"This boy will have to interfere with my fate? This loser? This weakling?! I have no use for timid, sneaky rodents trying to fix my life up, no thank you. You are a joyless Utopia to me, Blaine Bennett. Perfect, but joyless." Loralie said to Li Bann with disgust.
"And you are a bittersweet Dystopia, Loralie Hansel."
Seriously? Bittersweet Dystopia? How the hell did I come up with such a lame comeback?!
"Did you just call me a Dystopia? Do I look like a depressed human being to you now? How dare you, Blaine Bennett....come here!"
She lunged for my throat but missed and instead gripped my shirt for a moment and the impact was so hard, two buttons popped out of my poor shirt like popcorn.
"Elwyn, help!"
"I got you!"
I ran while Elwyn blocked Loralie's path the next second and that only angered her more.
"Out of my way you skinny log!"
"I'm sick! Help me Loralie, help m-"