Commander Diavinx of the Enchanted Seven sat tensed in his office at his headquarters that was located in a secret base in Los Angeles. He fanned himself with his hand as he waited for his air conditioner to be fixed.
His desk was filled with so many reports that they looked like little hills. Some of them toppled over and spread all over the floor.His vice commander raised his brow at the papers scattered on his boots.
His blond hair was short on the sides. He had sharp eyes and bushy eyelashes. His pink lips remained sealed as he listened to Commander Diavinx yell at someone over the phone. He bent over to pick up the papers. He set them on the table and leaned back.
"This is just crazy. So much negative energy! It has been a while since I saw this!" Commander Diavinx slammed the phone down. "Look at all this." he motioned to the numerous reports on his table.
"It appears that most of the negative energy is coming from New York, sir." the vice commander responded.
"Hey you, hurry up and fix the damn machine already." Diavinx commanded the fourth class fixing it. Turning back to his vice commander, he whispered, "We have to solve this problem before the queen hears of it. I do not want to be interrogated by her, Quix. She scares me."
"She scares everyone, sir." Quix beckoned with a straight face.
"Quix, go and see the captain in New York. Ask him what the hell is going on. I can't understand why he would let this get to this extent." Diavinx anxiously ordered.
"Yes sir," Quix got up, gave a slight bow and left.
The candles on the table twinkled but they were put to shame by the full moon above. Rose petals graced a table with two glasses of champagne and plates of steak.
Smiling across was Whitney. She had her hand stretched out and met by lips of her companion. He looked up at her, and smiled ever so sweetly.
"Steve, this is so beautiful." Whitney happily said to him.
"Well, this is our fifth year anniversary." Steve grinned and gave Whitney's hand a gentle squeeze, "Don't you think it's time we took our relationship to another level?"
Whitney furrowed and slowly pulled her hand away. She set it on her chest and dropped her gaze, "You know that I love you but I'm not ready for that."
Steve clenched his jaw and took off his glasses annoyed, "When will you be ready? How long I'm I supposed to wait for you?"
Whitney met his glare, "I'm sorry Steve. It's just that I -" Steve got up and tossed his napkin on the table. "Steve,"
"Forget it,"
Steve grinned darkly at her and turned to leave, "I'll see you in hell ,sweetheart."
"Get back here!"
A sudden punch.
Whitney woke up screaming and hyperventilating. She looked dazed at Melonina who was on top of her in her nightdress. Melonina pinned Whitney's hands and sat on her crotch.
Whitney closed her mouth and breathed slowly. She heard the sudden noise of things falling only to see the furniture in the room dropping to the floor. From the corner of her eye, she saw a broken window.
"It was just a dream." Melonina softly whispered.
"What are you doing?" Whitney asked her stunned.
"Your powers went out of control. I had to restrain you in order to stop you from harming the humans in this guest house."
Whitney pulled her hands back and moved to sit up to which Melonina got off. Whitney eyed a bottle of water and downed it in a haste. Combing her hair back with her fingers, she coughed twice. Her body stiffened at the feeling of Melonina setting her palm on her shoulder.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Melonina gently asked with concern.
"No," Whitney quickly replied, her dull eyes facing the wall in deep thought. "Just know that my determination to kill someone has grown." she squashed the empty water bottle in her hand.
Waxx hummed a tune to himself as he left the secret hideout. He had a cherry pop in his mouth and his hands in his short's pockets. He was planning on going to the mall to buy candy from his favorite candy store.
He thought about the jaw breakers, the cotton candy, the marshmallows and his favorite - strawberries dipped in chocolate. His mouth watered in excitement.
"Oh man, nothing can spoil my day!" he exclaimed and pressed a button on the keys to his Bentley.
Waxx got into his car and started it. He was about to reverse when he saw the twins and Maradina through his side mirror. He pulled his green sunglasses down the bridge of his nose, leaned back on his chair and face palmed.
"Shit, how did they see me leave?" he asked himself and peeped out of his window. "Hey, could you move? You are blocking my way out." he requested of them.
"We want to go with you." Sanuika said.
Waxx's head dropped, "How did you even know that I was going out?"
"Derrick told us. He said that you are going to the candy store. We have always wanted to try human candy." Sana answered and the other two nodded.
Derrick you bastard. Waxx pumped his fist in the air. "Alright fine, get in quick." Waxx said to the girls and they smiled.
The girls looked out the car windows and admired New York City. They admired the tall buildings, the many cars and the busy people. The twins asked Waxx question after question and he cursed Derrick internally for every question asked. Waxx drove past the statue of liberty and the girls marveled at it.
"This statue reminds me of the statue of her highness back in Dark Star. Does this statue belong to the queen of the humans?" Sana excitedly asked Waxx.
"Humans are not ruled by a queen. Well the British have a queen. Do not ask me who the British are." Waxx answered. "Here we are!" he suddenly exclaimed.
The girls couldn't keep their jaws up when they set their eyes on the mall. It was a building like none they had ever seen. A building so tall that it made them feel tiny. One made mostly of glass but the people felt safe to go inside with their little ones.
When Waxx and the girls got into the mall, he noticed that everyone was staring at them and whispering to each other. He immediately realized that it was the girls that caught their attention. Their Dark Star peasant dresses were odd.
The attention didn't seem to bother the girls because they were too busy admiring the huge flat screen TVs around them. The one back at the hideout was a lot smaller than the ones they were looking at. They smiled and giggled as they got accustomed to Earth's surroundings. Waxx smiled warmly at them.
"Come on, you three need new clothes." Waxx said and the girls shrieked excited.
He led the girls to the nearest boutique. The store was filled with all sorts of clothes and slim women looking at them. The girls started to admire everything from afar. The twins pointed and whispered to each other with giggles.
Maradina on the other hand stood away and watched Waxx approach a woman standing idle in the middle of the store. She wore a blue shirt with a name tag and below were skin jeans. Maradina observed that she could have been at least sixteen.
"Hello sir, how may I help you?" she asked with a big smile on her face that didn't even touch her eyes.
"I need you to help those three girls over there find... err nicer clothes. I am not good with fashion." Waxx awkwardly replied.
"I most definitely will." She obliged and walked up to the girls. Waxx gave the girls a wave and they knew that they could trust the woman.
Your friendly emo author, Rechiana.