Recording of Holken and Dr. H’s conversation, 11012292, around midnight

NOTE: Condition; Badly damaged.

[Holken]: Doctor, I’m sorry to hear that-

[Doctor]: Sir, you don’t understand, he’s all I have left, don’t-

[Holken]: Doctor, just let me explain. The child would be doing great harm to us if this procedure is not done. Everything you have worked for will be gone. You left him for a reason. You sacrificed a lot. Which is why you don’t get a chance you go running back to him now.


[Doctor]: Sir is there anything I can do-

[Holken]: No, doctor, not unless you want to die.

[Doctor]: At least tell me why, sir.

{short pause}

[Holken] That is classified information. However, I can tell you that this building is no longer safe anymore because of your son and his friends. Even though the government was overthrown ages ago, we no longer are above the law.

{short pause}

[Holken]: Clearborne isn’t ready, but the Sage is. Yosnana is, Ustreyburg is. We need the best of our kids. We should be willing to sacrifice for the safety of our nation. More and more people are hearing the wrong things about us. OUR people! And it was your son’s fault. You’re lucky I didn’t kill him myself.

{long pause}

[Doctor]: I understand, sir.

{Footsteps are heard, along with the sound of a blade being unsheathed. A smacking sound is audible, then a deep laugh echos.}

[Holken]: You think you are so clever. I assume you forgot how I achieved my status.

{Grunts are faint but still perceptible.}

[Holken]: The truth is {incomprehensible}

{A scream, almost silent, can be heard through the recording. Footsteps follow and eventually cease.}

End of Recording