

Wesley sighed as the vending machine got stuck with his kitkat pressed against the glass. He pressed his forehead against the cold glass.

"You have to tap it on the left"

He looked to his right and saw Jackson leaning against the wall. He did as Jackson suggested and smiled when it dropped.

"Thanks" he says waving the chocolatey treat in the air.

Jackson chuckled. Wesley has a similar personality to Charlie, no wonder they got together.

"Can i ask you something?" He says. Wesley nodded as he stuffed the kitkat bar in his pocket.


"How did you know that you liked Charlie?"

Wesley chuckled.

"When i saw his eyes....that day he was just taking out the trash at your home and i was coming out of my car, i saw him and i immediately fell for him....although he's the same age as my son so i know how creepy that may sound"

Jackson shrugged.

"Age is just a number man, as long as Charlie is happy then I'm happy, that's all that matters, Life's too short to care about something like age or race"

Wesley patted Jackson's shoulder.

"I appreciate you saying this....when Charlie wakes up let's do our best to get him the help he needs....i know he wouldn't want me telling you this but whenever we made love he'd want it rough and I'm assuming it's because he feels like that's the correct way"

Jackson sighed. It seems his little brother has been going through a lot without him knowing about it.

"Deal, we'll take it one step at a time"

The doctor walked up to them.

"We've stopped administering the anesthetic so he'll be awake in a few minutes"

"Thanks Doc" Jackson replied.

They went inside Charlie's room and saw his skin back to it's glowing nature. Wesley held his hand and smiled when it was warm.

"You'll be just fine Charlie....we're here for you"


Ian placed the dishes in the dishwasher. He turned to Vince who was roaming around the living room.

"If you're looking for my baby pictures you are out of luck, i had them moved"

Vince laughed at the remark.

"I see, what should we do now?"

"Hmm" was Ian's response as he tapped his chin.

Vince smiled at him and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Want to make out?" He whispers.

Ian blushed at the suggestion.

"Race you to the room" he says before sprinting away to the room leaving Vince dumbfounded.

"You cheated!" He says before running up the stairs.

Ian's giggles filled up the room as Vince tackled him to the bed.

"You're heavy get off me!" He whined.

"Are you calling me fat?" Vince fake gasped.

"I said heavy!"

Ian squeaked when his hands were pinned to his sides. His big eyes staring into Vince's darkened eyes.

Vince leaned in to his rosy lips.

"Vince" Ian says before Vince could kiss him.

"Yes bunny?"

"I.....I'm ready"

Vince's eyes widened in shock.

"Ready as in....for....sex?"

Ian blushed before he nodded.

"Wow......I....i don't know what to say"

"It's okay, we'll wait for a more special time"

Vince held his hands.

"Let's go on a date, just the two of us, whatever you want it to be we can do it, i want your first time to be special"

Ian smiled and kissed him, the lingering taste of the grape juice they drank for lunch making the kiss even sweeter.

"I'd love that" he whispered.

Vince pinned him to the bed again. And gave him a deep kiss, their tongues moving in sync as Vince deepened the kiss making Ian moan.

He pulled away from his lips to his neck, the soft skin begging to be marked by his teeth and bites.

"You're mine Ian" he whispered as he starts sucking on the exposed skin.

"All yours" Ian moaned, his toes curled as he enjoyed the feeling Vince gave him.

Vince went back to his lips, his front teeth pulling Ian's bottom lip drawing blood, Ian moaned tasting the metallic taste of his own blood.

He felt Vince's hand on his crotch making him whimper, the clothed shaft begging for skin contract as it throbbed under its cotton cage.

Vince started to move his hand along Ian's shaft stroking it making Ian moan loudly, his breathless moans making Vince feel satisfied with what he was doing.

He started to palm him faster and Ian started to move his hips along with his rhythm, his closed eyes and bottom lip in between his teeth.

"Ah Vince" he moaned holding his wrist of the hand that gave him so much pleasure, the pressure building up in the pit of his stomach increasing with each passing second.

Vince then snuck his fingers down Ian's underwear, his fingertip brushing over Ian's wet tip sending the boy over the edge.

"Ahh" Ian moaned as he came inside his pants, he received a kiss to shush him up.

Vince pulled away and smirked.

"I look forward to tonight"

Ian blushed. With a breathless voice he replies,

"Me too"


Beeping, he could hear a steady beeping noise, is this what heaven sounds like? Beeping? Or was this hell?

He struggled to open his eyes for a few seconds and when he finally built enough strength to open them, a bright light burned his eyes making him wince.

He looked around and could see two people sleeping against the bed on both sides, he squinted and could see Jackson and Wesley.

Wait, so he's not dead? He could see the distress on his brother's face, did Jackson stay here while he was in the hospital? Then he looked at Wesley, he wore the same expression on his face.

What has he done?!

He laid back on the bed and memories of that day flashed in his mind, the pain of not being able breath made his breathing quiver for a moment.

A choked out sob made Jackson wake up, he saw Charlie wiping his tears.

"Charlie? Hey...what's wrong buddy" he asked as he started to cuddle him.

"I'm so sorry Jacky, I'm so sorry" he cried.

His loud cries waking Wesley up, he frowned when he saw Charlie crying.

"Charlie what's wrong? Are you in pain"

Charlie nodded and patted his chest.

"My heart hurts, it's hurting because i caused you so much pain" he whimpered.

Wesley held his hand tightly.

"Charlie it's okay, you're going to be alright, Jackson and i will be on your side all the way"

His sad tears turned to happy tears as he hugged the both of them.

At first he wanted to disappear, he felt like the world was too cruel for him but now.....now he has his own cheerleaders, maybe he'll give life a second chance.

"I love you guys"

"We love you too Charlie....we love you too"

A/N- are you ready for Ian to get his cherry popped? (´‿`) i accept gifts (^3^)