Chapter 25 - Destiny's Blade

It was night time in Zambia. The sky was partly cloudy. The clouds periodically hid away the red moon and all its glory. Whitney sat on the very rock she sat on that morning. This time however, she was alone. Melonina felt the urge to feed so she left.

Whitney was determined to be able to morph her weapon. She still had trouble mustering the technique. Concentrating her gamarax on one area had proven to be difficult for her. Her will kept her going. She chose to not give up or die trying.

Think about why you want to get stronger... Melonina's soft advise replayed in her mind.

Whitney thought about Britney. She had her whole life ahead of her but it was cut short. Whitney gritted her teeth at that memory of firemen carrying Britney's body out of her smoky house.

The flashing images of what the Packet brothers did to her made her even angrier. Their laughter and taunts echoed and she squeezed her eyes closed in anger. Her heart thumped harder at vivid memory of Steve smirking at her right before he left her dead.

He took it all away! She screamed internally

While Whitney dug out her suppressed memories, she did not realize that she was floating in the air. A strong electric wind circulated around her. It took her high into the sky that the revolving wind spun the clouds away. They peacefully dispersed and gave way to the red moon to showcase its beauty uninterrupted.

Her mark glowed and it left her arm as though it was just a sticker. It morphed into a one meter single edged silver sword. It had a dark handle with two red ribbons. Her eyes were closed but she could still see it clearly. She reached out for it and held it. Her eyes shot open and a big bang followed.

Whitney took a deep breath as she felt the gamarax overwhelming her. Still floating in the air, she gave her sword a swing. A sharp wind was created and it cut down half the trees in front of her. Whitney held her sword up high. The red electric waves cut through the air around her but didn't harm her.


"You mean to tell me that the captain failed to explain to you why we have high levels of negative energy?" Diavinx asked as he nibbled on his gumdrops.

"Yes sir," Quix answered.

"The Queen is going to kill me!" Diavinx shrieked and dropped all his candy, scattering them across his desk and on the floor.

"Calm down, sir."

Diavinx's worry concerning the hike in the negative energy grew even more than ever. He had to find a way to make sure the levels went back to normal. He assumed that the high levels were due to a hike in crime. He thought of Queen Sharaina's anger if she discovered this and the hair behind his neck stood up.

"I have to fix this problem quick." he picked up a gummy bear.


Rose got into her house and placed her purse on the living room table. The lights were off but the TV was on. On the couch was a sleeping dark haired six year old boy. She turned off the TV and knelt down next to the him.

Rose gently and lovingly touched his face of rosy cheeks. The boy opened his greenish eyes and set them on Rose. He immediately wrapped his little arms around her and she brought him closer.

"Mummy, you are back." he sleepy said.

"I am sorry for coming home late, honey. I was held up at the office." she remorsefully explained and carried him. "Come on, time for bed."

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Not tonight Mason but tomorrow night you will." she told him.

Rose put Mason to bed and tucked him in. She kissed him on his forehead and was rewarded with a smile. His innocent eyes blinked slowly until they finally closed.

Rose left slightly closer the door on her way out, leaving only a ray of light from the hallway to illuminate Mason's room. She then quietly left the for the kitchen. Deep in thought, she opened the fridge and poured herself a glass of water.

She couldn't get her mind off Whitney's death. She also couldn't bring herself to trust Steve anymore. She had a strong feeling that he and his brothers killed her.

Rose turned on her laptop and opened the GPS tracker. She kept staring at the red dot that kept flashing. It screamed danger but all she heard was hope. Not for her but for Whitney's justice.

"Hi Rose," a female voice suddenly sounded and startled Rose into nearly dropping her glass of water.

Rose turned to Lois, her 17 year old cousin, standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. Her thick coffee brown hair only touched her shoulders. Concealing her big figure was a pink silk nightdress. Her big grey eyes were partially closed as she stared at Rose.

"You should be in bed." Rose said to her and averted her eyes back to the flashing dot.

"I heard a noise so I came to check." Lois replied and yawned.

"I am sorry for waking you up." Rose closed the laptop, got up and headed for the door. She picked up her car keys.

"Where are you going?" Lois asked.

"I am going back to the office. I will be back before dawn. Please try to get some rest and take care of Mason." Rose said not daring to look Lois in the eye for she knew that she was lying. She wasn't going to the office. She was going to Danny.

Your friendly emo author, Rechiana.