Whitney sat on a huge rock in a Savannah hill of Kafue. Rocks were held up high in the air, floating all around her. She had her legs folded, and her hands placed at the center. With her eyes closed, she meditated.
She breathed softly and tried hard not to break her attention despite Melonina's lousy singing. Whitney's eyebrows twitched and she gritted her teeth. Wrinkles formed on her forehead.
"Urgh!!!" the rocks shoot in different directions, some of them hit unsuspecting critters. "Why is this so hard?" she exclaimed.
Melonina jumped down from a nearby tree, "Wow, you are doing great."
"I am not in the mood for your sarcasm." Whitney snappily remarked.
"I am not being sarcastic. Look, in an attempt to master one technique, you have mastered another."
"You mean the thing with the rocks?"
"Yeah, sorta. Well, you are supposed to focus your gamarax on your birthmark but you have focused it on things around you. Focusing gamarax on things around you comes in pretty handy in battle. Very impressive for a none pure." Melonina praised with a soft nod.
Whitney sat in a more relaxed position while Melonina looked up at her, "You have been referring to me as a none pure since morning. What is the difference between you and I?"
"The difference between us pures and you, a none pure, is how we came to be darkas gods. I was born one and you were created with the queen's power. Gamarax manipulators designed and formed a new faceless body for you. Queen Sharaina put your soul into it and imprisoned it by filling your body with her power. Your new body took up some properties of your soul, so that's why you still possess the same face and body type."
"Does this mean that my real body is -"
"Dead and decomposing?" Melonina cut her off, "Yes, it is."
"My soul is yours, darkas god."
"Wise decision," Sharaina got up and pulled out her dark sword.
Whitney widened her one good eye at Sharaina approaching her with her sword. In a split second, she pulled Whitney off the ground and plunged the sword deep into her belly.
Blood poured out of Whitney's mouth. She gripped Sharaina's shoulder in order to support her weak knees. Her vision blurred as she took in the excruciating pain. Sharaina forced the sword up and Whitney gasped.
Bringing her lips to Whitney's ear, she whispered, "See you soon."
"Wow, so that's what happened." Whitney commented in thought after the flashback of the night she met Sharaina. It baffled her so much that she had forgotten the horrific part of getting killed by her.
"Akirexer," Melonina called and Whitney lifted her head to face her. "Because you are a none pure, it is of extreme importance that you get stronger because unlike pures, you are not immortal. Pures hibernate when severely injured but none pures die."
"Oh, I see. This is still difficult for me though." Whitney sighed.
"Why don't you do this then? Think of the reason why you want to get stronger. Let that lead you into activating your weapon." Melonina suggested.
"It's just so hard." Whitney threw herself on the ground with a loud sigh.
Melonina shook her head disapprovingly with crossed arms, "There are bigger problems than your failure to meditate, Akirexer."
"Oh yeah, like what?" Akirexer lazily asked as she stared at the clouds in the sky.
"Well, for example, the problems in my marriage because my husband went rogue just after our wedding. I hardly ever see him and he almost never keeps in touch."
Whitney sat up and raised her brows stunned by Melonina's sudden openness. She parted her lips to speak but Melonina's grunt froze her words.
Melonina motioned her chin up, "Do you know the last time I saw him, mm?" she asked.
Whitney slowly awkwardly shrugged.
"Three years ago. Three fucking years ago."
"Why are you still with him, though?" Whitney softly asked her with concern.
There was nothing but silence as Whitney waited for her answer. After what felt like an awkward eternity, Melonina dropped her gaze in thought.
"I love him." she whispered in shame. "I have loved him since we were little." this time a smile lingered its way and brightened her face. "I'm such a fool."
Whitney got back into her meditating position. "No, you're not. He is the fool and he most certainly doesn't deserve you." she winked at her and closed her eyes with a grin. "I want to try out summoning my weapon again. Do not disturb me with your horrible singing this time." she snarled, giggling.
"Sure, I can't make any promises though," Melonina cheerfully replied.
"Alright gang, as you know we have a new objective which involves us stealing the Infinite Medallion from a vampire." Waxx said to the attentive Serial Takers.
It was about time Waxx explained the heist to them. The time to begin it all had arrived and neither of them wanted to waste anymore time.
"As you know, I encountered this vampire once in Dark Star. It was so fast and powerful that even I got defeated. Next thing I knew, I woke up floating down a stream." Waxx wiped imaginary tears. "Fortunately, I was able to spot the medallion before I went unconscious and I immediately recognized it. It is the famous medallion that was owned by darkas gods for millions of years until it went missing for the last 2000 years."
"What is so special about this medallion?" Derrick asked Waxx and Daisy nodded in agreement. As humans, this was news to them.
"It has the ability to grant any wish." Bruce answered him instead.
Josh rubbed his bearded chin, "I heard stories about it growing up. The legendary King Raglan acquired it from Green but it was lost during the reign of his son, King Meelzib." he proudly added with a smirk.
"When her majesty, Queen Sharaina, came into power after defeating Meelzib, she put a bounty of a billion pearls on the medallion." Bruce added his voice to the conversation.
"This is why we have to take it from that vampire." Waxx insisted with excitement. "Unfortunately, the whereabouts of this vampire are unknown but do not despair, we have leads on three idiots who work for it."he turned to Daisy, "Do you have the data I requested?" he asked.
"I sure do, Waxx." Daisy answered confidently and handed everyone identical folders. "They are Danny, Billy and Jack Packet; famously known as the Packet brothers."
"So, are we supposed to use them to lead us to their boss?" Josh asked Waxx.
"That's the plan. As soon as we know where the vampire is, our next plans to steal the medallion will commence." Waxx plotted, grinning.
Your friendly emo author, Rechiana