Three thin lime green snakes curled around a plate of mashed potatoes and were careful enough not to drop a handle less silver cup of milk. Flies flew around the food and Martina did nothing to shoo them away.
Her lifeless eyes stared ahead into nothingness. Trapped in her own thoughts, she did not see the dwarf looking at her with concern. He quietly approached her and was about to pick up her plate when a snake lashed at him. He quickly pulled his hand away but tripped and fell.
The dwarf groaned and pulled himself up. He furrowed at Martina who was still staring into space. It was clear to him that the ruckus he caused did not break her trance. She was far gone in her thoughts—almost as if, she was no longer there.
Nzelu's sudden sigh startled the dwarf. He bowed and paved the way for Nzelu to approach Martina. Nzelu paid him no attention and squatted down in front of Martina. He cleared his throat at her, but she did not break free from her thoughts.