Ominous Experiment (part 4)

There was pin-drop silence in the room until Rylan spoke up,

"You know for a plan to work it should be based on both facts for what is happening and imagination for what could happen, it takes courage to act on it and luck as a bonus to survive through it," he said examining the lock.

"Professor I know you're trying to lecture me but can you focus on the matter at hand?" Owen rubbed his temples again and sighed.

"Well, I wasn't trying to lecture you, I was merely stating my thoughts on survival." he looked at Owen with a blank expression.

"Thank you for being honest..." Owen said in a mocking tone.

“The keyhole isn’t too complicated, we can open it with the nib of a pen, and a safety pin.” Rylan demonstrated while removing the safety pin from his name badge which was still on his shirt. Picking out a pen from Owen’s pocket he dismantled it and took out the thin plastic ink cartridge.