
Douches and Plugs (EXPLICIT)

"I'm telling you Alice he made me cum in my underwear!"

Alice laughed at him. Ian was being his dramatic self.

"So what, it happens, but are you ready for him though?" She asks.

Ian tossed on the bed, the phone in his hand placed on the bed before he taps the speaker option.

"What do you mean ready? All i have to do is not eat right"

Alice sighed.

"You have to get it cleaned Ian! Buy a douche or use a showerhead i don't know"

"I see....so I heard that you are not living at home, are you okay Alice?"

"I'm fine Ian, Jeremy is with me"

Ian sighed, he still doesn't like the fact that Alice stole Vanessa's boyfriend.

"I see...well thanks for the advice, talk soon"

"Bye babes"

The call ended and Ian laid in bed thinking about tonight, the possibility of things going wrong made him feel unprepared.

"Wait, i can just ask google"


"You've been spending a lot of time outside Vince meet someone special?" His mother asked.

Vince sat down next to her.

"I did and he's so cute i know you're going to love him"

"He? I see....you're still on the bisexual thing" she says with a sad sigh.

"Mom don't say it like that, you've met my other boyfriends and never had a problem with them"

"I know but you said you're bisexual, i was expecting a boy here and there and tons of girls not the opposite"

He sighed and stood up.

"I thought you'd support me no matter what but it seems your support comes with conditions, is this about the girl from that rich family?"

She turned to face him.

"Sweetheart you know I'll support you no matter what but your father's career depends on you marring that girl, you can divorce her after five years"

He scoffed.

"Five years? Mom I'm 18 for God's sake why are we even talking about this!"

"I can't do this right now, go to your room and wait for dinner"

"No i have plans, I'm taking my boyfriend out tonight"

She sighed.

"Very well then"


The doorbell rang and he ran down the stairs. He opened the door and smiled at the mail man.

"Thanks" he says taking the box after signing the form, he ran back upstairs to his room.

The small brown box laid in bed, Ian bit his bottom lip and tore the tape and opened it, he blushed when he read the small note.

-here is a little bonus for you to enjoy, and remember to use protection at all times-

He pulled out the small golden item, he frowned.

"Why does this doorknob look so weird" he says, it was shaped like a small pear with a handle at the end, it even had buttons.

He called Alice.

"Ian, don't tell me you don't know where the douche goes"

"No it's not that, i ordered one on Amazon and it came with a bonus item, it's like a gold door knob with buttons"

"What? Send me a picture"

He snapped the picture and sent to his friend. As Alice starred at the picture she didn't know if Ian was serious or not.

"Ian, that's a plug, you stuff it in your, you know"

He gasped.

"It's so big!"

"That's what she said" Jeremy said on the other line.

"Alice am I on speaker!"

"Duh, I'm in the tub with my boyfriend"


He hanged up and stared at the golden knob in his hand. He grimaced.

"Here goes nothing"


An hour later....

Vince parked the car across the street from Ian's home, he walked to the door and presses the doorbell.

Ian's mother opened the door and smiled.

"Well don't you look handsome, Ian will be right down"

"Thank you" he says smiling.

Ian came down the stairs, he was wearing a black dress shirt with black slacks, on his feet were a pair of white sneakers.

Vince smiled.

"You look cute"

"Thanks, shall we?"

"Yes we shall"

They walked towards Vince's car, Ian was happy to be spending time with Vince again.

They got in the car and Vince drove off.

"So i was thinking of going to a thai restaurant and then head to the park and gaze at some stars"

Ian smiled, it sounded perfect.

"I'd like that"


The night breeze blew the trees as the two laid on the lawn starring at the stars, Ian was getting nervous, the time was like it was on a sprint race!

"That star is you" Vince says pointing to the sky, Ian giggled.

"That's the moon" he says.

"I know, the moon is the biggest one out tonight and when it's day you're the sun because you're the only one i see"

Ian chuckled.

"That's so chessy"

"I know right hahaha"

Vince got to his feet and held out his hand.

"Let's take you back home"

Ian frowned, his home?

"Aren't we....going to, you know"

"We are, i had a fight with my mom so i think your home is the best option"


He was pulled up to this feet and they head to the car.

Ian started to sweat, this was it! The moment he had been waiting for but why was he feeling nervous?!

Before he knew it they had arrived home, what?!

"How....how did we get here so fast?"

Vince leaned in.

"You're overthinking babe, relax and enjoy the ride, come on, take me to your room"


He unlocked the door and they headed upstairs, each step Ian took sealing his fate but surprisingly he wasn't afraid anymore, he was excited!

Vince locked the door once he went in, he unbuttoned Ian's shirt slowly, their eyes locked.

"Are you sure you're ready?"

Ian's shaky hand unbuckled Vince's belt making his pants drop to his ankles.

"I'm sure"

Their clothes laid on the floor leaving them in their underwear, Ian was pushed to the bed with Vince climbing on top of him, their lips connected with a heated kiss, Vince's touch feeling like lava on his skin.

Vince pulled away from the kiss, Ian's breathless smile making him more horny for him.

"Hands above your head" he commanded.

Ian obeyed and gasped when his wrists were tied by Vince's belt. His sky blue briefs were pulled down revealing his cock, the organ's pink tip seeping in precum, Vince chuckled.

"You're so wet" he says before brushing his thumb over the tip making Ian whimper.

He took off his own boxers making Ian gasp.

"Wow that's....that's big"

Vince pressed his hard cock against Ian's.

"I'll be gentle" he whispers before grinding the two organs against each other, Ian's moans drowning the outside world.

"Spread your legs for me Ian" Vince whispered. Ian blushed before he did.

Vince was amazed. So Ian was not as innocent as he portrayed? He smirked and pulled the golden plug out of his hole.

"Mn, my good boy already prepared himself for me" he says before pushing his two fingers inside the gaping hole.

"Ah, mmh" he moaned, the feeling was odd but he enjoyed it.

Ian screamed in pleasure when a certain spot was hit, his cock twitching as it begged to be relieved.

Vince aligned himself at his hole after getting on position.

"It's not too late to stop now"

"It's okay, go ahead"

His screams got stuck in his throat as he felt himself stretching around Vince's large shaft, tears flowed down his face seeping into the duvet.

"Are you okay?" Vince asked.

He nodded. Vince didn't move for about two minutes yet his twitching cock was saying otherwise, he watched as Ian's members continued to flow with cum, the thick liquid flowing down to Ian's stomach.

He felt Ian relax and he began his thrusts, Ian's moans of pleasure reassuring him that he was doing a great job.

Ian couldn't tell if he was floating or not, he felt good!

"Harder Vinny!" He begged.

His tied up wrists were pinned against the bed as Vince abused his hole, their skin slapping against each other as their moans and grunts got thrown into the mix.

"You're so tight Ian" he says as he felt his climax reach its peak.

Ian felt like his soul was leaving his body, his arched back and curled up toes made Vince speed up even more.

"Ah! That's it Ian take my cum!" He roared as he came inside him.

Ian felt spent and tired, he moaned as Vince pulled out of him.

They laid in bed and Ian started to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You forgot to use a condom"

Vince chuckled.

"Next time bunny, next time"

He received a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you"

"I love you too bunny"

A/N- the smut dragged on a bit hope you don't mind. (՞ټ՞) leave a comment and a vote and add to your collection!