Two Fates On a Plate

Non ducor, duco.

How was this old lady unfazed if what Elwyn saw was true? I looked at Loralie now, who was calmly reading a book, turning a page with the same, but older, longer hands Elwyn claimed that plucked away a human's inner organs in her childhood.

Why is this girl altering my beliefs of standard reality?

"She is not altering anybody's conservative thoughts, little boy."

Li Bann came straight to me after her prayer, when I was too indulged with my thoughts while Elwyn was busy vomiting his guts out. Poor him.

"Someone is a bit too curious, aren't they?" She walked to Elwyn and handed him tissues.

"I'm only half-gifted so yeah, I get desperate for things I can't have, like seeing the future and past, for example. I can only have visions of what's happening at the current moment only if I'm supposed to see it. I can't see through people, but their visions come to me." Elwyn explained.

"You're of our kind, aren't you? Irish blood runs in your veins." She asked.