Everyone finishes their breakfast, stomachs anything but empty. The dishes are in the sink, or was. I place the last plate in the dishwasher. Doing the chores is pretty easy when there's only three people living in this house, occasionally four if we're including Evelyn. I wash my hands and dry them by just doing what any other person would do, flicking them around until they dry.
I flop down on the couch. While mom and Camil are out, I'm staying home. Mom told me that Evelyn was coming over. So I wasn't surprised when I heard the doorbell ring. I get up and sigh softly, I was comfortable. I walk over to the door and open it, seeing...someone familiar. It looked like the man from my dreams. I rub my eyes, thinking that I'm probably hallucinating. I was right. Standing right there in front of me was Evelyn. I sigh in relief. Did I get enough sleep last night?
Evelyn smiles and puts her hands on her hips. "Not happy to see me?" She says jokingly, at least...I hope she's joking. the thing about Evelyn, is that she is incredibly sassy. If there was a word for someone beyond sassy, that would be her. But also, she's very kind. I can basically tell her anything and she won't judge. She knows about my dreams because obviously mom told her.
I shake my head and chuckle softly. "relived actually." I reply, smiling softly. I walk out of the doorway so that Evelyn can walk inside. She closes the door and sits down on the chair. I prop myself up on a couch.
Evelyn takes off her sunglasses from her head. "So, what's up kiddo?" She says, taking a sip from her iced coffee. Evelyn is like that one New Jersey aunt everyone wants.
I shrug, mentally debating if I should tell her or not. On one hand, she could be very loyal and not tell mom, but on the other, she could totally sell me out. "Uh, not much I guess, mom and I made pancakes but I'm guessing you already knew." I reply, smiling softly. Mom posts on Facebook a lot so it would make sense for Evelyn to see mostly everything. Plus, mom would also tell Evelyn herself.
I see her nod. "Yea, Facebook, and is that it? That sounds like a pretty boring morning." She replies, taking a sip of her iced coffee that was probably from Starbucks. Almost everyday, she gets coffee from Starbucks. If it's not from there she probably made it at her house.
I laugh softly. "Ah of course, Facebook." I smile softly. "And, yea that was my whole morning." I reply.
Our conversation continues. We laugh, shake our heads, more laughing. For me, add in a little bit, no wait not a little bit, a ton of thinking. I really need to tell someone but can I really trust her? I think about the times where I told her things, but nothing comes to mind. I sigh softly and I have a decision in mind.
I'll tell her
"Actually, Ms. Evelyn, I need to tell you something." I say, trying to figure out my next words as I fidget with my sleeves of my shirt.
She raises her eyebrow. "You never call me Ms, Evelyn." she said skeptically. She sits up, looking worried. "What's kiddo?" Evelyn is basically my second mom. "If you're going to come out to me, I already know." She said.
I shake my head, not questioning how she knows. "Well, can you please promise me that you won't tell mom?" I say before I say anything about my plan.
She pauses for a second then nods. "Anything for you kiddo. I won't tell." She smiles. "I promise. I never break my promises." Of course, I feel as if I have to believe her, and I do. It's true, she never breaks her promises, no matter who it is.
I nod. "I need to leave." Is all that I say.
She looks at me like I'm crazy. "What?"
"I need to leave. I need answers about my dreams. I can't stand them. I need to find out who these people are, and I need to find out what this all means. I have an address and it's in a city that's kinda far from here but still in the state. I'm going to tell mom of course but please understand." I say quickly. I catch my breath.
Evelyn looks taken back. After a few seconds she nods. "Alright, if this is really what you need, go for it. Just know that if your mom says no, you make sure you still go. You will not stop if someone tells you no. You'll keep going until you get answers, understand?" Her reply was filled with a strong tone
I nod hesitantly. "I understand."
She smiles and nods. "That's my boy! Just know, even though the answers may hurt, it's going to be okay. You stay strong and move on knowing that you have answers, even though they weren't the ones you wanted."
I nod once more. A good thing with Evelyn is that she gives amazing advice. At first glance you might think different, but my god she is amazing with giving advice about anything. Love, friendships, dreams, school, you name it.
I honestly don't know why I was worrying so much. Now that I think about it, it was kinda stupid to worry so much.
After that, we continued talking like nothing happened.
After a couple minutes, my mom walked inside of the house with my little sister, holding bags from Spencers and Justice. My little sister gives me the Spencers bags with a smile. I thank her. She then went to sit on Evelyn's lap.
I get up and walk over to my mom. "Hey ma, can I talk to you for a second?" I ask quietly, once again fidgeting with my sleeves.
She nods and we both go near the stairs. "What's up birdie?"
I take a deep breath. "I need to leave for a bit."
"Oh, for how long? A couple hours? You know that you can go as long as you shoot me text." Mom smiles and she ruffles my hair.
I shake my head. "N-no, for a while. Out of the city, for around three weeks or more." I say, my heart racing. If my heart could drive, it would go so fast, it would leave the face of the Earth.
"Out of the city? For a couple weeks?" She repeats, almost silent. "No, no no no no. Absolutely not." She says.
I sigh. "Please? I swear it's for a good cause-" I get cut off by mom mother yelling.
"I SAID NO!" She yelled, stomping away. I sigh. I had a feeling this would happen. Looks like I'm doing this the hard way. I decide not to argue, when mom gets real pissed, it's not pretty.
I go up to my room and shut and lock the door. I open my lap top and search for hotels near around the city I'm heading to. I see a four star one. I click it. It doesn't look bad at all. I book my stay.
I then grab a duffel bag because honestly I don't want to carry around a suit case. Heavy and noticeable.
I grab clothes, cash, my credit card, a charger, and some other things and placed it in the duffel bag. I'm going to hope that this is enough, if not, I can always go to the stores around there.
There's no way I'm taking an Uber, so I'll probably take a train or a bus, maybe even both if that's needed. I'll see how far the bus can take me. I hide the bag in my closet. I go back to my desk and open the book with the address in it. I take it and placed it in my phone case.
I hope that my mom and sister will be okay with me. They should be fine, they have Evelyn. But still, it hurts to leave the people I love for some answers about dreams. I already booked my room in the hotel, so there's no turning back.
Hopefully once I figure all of this out, I can stop these dreams. I can finally be free. Let's just hope that's the case. If not, at least I understand them, even though I'm already sick of it. Maybe these dreams are meant to drive me insane, I don't know. I'm going to hope that's not the case of my existence.
Once everything is in place, I hide all the evidence of my packing and my laptop. I clear all the tabs and my search history.
Will I finally be free? Will all my stress for this be forgotten. I'll hope that's the case. But I also have to put logic into this. Logic is important and it's not all just hope.
Because like I said,
Hope can only get you so far.
It’s sadly a fact. No matter how much you hope and pray, It’s not like you’re going to get things handed to you. You still need to work for it.
It’s the sad truth.