball felt like the light but with a twist of madness to it.

" Here we go" The man and wolf thought at the same time.

We throw both our balls at the same time.

" Blood starlight bom!"

" Original darkness bom!"

We both yelled.

The two balls collided with each other. Darkness and light engulfed the cave.


The ground is trembling from the attack. The whole cave is shaking from the attack.

Even the animals in the forest felt the massive attack.

Senna pov...

Senna felt the cave shaking

" Please be okay Syre!" Senna started to pray for her lover safety.

Senna pov end...

Back at the cave room.

The whole rooom is breaking down. The statues of the four werewolves have been broken to pieces.

Two figures are laying on the middle of the room.

" This can't be I can't move! this not supposed to happen when I finally get my father's power why" The wolf howled in confusion.

" Because I will never give up and so that I can return to them" I said with determination.

" Why do you fight so hard work so hard why" The wolf shouted it is like he is demanding his answer.

" Because I have people to fight for ,people to protect and people to love. If I die now those people that are precious to me will be sad and that breaks me" I exclaimed.

" Love my father's love I understand him. Father gave everything for me even his own life and yet father was so strong till the end even without his power" The wolf thought with a smile on he face.

" You have won" The wolf said to me with a grin. When I looked at him my eyes narrowed because the wolf's body turned slowly into dust and the wolf kept smiling till the end...

five years later...

Here lies Regulas Fort

He was a great friend


and uncle.

A man is in front of his grave he is about 2 meters tall has crimson hair and eyes this man is of course Syre.

" It has been a while old Friend" I said while I put some flowers on his grave.

" Daddy" children exclaimed.

Two children were sprinting to Syre. They Both have Red hair , emerald colored eyes and light brown skin. Syre picked Both children up

" Leona , Reggie what are you two doing here.

" Simple mommy came with us" Leona pointed at a beautiful woman with black hair, emerald colored eyes with brown skin. This woman obviously is Senna. When you looked at Senna you could see a little bump on her belly.

I looked at my beautiful wife and said " How is it with the baby gorgeous".

" She or he is fine it is time to go home they have prepared dinner" Senna said.

We walked away from Reggie's grave and walked to our home a few villagers greeted us. We arrived at our home it is a big stone house in the village and with a lot of rooms.

I opened the door...

" Welcome back my cuties!" a female voice said.

" Grandma"

" Mom"

Both my children and me said in unison.

" Where have you been" a handsome old man said.

" Grandpa" The children shouted again.

" I was visiting Reggie's grave it has been 5 years" I replied.

" Visiting graves huh we should visit your brothers soon" My father replied.

" Yeah that would be nice" I said softly.

" Hey is everyone home" A ten year old appeared from the door.

" Big sis Hana" my children exclaimed.

" Welcome Hana" I said with a smile.

" Thank you so what are you guys doing" Hana said.

" Oh were just going to have dinner you can join us if you like so who wants food!" My mother shouted.

" Me me" My twins shouted.

Everyone walked to the kitchen for food.

I looked at my family and a smile formed on my face.

I walked to the kitchen to join my family for dinner.

The end...