Senza laid fast asleep on his belly. Neatly stitched up were his wounds. With the help of Nzelu's herbs, they were healing up quite nicely. Senza groaned in his sleep and sniffed. He sniffed again... again—he got up with a jolt and rushed to his window. Senza face palmed at Nila smiling from ear to ear at Mbesu.
Mbesu studied Nila's enchanting appearance. Her crystal eyes and coffee brown skin are what caught him off guard. There was no denying that she had Jabu roots. Nila set her hand on her hip and twirled a braid mirthfully. Mbesu jerked his eyebrow up and her odd cheerful mood.
It was quite unheard of for anyone to visit a home that just housed a funeral smiling much less when you're a stranger. Miyani and Mbesu exchanged baffled looks. As for Dingii, oh, he sort escape immediately by tippy-toeing into the house unnoticed.
'Young woman, who are you and what brings you to my house?' Mbesu politely asked Nila with a faint smile.