Ominous Experiment (part 5)

“What button did you push?” Rylan asked after a pause. But Owen didn’t answer nor did he wanted to and just closed his eyes.

The instructions started playing in the elevator,

'Please do not open the door manually or push the buttons while the elevator is moving. Please do not put a weight of more than 200kg in the elevator. You are now ascending to the 15th floor.'

Both of them slumped over and yet again sat down defeated, catching their breaths.

"What the heck... What is this elevator... 15th floor? I thought we only had like 5floors!" Owen threw his hands in the air frustrated. “You mean to tell me we were sandwiched between two hells?”

"We survived that shit but God knows what is on that upper level, I hope they are not deadly, or dangerous, or anything related to death!" Rylan stated while shaking his head. “Was it really the 5th floor we worked on?” he asked but gave a tired sigh.