Whitney made her way out of the royal golden gates. None of the guards there stopped her from leaving. They just watched her leave and that puzzled her.
When she was finally got out, she looked back at the beautiful white castle that kept her cooked up for weeks. She laughed softly when she saw Wadose angrily yelling at her from afar. Whitney winked at him and turned to the city before her—Cherilisia.
Cherilisia was a beautiful city with pavements all over. Whitney admired the beautiful flats and houses as she walked on. She noticed that Cherilisia was a hilly city with the royal castle been at the highest point. It didn't matter where she stood, she could still see it.
Whitney felt like she was walking in a medieval world. A world where animals were used for transport. One that had no electricity whatsoever.
When Whitney got to the market, she saw a good number of fourth class darkas gods going on with their business. She looked at them so amazed by how they were human like. Seeing how they conducted themselves gave her a sense of home.
She smiled at the mother scolding her whining son who kept pointing at a toy stand. Whitney spotted two women whispering to each other and snickering—gossips were a problem everywhere.
A man rode a bicycle past her and was met with rude remarks from a trader he almost knocked over. Whitney heard a bark and looked over her shoulder to a young man petting a cute dog similar to a golden retriever. Only difference was that it was twice as big and white.
"Hey lady, would you like to try out our soup? It will only cost you 10 pearls." a girl who appeared to be 16 suddenly startled Whitney.
Pearls? This must be their currency. Whitney thought to herself. When she saw people paying for things with notes that had pearls on them, her assumptions were confirmed.
The girl held her waist as she waited for Whitney's response. The wind barely blew her bob haircut and her puffy dress that concealed her slim figure. Standing beside the girl was her identical twin sister. However unlike her, this twin had long hair that ran down her back.
They stood beside a shack that had two tables and four chairs. Labeled at the top was 'Pretty Meals'. Whitney's eyes turned to the long silver haired girl who sat quietly with an emotionless facial expression. She appeared to be at least 18-years-old.
"Well, will you?" the short haired twin asked Whitney again.
Whitney gave her stomach a rub after hearing it grumble. "I am hungry but I don't have any money on me." she said and turned to walk away.
"Wait, stop!" the short haired twin exclaimed after her. "You can have some for free." She insisted with her chin low and pink eyes puffy.
"What?" Whitney asked puzzled.
The long haired twin stepped forward. "Seriously, we haven't had a customer all day." she said and the silver haired maiden nodded her head in agreement.
Whitney reluctantly sat down and the silver haired girl served her a bowl of soup. The sweet aroma forced another grumble out of her stomach. Whitney took note of the variety of vegetables in the soup. She realized that had never seen most of them before.
Whitney raised her eyes and met the wide smiles of the twins. As for the other girl, well she just washed the dishes in silence. Whitney feigned an awkward smile and hesitantly spooned up the soup. Her tongue tingled at the spicy yet sweet taste of it.
"This is by far the best soup I have ever eaten in my entire life." Whitney complimented and the twins giggled happily.
"We are glad you enjoyed it. Please be sure to tell everyone you know about it okay?" The long haired twin said with a wink.
Whitney smiled back widely. "I don't know too many people yet but I'll certainly pass on the word to the two I know." she assured and continued eating.
"Thank you so much. By the way, my name is Sana." the short haired twin said and then pointed at her sister. "My sister's name is Sanuika." she introduced and looked over at the silver haired girl. "She is Maradina. She doesn't talk much. Hell, we don't even know if she can talk. She is really nice though." she ended with chuckled.
"Please tell us your name, warrior. " Sanuika requested.
Whitney was about to answer them when the sight of Wadose flying towards her on a dragon distracted her.
"There you are!" he sternly yelled. "Get on now! The queen seeks your presence!" he commanded with harshness in his tone.
Whitney got up and waved goodbye to the girls. The dragon flapped its wings and the girls protected their eyes from the wind. Sana frowned at it flying away towards the royal castle.
Sanuika sighed and took the plate off the table. "She seemed nice. I hope she comes again." she hopefully remarked.
"I hope so too." Sana agreed with a faint smile.
Immediately they landed by the castle, Wadose hastily pulled Whitney by her hand into the castle. Halfway in, he halted and pointed forward. "Go to the dinning hall, that's where her highness is waiting for you." he instructed and Whitney walked away.
As she made her way to the hall, she couldn't help but wonder what Sharaina wanted her to do. For the past few days, she did not see or talk to her. There was no denying that Sharaina was a busy woman.
When Whitney arrived at the dinning hall, she gaped in surprise to see the 13 sitter table almost full. On most of the seats sat darkas gods wearing black matching military like uniforms. Only one wore a navy blue uniform. Her pink hair was tied in a messy bun.
Whitney shifted her eyes to the huge darkas god with a large dragon mark on his face. He quietly ate his meal with a straight face. Whitney's attention turned to a woman who was smoking. She had long brunette hair. For some reason, she wore sunglasses and a dark sun hat.
Next to the lady who was smoking was a handsome man reading a book. His short dark hair was neatly cut and his form was mildly muscular. He adjusted his spectacles and flipped a page of his book.
Gouging on unfamiliar meat was a short red-headed fat woman. She smiled at Whitney with chunks of meat stuck in her teeth. Whitney awkwardly smiled back trying her best to not to cringe in disgust.
"Damn it, Ronitte! How many times have I told you not to open your mouth with food still in it?" the darkas god who sat opposite Ronitte whined.
He tucked his long blonde hair behind his ear and took a bite of his fruit. Ronitte stuck her tongue out at him and continued to eat. She ate loudly this time just to mess with him.
"Why do I have to sit opposite her all the time?" he complained with his slim hands up.
"Oh shut up Diavinx. Hearing you complain all the time we have dinner here is a pain in the ass." the darkas god who sat next to him said.
"Philanda, can't you see that her behavior is repulsive? This is why I can't enjoy my meals here." Diavinx whined some more.
Philanda ignored him and stared into space with her lifeless and gloomy pink eyes. Diavinx clenched his jaw agitated. He hit his fist on the table.
"Hey, are you even listening to me?" he asked, annoyed.
"Give it up Diavinx. She's in a whole different world now." Ronitte laughed at him. "Pass me the gravy." she pointed at it.
Diavinx shrugged his shoulders. "It is closer to Melonina." he remarked and the pink haired darkas god in a navy blue uniform passed Ronitte the gravy.
Sharaina appeared and Whitney gave her way. Upon seeing her, all the darkas gods stopped what they were doing and stood up in respect. Sharaina went to the seat that was at the center. She gracefully sat on it and Wadose poured her a glass of deep red wine. Sharaina chuckled at its sour taste and glanced over at Whitney.
Sharaina gestured to them to have their seats. "My Enchanted Seven, I give you the latest addition to our family. Her name is Akirexer." Queen Sharaina merrily introduced Whitney.
Whitney raised her brows surprised that Sharaina called her by a different name. The Enchanted Seven studied her closely and exchanged nods. No whispers, however, were made.
"Wadose, you may leave us." Sharaina ordered him.
"Yes, my queen." Wadose humbly answered with a bow. He turned to Whitney and whispered "Try not to do anything foolish."
Goodness. Whitney nearly rolled her eyes.
"Akirexer, take the seat next to vice commander Melonina." Sharaina ordered Whitney and she reluctantly obeyed. As soon as she was seated, Sharaina averted her warm gaze to the Enchanted Seven. "Now, why don't we welcome our latest addition to the family." Sharaina grinned mischievously.