He grabbed my hand and gently put a bracelet on my wrist. It was the identical one I got from the mysterious hooded figure.
"Don't lose this. I have the other half of the heart charm on your bracelet. If I couldn't remember you anymore, I want you to show me the bracelet. I'll always wear this bracelet wherever I go."
Is he the hooded figure of my dreams? Are they the same person?
After our last embrace, everything began to fade away. My daydream, maybe a memory, stopped playing in my head.
I realized that we've arrived at my dorm as the driver parked the vehicle. Dong-Yul and I finished after approximately an hour of practice, fixing any flaws I'd make during practice.
"If anyone asks why you've arrived late, tell them that you'll need to attend some one-on-one tutorial sessions for your academic performance. Well, I'm basically like a teacher but just not for academics," he laughed sarcastically.
"I can teach you, but I can't fully help you turn into the idol within you. Even I don't know if my capabilities are enough to satisfy everyone. Let me tell you this, maybe we shouldn't aim for everyone's interest, instead, we should be true to ourselves for them to really understand the emotions we want to convey. The true story behind success."
I was glad that his place isn't that far from the dorm. Yet, I have to think of a good lie to tell my roommates if they ask. Damn, I suck at lying
I'm not the type of person who makes up my own story but I have to get used to it. In the first place, I won't be surprised if they won't notice even that I've been gone.
Just before I rode off the car, the driver gave me dinner sealed in a disposable container.
"This is a home-made dinner cooked by Dong-Yul for you. He seems like a sweet person, doesn't he? He added a side note to tell you that you should get used to the taste of Korean cuisine because, after a few months, you'll be heading to South Korea. He also told me that he'll try to find different snacks which contain less calories so that you could lose weight a bit. He cooked this meal just for you so make sure to enjoy it."
"Thank you so much kuya," I exclaimed, "I'll make sure to eat it all. So, I'll be heading back. Goodbye and stay safe!"
"Alright, Mia. Be careful too while heading back to the dorms since it is already dark. My name is Erik, 7AD's official road manager since their debut. You should know that you're lucky 'cause I bet his fans would get easily jealous once they know his kind act towards you. Just please at all costs, you won't do anything that might destroy his reputation."
I've noticed that his driver has a friendly vibe when it comes to passengers like me. I know why he's being protective around Dong-Yul.
"I will assure you that his name will stay clean under my presence. I still want to thank you for driving me back to the dorm. Stay safe po kuya," I said with a smile.
A thought came out while I was climbing up the stairs. Why did Dong-yul cook me dinner? Do I have something to do so that I'll repay him back? Or did he do it out of sincerity? Maybe he was just in the mood of cooking and gave me leftovers.
I reminded myself, "Don't even bother thinking about it all day. Of course, it doesn't mean anything. It's not like he is responsible for feeding you every day. He'll eventually get tired cooking for you if he does it every day."
The red digits blinked as I looked at the digital clock hanging on the wall. I was relieved that I haven't arrived past curfew. After signing in the dorm's logbook, I went straight to my room, jumped onto my bed, and hugged my brown teddy bear.
I caught my roommates' stares while they were arranged in a circle. I might have disturbed them while they were busy talking about the latest gossip.
"You just arrived? Where did you go? You definitely look like a robot with dead batteries," Elisha blurted out to me.
I made this story up a while ago during my ride. I hope that my story is convincing enough for them to believe.
"Honestly, I am mentally drained from studying," I laughed sarcastically.
"Aren't we all?" Everyone else laughed at her statement.
"My parents wanted me to attend some tutorial sessions from the best tutorial center within this city so that my GWA (general weighted average) might increase. Based on my new schedule, I'll mostly arrive here around 6:30 in the evening"
They gazed at me a puzzling look. "But as far as I know, you're already an independent person. I think paying for extra tutorials is just a waste of money," replied Elisha.
"I believe that there's room for improvement. On the contrary, I really do believe that I need additional sessions so that there would be little improvements that might lift my grades up to the cut-off grade of a PHL (Principal's Honors Lister)."
"If that is the case, in which subject do you do you find it difficult? "
I tried to put on a straight face. "Physics and Chemistry. I'm pretty bad at it whenever I need to solve problem-solving questions. Too much solving makes me dizzy," I lied.
"Alright. We'll just ask you if ever we need your help. We're much worse than you are."
I remembered that I have written notes for some Physics and Chemistry lessons during our vacation. I even bring it everywhere I go. At least, I have "proof" to show which will make everything easier to hide.
The following day, My alarm went off multiple times, breaking the peaceful silence while everyone was fast asleep. We were all tired from yesterday's assessments given by our teachers. I sat upright and glanced at my list of requirements I've written on my daily planner.
While I rewrote my own notes, I played some of 7AD's songs I'll listen to. Whenever Dong-Yul's part goes on I remember how his actual voice sounds like in acapella.
It was as sweet as honey, like a remedy to one's sorrow, blends, and gradually transitioned from melody to harmony smoothly. No wonder he's the main vocalist of his group. His voice is versatile with every song he sang to.
I shouldn't be thinking about his voice right now. I want to focus and familiarize myself with my important notes and their explanations before class.
In an instant, my phone vibrated a moment after I finished finalizing my notes. It's a new message from Dong-yul.
"The same black van will be picking you up today. I won't be there because I'll be waiting for you in my apartment. Remember this plate number: NBE 1879. As for today, we'll be focusing on dancing. Bring your comfy clothes, I'll let you change in the apartment. Send me your class schedule as well so that we will know when to fetch you."
I ... I haven't practiced a lot. I'm not a good dancer but I practiced a lot at home. But to be honest, I am one of the worst dancers there is. I wished Dong-yul would not laugh at my attempt later.
I scrolled through my gallery and sent him my class schedule. How could I practice under these conditions, my teachers are giving us too much work to do?
And since I will leave Nation's Science High School after 1st Quarter, I have to tell my best friends sooner or later about leaving. I don't want to leave them without a proper goodbye.
During lunch, I started rewriting my previous notes through an outline. I saw Brianne looking straight at me. She might have noticed my lack of sleep from last night.
"Mia, do you know that your performance became viral on YouTube?"
My eyes widened, "Really? Let me see."
The video she posted went up to 400k views. Most people who commented praised my performance.
"She's so incredible. Let us hear her sing again."
"She should become a singer soon."
"I never knew that a voice like hers existed. I left astounded."
"When will we see her on your next vlog? Please include her."
"I hope that someday you'll be recognized as the nation's finest singers. A 17-year world with that type of voice is rare to find these days."
My lips curled into a big smile. No one has ever praised my vocals before.
"Mia, you should join my next vlog. After exams?"
I sighed. I couldn't stay here after our quarter exams. "To be honest Brianne, I'll leave this school after our exams. I just need to handle some paperwork then I'm gone."
Their facial expressions shifted with my response.
"Why are you going to leave Mia? After the first quarter examinations, you're seriously going to leave this school?"
Everyone looked sad to hear this from me. I know it's too early to say this but I wanted to inform them before I leave.
"My distant relative gave me a scholarship. I don't want to waste an opportunity to study in South Korea's great educational system. My parents already made their choice too."
"As of now, you cannot tell anyone about this. Absolutely no one!" This was Dong-Yul's reminder from our last meeting. I'm sorry but I cannot reveal the truth yet even if they are my best friends.
"You can finish high school here. Why do you have to leave so soon?" asked Clemenz.
Without hesitation, I replied, "This is what my parents wanted for me. They allowed me to transfer because they know that it will help me pursue my desired course for college. Maybe it will be an unfamiliar place for me but I know that I can adjust."
They were left with thoughts for a brief moment. "If this opportunity will make you truly happy, of course, we will support you. Don't worry, we will be okay. Just don't forget to message us every once in a while." They smiled and gave me a big group hug.
I will miss them. I wish that the decision I made is worth it. After I let go of the embrace, I felt an immense pain on my back which felt like broken glass slowly piercing through my body. Strangely, a heavy headache surged and intensified at every second. I know that I'm taking good care of myself, yet I slowly discovered that something felt wrong.