The hibiki wolf grinned at Senza but Dingii scowled at him. He pulled Senza's hand hard and grabbed hold of the beads on his chest. 'Are you out of your mind?' he blurted out.
'You know that it wasn't fair that mother died the way that she did. She has been through so much - '
'And so?! You want to bring her back just so that she can continue to suffer all alone here?' Dingii balled up his fists.
'It's not okay that she has died before her name is cleared. She did not betray father therefore she is not supposed to bear such a heavy punishment.' Senza reasoned but Dingii growled at him.
'So, you are going to marry that thing?' Dingii asked him through his teeth.
'I have a name. It is Nila.' the hibiki wolf announced but neither of the brothers turned to give her attention.
'I will get out of this deal and mother will be able to return to the village. For now, let's bring her back.' Senza whispered to Dingii.