Rose got into her office and immediately turned on her computer. Her intern, Rajat, stood behind her glass door with coffee and a folder when she allowed him in. Rajat, feeling nervous as usual in her presence walked awkwardly to her desk trying his best not to drop the folder or spill the coffee.
Using her pen, Rose pointed to the part of the desk where she wanted him to place the coffee, and he carefully did. Holding the folder close to his chest, he cleared his throat and said, "I have brought the data you asked for concerning the Packet brothers."
"Excellent Rajat, take a seat and let me have a look." Rose praised and he handed the folder to her. "Well, this is brilliant Rajat. You even went as far as tracking down their facebook accounts." Rose praised Rajat more, and he smiled feeling proud of himself.
"I even created a fake account and sent Danny Packet a friend request. He accepted it!" Rajat blurted out feeling even more good about himself.
"Give me the password and email address to that account." Rose ordered him.
"The email address is All small letters." he hastily said, and she keyed it in.
"Good, now give me the password." her fingers were already spread out to type.
"Why don't I key it in myself?" Rajat suggested and ran his fingers in his hair nervously.
Rose raised her eyes off the screen and stared blankly at him. "This is a fake account. There is no need for privacy." she argued, unamused with a hint of annoyance.
"I know but I would rather keep the password to myself. You can never be too careful." Rajat insisted and wiped his sweaty palms on his pants.
Rose lost all her patience. "Give me the password or you're fired." she threatened through her teeth.
Rajat cleared his throat. "African cootch." he whispered and she widened her eyes at him in disbelief.
"What?" one eyebrow jerked. "I'm not sure I heard you correctly." she lowered her chin and studied his face.
"African cootch. All small letters and no spaces." He said again and Rose burst into laughter. "What can I say? I find African women attractive and sexy."
"You are one crazy Indian, Rajat. Of all the things to put as your password. Why didn't you put your child?"
"I don't have a child. I'm not even yet married." he shrugged with an awkward smile.
"Pets?" Rose probed with a mischievous grin.
"My mom is allergic to fur, and she hates birds." Rajat quickly answered and Rose threw her pen cap at him in laughter.
Rose picked up her coffee sipped it in between giggles. She set her hand on her chest as the chuckles kept pouring in. "Oh well, I guess we all have preferences." she cleared her throat with a grin. "All small letters, right?
"Yes and no spaces." Rajat locked his fingers together and tucked his lips holding in his laughter.
Rose keyed in the password and got in. She didn't have any difficulties in finding Danny because he uploaded a picture of himself with two ladies smoking what appeared to be marijuana.
The picture was under the username 'Dan Cobra Stash'. The picture got ten likes and 27 comments. She checked out the comments and found a conversation between Danny and Jack Miller.
"Jack Miller must be Jack." Rose voiced out.
"Yes, I think so too." Rajat agreed and cleared his throat.
Jack Miller - Me and 'Billz' will be chilling at the Von House Palace tonight.
Dan Cobra Stash - Alright, I'll meet you guys there. Madeline and Monique will tag along too.
Jack Miller - Sure thing.
"Rajat, do you have plans for tonight?" Rose suddenly asked him.
"Yes, I do actually. It is my mother's birthday and I have to celebrate it with her." Rajat calmly explained.
"Great, meet me at the Von House Palace at exactly 9 p.m. " Rose grinned ignoring what Rajat just said to which he sighed.
She had no idea why she suddenly had so much interest in the Packet Brothers. She wanted to dig deeper into them like a detective in a black and white movie.
She aim was to uncover the mystery behind the connection between Danny and Mr Martin and perhaps Steve too. Tonight was her chance to see at least three of the notorious Packet Brothers.
It's time these three went back to jail. Rose resolved with a dark grin.