Waxx sat bored and alone on a chair that was opposite the dressing rooms. He motioned his chin up at a middle aged man equally going through the same agony. The man waved back in response. A woman walked out of a cube and together, they walked away.
Lucky bastard. Waxx sighed and crossed his arms.
Two slender women approached him. One of them pulled her sunglasses down and winked at him. Waxx faced away with a smile. It wasn't unusual for women to flirt with a man of his looks.
Waxx fixed his eyes on the door ahead and was reminded of his torture. He glanced at his watch again and grunted at the two minutes that went by.
"Why didn't I get Daisy to take them shopping?" he rubbed on his slightly bearded chin.
Sanuika suddenly jumped out in a skin jean and blue crop top. On her feet were the latest canvas. She absolutely adored the outfit as she checked it out through the mirror. She smiled happily at Waxx looking at his watch.
"Can I have this one?" she asked him with so much excitement.
Waxx gave the outfit one bored look. "Yeah sure, whatever outfit that gets things done here is fine."
"What about me Waxx? How cute is this one?" Sana stepped out wearing a short pink dress that hugged her little curves perfectly. On top of it was a blue short sleeved jacket and on her feet were brown leather boots.
"You look cute." Waxx answered while looking at his watch.
Sana's face turned red with anger. "You jerk, you aren't even looking." she ran to him and pulled his ears.
Waxx whined and tried to get her off. "Let go of me! Come on you are causing a scene!" he pleaded.
"What kind of a man looks away when a girl is wearing a cute outfit?" Sana furiously asked him and tightened her grip on his ears.
"A gentleman," Waxx shoved Sana away and pulled his collar in place. "You three may be a little over a hundred years old but here, you are teenagers. The last thing I need is people calling the cops on me."
The twins squinted their eyes at each other confused. "Cops?" Sanuika voiced their query.
"The police, they may arrest me." Waxx studied Sana's pink dress. "That dress won't do. It's too much for a teenager. I can't believe I'm saying this but go and try on something else."
His remark was met with a growl, "What exactly is wrong with this dress?"
Waxx looked over his shoulder and brought back his wide eyes to Sana, "Are you kidding me?" he shook his head. "Look, that's a dress a woman wears to a club. It's not appropriate for a teenager especially one who looks fifteen."
"Listen to your father, honey." a heavy African American strolled by and nodded her head impressed by Waxx.
Waxx scratched his head and smiled awkwardly at her. Sana on the other hand crossed her arms flustered. She shrugged her sister off only to meet Waxx's stern face. He pointed to the dressing room and she twisted her lips.
Waxx looked around and pulled out a dark dress. He took one look at it and shoved it in Sana's chest. She held it up and smiled at the fact that it was actually cute. It was a cotton dress of long sleeves. Sana lined it against her body and nodded at the short length.
"I like this one." she admitted to Waxx's relief.
"Good, now go see if you can fit it." he impatiently demanded.
"Um guys..." Sanuika suddenly said and they turned their attention to her. "Take a look at Maradina." she pointed.
Maradina stood there blushing in her yellow blouse and white bum shorts. On her feet were brown high wage heels. Sana and Sanuika's jaw dropped at how cute she looked. None of them had ever seen Maradina's legs before and they were beautifully long and slender. White as snow and smooth as silk.
Maradina blushed even more as she waited for Waxx's opinion. Waxx left the twins and slowly approached her. Maradina's heart beat faster with every step he took and her face got redder the closer he got. Waxx placed his hands on her shoulders and Maradina closed her eyes. She didn't dare to look into his eyes through his green sunglasses.
"Maradina," Waxx said and she opened one eye. "Are you happy with your outfit?" he asked her and she nervously nodded her head.
"Great! Now let me pay for all your shit and then we finally go to the candy store."
Waxx dashed to the cashier with his debit card out. The girls stood there with mouths agape in shock. They, however, quickly got over their shock when they all agreed that Waxx was a weird man. They picked up their clothes and went to the cashier.
A portal to New York opened and vice Commander Quix stepped out of it. He was in the company with three other officers in brown uniforms. Fourteen guards in the same uniform stood in two opposite lines. They bowed their heads at him and two led him to the four story building ahead.
Two guards opened the double doors wide enough for the men to get it. The sound of their heavy footsteps echoed across the hallway. Not a single darkas god loitered in the hallway for it was considered a sign of disrespect to cross paths with a high ranking warrior.
They finally came to a door labeled 'Captain's office' and it was immediately opened by the warrior standing guard. The captain was reading a document when Quix walked into his office. He immediately got up and bowed his head in respect. One man pulled a chair for Quix but he held his hand up as a sign of refusal.
"You must understand that I am not going to be long, captain." Quix said with coldness and an icy gaze so intimidating.
"But of course sir." the captain responded.
Quix, still with a straight face, continued, "I have been sent here by the orders of Commander Diavinx. This is due to the received reports of the high negative levels of energy in this area. Care to explain?"
"We don't understand what is happening either. My troops are still investigating." the captain regretfully explained and nervously tucked his lips.
"I see, do you require assistance with your on going investigations?" Quix fired another question.
"So far we have everything under control, sir. But if need arises, I will be sure to contact you." the captain confidently replied.
Upon hearing this, Quix headed for the door. He paused at the open door, "Be sure to send daily reports regarding this matter. The rise of negative energy is too dire to ignore. We must get it under control as soon as possible."
The captain cleared his throat, "Yes sir, we will do everything we can and more to stabilize everything." he assured.
"Good," Quix turned to walk out and as soon as he was out of sight, the captain sighed in relief.
Waxx sang to himself all the way to the candy store. His out of tune voice forced the girls to drop their gazes in embarrassment in order to avoid the stares. They just walked on behind Waxx with their shopping bags. When they finally got to the candy store, they felt relieved.
The girls looked at the candy store in awe. It was by far the brightest and most colorful store that they had seen all day. It was like a rainbow fell from the sky and landed there. They took notice of the displayed candy and salivated.
"Waxx, my dearest customer! It has been a while since you were last here." A fat hairy old man wearing an apron approached
them. He gestured for a table and they sat down. "What kept you away from my store?" he asked Waxx with a smile.
"I was so busy with work pops." Waxx apologetically remarked.
"What lovely young women." Pops said to the girls with a warm smile.
"They are my nieces; Sana, Sanuika and Maradina." Waxx lied with a bright smile.
Pops placed his hand on his chest. "It is a pleasure to meet you. You three remind me of my grand daughters." He happily said to the girls who smiled faintly back at him. "The usual for them too?" he asked Waxx.
"Oh yes, that'll be great." Waxx quickly agreed.
He continued to sing to himself as he studied the menu for at least the hundredth time. The girls looked at him with stunned faces. They never imagined that a grown man who drinks would have such a sweet tooth.
The store bell rang and stepping in alone was Quix. He scanned the area and scowled at Waxx. The girls were completely caught off guard when they saw him.
Quix drew himself a prestigious name in Dark Star. He was the most powerful vice commander because of his tremendous speed and strength in battle. Even though he wasn't in uniform but in casual clothing, the girls were more than sure that it was him.
Fixed on his shirt was the Pin of Illusion. It was navy blue in color and had a curved head of a dragon. It's purpose was to hide away the uniforms of darkas gods but instead showcase human like clothing. This was to further keep the existence of darkas gods a secret.
The girls sat there trembling at Quix's intimidating presence and wondering why he was there. Could it have been that the Enchanted Seven found out about their scheme to steal the Infinite Medallion?
Quix was first to speak, "Well, I wasn't expecting to see you here woose. Oops I meant to say Waxx."
Waxx put the menu on the table. "It is always a pleasure seeing you little brother. You here to pick up some school girls and do nasty things to them?" Waxx mocked him back with a smirk.
Quix glared at him and clenched his fist. "Says the pervert with three teenage girls."
"Are you following me now brother? I know how much you want to see how awesome my life is but stalking is illegal in these parts." Waxx retorted and ended in a chuckle.
Quix scoffed at him and shook his head in disappointment. "I will not waste any more of my time arguing with a fool like you. I have important things to do." Quix dismissed and headed to the counter. He picked up an order and turned to leave the store. He paused near Waxx. "Get hit by a fucking bus on your way out." he coldly said and the next thing they heard was the store bell.
"YOU AND VICE COMMANDER QUIX ARE BROTHERS?!" Sana and Sanuika exclaimed in shock.
"So, this means that you are the former commander Sevilon's son? Oh my gosh." Sana covered her mouth in shock.
"The one who disappeared and -" Sanuika paused her words at Waxx's hand.
"Yeah, let's not talk about that." Waxx said with a smile but the tension that was behind it was clear. This time not even Sana argued with him. and rubbed his hands as Pops placed chocolate dipped strawberries on the table. "We have to do justice to these. I guarantee you that you will love them."
Outside the store, Quix's phone rang. It was Diavinx calling him and he promptly picked it up. "Commander," he answered, trying so hard to hide that he was pissed.
'Did you pick up my treats? I know it was last minute.' Diavinx asked him.
"Yes sir, I have them with me now." Quix replied.
'Great, hurry back then. I would like to listen to what you have discovered today.'
"Yes sir," Quix took his phone off his ear after the sound of Diavinx hanging up. He headed straight to a black SUV that had a man holding a door open for him. Just like him, the pin hid away their uniforms.
Your friendly emo author, Rechiana.