Nzelu let go of Mbesu and bowed before King Daniminga who was clearly not happy to see him. King Daniminga glared at Nzelu so much that tension filled the air. The lone dwarf took his protective position behind Nzelu and eyed the armed guards.
'You, what are you doing here?' the king asked, unamused.
'To make sure that justice is served.' Nzelu boldly answered with his old eyes closed.
'Like you did many years ago?! It is your fault that the kingdom has been threatened today. Had you not interfered with Eclipse's execution, none of this would have happened.'
Nzelu pinned his walking stick and put his hands together, 'Your anger is justified your majesty and there is no denying that this girl is guilty. I only came here to save the innocent lives of Dingii and Senza.'
'What?!' Tinta exclaimed appalled.