Chapter 13 - Accused

King Daniminga met the crowd in the scorching sun. Martina was already down on her knees and guarded by three warriors. The rest of the warriors shoved the people back with their spears. None of them were allowed to enter the royal grounds.

Martina wiped her tears away and sobbed quietly. Her grey eyes were swollen and her running nose was stuffy. She felt helpless and perplexed at all the hatred thrown at her. The emotional torture she was forced to endure made her understand why Eclipse and Breenis never wanted her going there.

The people were the coldest she had ever met. Whenever she caught a glimpse of them, she saw nothing but disgust and in anger. There was absolutely nothing that she felt she could have done to cause them to despise her so much.

King Daniminga approached Martina and the villagers waited in anticipation. More and more gathered around the royal palace hoping to get a glimpse of Martina's impending fate. After all, they needed something to gossip about.